Chapter 0494 - Stuffed Ramen Made by Molecular Cuisine!!

"So domineering spicy, chicken wings, beef and noodles, fully integrated into this strong spicy, although it is the wild style of African cuisine, but also deep in the spicy way of Sichuan cuisine, it seems that you also have a certain understanding of the noodles in the Sichuan and Shu regions."

I have tried this African ramen in front of me.

Senzoemon 's gaze fell on Ongijima Fuyusuke.

Have to admit.

There is something in the third seat of Shijie.

Combining the cuisine of two countries. That's why I created this extremely spicy ramen.

Katsu nodded approvingly.

Although the positions are different.

But it is also impossible to deny the level of Fuyusuke Ongijima ~.

The special executive of IGO is so impartial.

Among the neon young generation, Fuyusuke Ongijima does have a place.

Moreover, it is very clear that the other party is not really willing to join Nakamura Thistle's camp, but is just forced to helpless.

Come to think of it~

She couldn't help but glance at Nakamura Thistle, who had a gloomy face.

Once again, a hint of remorse arises for the choice he made.

Young and frivolous, unscrupulous when encountering people.

At the beginning, I really didn't have much vision.

Look up at a VIP room on the third floor.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window stood a tall figure.

If he was born twenty years later, Chu Feng would be his best match.

At this thought, Xue Che couldn't help but laugh at himself a little.

Is she an old cow who wants to eat tender grass? Secretly shook his head.

Takeshi hurried to get rid of this unrealistic idea.

An excellent person like Chu Feng should be left to those young girls to chase.

If you have lived half your life, it is better not to mix.

Anyway, she just valued Chu Feng's talent and strength, and she couldn't talk about adoration.

Nakamura Thistle naturally didn't know what Kakushi was thinking.

If you know, it is estimated that it will be even more depressing.

In fact~

He's not just depressed now.

There is also an urge to vomit blood.

The devil knows when Alice is seen using her powers.

What was the feeling in his heart.

Seven-star chef awakens power, dare you believe it?

Even the vast gourmet club does not have this ability.

After all, whether it is a food hunter or a chef, the development of gourmet cells has to be developed step by step, and there are almost no shortcuts.

Even if he has the talent to devour the heart of the chef, it is only after the gourmet cells are developed to a certain extent that this skill is awakened.

How old is Alice now? How high is the level of cooking? Seven stars at most.

But she inexplicably awakened her power.

If you think about it with your toes, it must be a good thing that Chu Feng did.

Thistle Nakamura was extremely depressed.

It felt that Chu Feng was specially sent to fight against him.

Originally a stable wing halberd.

Now it's not just 3:2 behind.

The sixth inning is also estimated to be a bit hanging.

It stands to reason ~

Fuyusuke Ongijima, who awakens the heart of cooking.

The strength should be enough to crush Alice. But when the other party exerts his powers.

Nakamura Thistle's confidence is not so strong.

The right ability can completely compensate for the disadvantage in the level.

Not to mention ~

Fuyusuke Ongijima, who has just awakened her cooking heart, is not much better than Alice's cooking level.

The newly awakened Chef Heart is entirely likely to be reversed by the power.

Thoughts raced in his mind, but Nakamura Jixu still approved of Fuyusuke Ongijima's African ramen.

Spicy and full of flavor, it is indeed a good dish.

Taste it. The five judges have already commented on Fuyusuke Ongijima's cuisine.


It's Alice's turn to stuffed ramen.

"Stuffed ramen made with molecular gastronomy, the old man has never seen it in his life."

Jiro spoke first, only to make him love noodles the most. Look at the noodles in the bowl of clear soup in front of you.

Jiro wasn't surprised.

Spicy noodles, clear soup noodles, fried sauce noodles, dim sum made from noodles... In this world, he has basically eaten all the dishes related to noodles. In terms of taste, clear soup noodles certainly do not have the same advantages as spicy noodles.

But as long as it is done well, there are still a lot of diners to praise.

Jiro was the first to move the chopsticks.

Noodles made from a mixture of minced pork and minced shrimp.

Suddenly there is a taste different from ordinary noodles.

The ultimate umami is paired with just the right broth, and the smooth noodles feel an amazing strength as soon as Jiro tastes.

With the teeth biting lightly, the noodles that were obviously full of strength broke in response, and the feeling of Q bomb hit in an instant.

"Kind of interesting! Using a machine to extract minced meat and shiitake mushrooms, the essence of fungus, and after removing the essence, you can knead it into such a Q-bomb taste, the little girl is very good at molecular cooking. "

Jiro smiled and ate all over the world.

The bowl of stuffed ramen in front of him can only be regarded as average in his opinion.

But the unique way molecular gastronomy handles ingredients still catches his eye.

There is a specialization in the art industry!

Jiro specializes in traditional cuisine, but he doesn't know much about molecular cuisine, which has only emerged in recent decades.

The level reaches the level of Lin Kitchen, and the removal of the essence can be completed casually in a single thought, without the need for any instruments at all.

Although a little surprising, Alice's attainment in molecular cuisine.

But Jiro's focus wasn't that point.

It is the power that the other party has just unleashed.

Seven-star chefs have special abilities.

Jiro is curious about how Alice did it? All present were smart people.

No one raised this question on the spot.

Who is Alice?

All five judges knew it.

Although the power of the Tsuki family is very large.

But only for the neon projectile land.

Placed all over the world and even in the world of gastronomy.

The power of the Xue Che family is not worth mentioning.

Even IGO and the Food Club can't make Chef Seven Star have supernatural abilities, let alone the Qiu Che family.

You don't need to think about it, Alice must have received Chu Feng's 'gift' again.

Only foreign objects can do such a bizarre thing.

Ask Alice and probably won't get an answer.

Even if you get the answer.

The other party will definitely not be able to come up with something that is enough to change the world pattern.

The key is still on Chu Feng.

Senzoemon and Kakukiri looked at each other. Decided to take the time to ask Chu Feng next.

The same goes for Jiro and Setsunai.

Although their relationship with Chu Feng is not so close now.

But things are man-made, and everything has to be tried.

Only Nakamura Thistle had a gloomy face, and his face was difficult to see.

Because after eating Alice's stuffed ramen.

With a high level of cooking, he quickly measured the answer.

Alice's stuffed ramen is indeed slightly better than Fuyusuke Ongijima.

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