Chapter 0495 - Two rounds early to seal the victory, the victory of the Wing Halberd!!

"Alice, your progress is really amazing to me."

The corners of Kakuki's mouth rose.

The anti-thistle coalition won another sentence.

At this time, she was in a good mood.

But what surprised Kakushi even more was that.

The improvement of Alice's culinary level.

Jiro and Setsuna didn't feel anything.

After all, the two had never met Alice before, and at most they knew a name.

Although the other party is a top genius in molecular gastronomy.

But the talented chef who has not yet grown up is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Chef Lin.

What's more, with the rumored talent of Alice, the possibility of reaching the realm of Lin Chef is extremely low.

Kazuki Shinki is different from Senzoemon.

Since returning to the Tsuki family.

Makoto occasionally tastes Alice's cuisine.

Compared to more than a month ago, it is a world of difference.

Especially after Alice uses her powers.

It's like changing people.

Xue Che was a little afraid to recognize each other.

"Aunt Zhenji has won the award, and everything has to be thanks to Boss Chu."

Alice was rarely serious, and her expression was extremely humble.

Xue Che Zhenji nodded slightly, knowing that what the other party said was the truth.

Without Chu Feng, the Anti-Thistle Alliance would not have been able to achieve the current score, and Alice and the others would not have been able to progress so fast.

Looking up at the VIP room on the third floor, and glancing at the Xianzuowei Gate beside him, Xue Che couldn't help but sigh with emotion, or the old father had the vision, and he had already befriended Chu Feng.

Otherwise, with the deployment of Nakamura Thistle, maybe he really wants to include the Far Moon Academy.

Of course, with the heritage of the Yuanyue Group, a school is nothing, and it is a big deal to build one elsewhere.

It's just that the Kakukiri family started with cooking, and the ancestors founded the Engetsu Gakuen in order to promote the way of cooking and cultivate more excellent chefs for the culinary industry.

The efforts of several generations have created the glory of Yuanyue Academy, and Senzoemon has devoted his life to this school.

If it was still taken by Nakamura Thistle, Tsukiri Makoto didn't know how he felt

But it is certain that Senzoemon will definitely not be able to stand it.

It's tantamount to watching someone else snatch your child.

Now with an overall score of 4:2, the Anti-Thistle League has the advantage and a huge winning percentage.

Shinki can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As long as Erina and the others in the back do not make mistakes, even if Nakamura Thistle's people win two games, they will not be able to regain this disadvantage.

It's just that everyone, including Tsutsu Che Zhenji, did not expect that the battle situation behind would become a one-sided situation.

Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo, successively took Si Yingshi and Ki no Kuni Ninning.

Akane Kubo Momo was originally ranked higher than Ki no Kuni Ninning, and it was reasonable to win.

But the strength presented by Xiaolin Gentian blinded everyone's eyes.


The first seat of Yuanyue was crushed by the second seat before, which was really beyond everyone's expectations.

"Sure enough, the gap between me and you is getting bigger and bigger now."

After losing the competition, Si Yingshi couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

But his tone was not the slightest bit frustrated.

Because he had fought with Xiaolin Gentian many times before, and it was the result of more losses and fewer wins, Si Yingshi had already been mentally prepared.

After Kobayashi Gentian won the game, he did not have any arrogance.

"I told you a long time ago, go to Chu Feng's business more, maybe you can learn more things if you have a slightly thicker skin... But you didn't listen, and insisted on agreeing to Nakamura Thistle's proposal, who can blame you. "

Xiao Lin Gentian secretly shook his head, feeling a little pity.

She and Si Yingshi joined the junior high school at the same time, and the two have always occupied the first and second places in the grade.

It is both a competitor and a friend who cherishes each other.

Who knows that because of different philosophies, they will eventually go to the opposite side.

It's just that Xiaolin Gentian didn't think about it, if he hadn't met Chu Feng, what choice would he make in the face of Nakamura Thistle's invitation?

Looking at his spirited friend, Si Yingshi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I have never doubted Boss Chu's cooking skills, and I know that his cuisine can inspire me a lot, but letting ordinary people taste such food is really cruel, and I really can't agree with his approach." "

Si Yingshi is a proud man.

Now his mentality is very similar to that of Ichiro Pau twenty years ago.

After a long time unable to awaken the heart of the cook, unable to go further, his mentality gradually became extremely anxious...

So much so that Minmin saw a group of upper-class people who did not know how to cook and commented on his dishes, and he would have an urge to lift the table.

But with a restrained personality and fear of life, he will definitely not be able to do such a thing.

At this time, the appearance of Thistle Nakamura gave him hope of solving the problem.

By screening out people who are eligible to taste their own cuisine, you may be able to get your mindset back on track.

Anyway, that's what Si Yingshi thought, so he hit it off with Nakamura Thistle.

Who knew that facing Xiaolin Gentian again, he still lost badly.

Silently, he and Ji no Kuni Ning Ning returned to his camp.

It was clear to everyone that Nakamura Thistle had already lost.


There is no need to continue this joint halberd.

On the side of the Anti-Thistle Alliance, Kohei Sojin, Alice and Megumi Tasho all had smiles on their faces.

Tian Suohui didn't expect that without her making a move, the person in front of her would already be scooped.

Although it's a bit of a pity, this feeling of lying down and winning is really good.

Tashoe secretly looked at her elated companions, as if no one had noticed her careful thoughts, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the judges were on the bench.

Senzoemon looked directly at Nakamura Thistle, and said in a deep voice: "You have already lost, do you want to continue?" "

United's 5.6 halberds were the winner on aggregate.

Now that the eighth inning is over, one side is leading by four points, and there is really no need to continue.

Even if Qianliu and Xiaozhu win two games in a row, they can't change the final result.

Thistle Nakamura is well aware of this and doesn't want to stay here any longer.

The original food halberd was stable, but now he was alone in the small field.

Not to mention losing, but also being ridiculed and ridiculed by a group of people, the mentality almost collapsed.

What went wrong?

Thistle Nakamura is clear on the answer.

It's all to blame Chu Feng!

Without this person, there is absolutely no possibility of defeat for the Wing Halberd.

However, because of Chu Feng's existence, in just three days, the people around Erinai were completely new.

This kind of teaching ability is simply ridiculously strong, and Nakamura Thistle doesn't know how the other party did it...

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