Chapter 0496 - The Rectification of Yuanyue Academy is Urgent!!

"The people of the Anti-Thistle Alliance actually won?"

"Miss Erina-sama and the champion of the autumn selection did not make a move, do you dare to believe it?"

"Strong! It's so strong! This first-year student of the Higher Division is really strong. "

"The new golden age of the far moon has finally arrived..."

"Shit! Strong is also Boss Chu strong, about the anti-thistle alliance what's the matter. "

"If it weren't for Boss Chu's kindness to guide them, I might not know who it would be."

"Sour, you guys continue sour, if there is no talent, in just three days, even if the dragon chef personally teaches them, it is impossible to raise their level to this point."

"If nothing else, the people of the Anti-Thistle Alliance are really talented."

Stare at the total score on the holographic big screen. At this moment, everyone's breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

Even if you watch the whole halberd the whole time.

They still feel a little incredible.


Everyone gasped. The world seems to be warming a little bit again.

No wonder the audience was shocked.

After all, before the halberd began.

Nakamura Thistle's strength on paper is obviously more than one step stronger.

Who knows how it really compares.

The people of the anti-thistle alliance are like chopping vegetables and chopping melons.

The final victory was achieved cleanly.

Except for Kohei Sojin and Ryo Hayama, who lost, everyone else won.

Although the last two competitions did not go ahead, everyone felt a bit of a pity.

But the strength displayed by this group of first-year students is still extremely surprising.

After all, they are facing senior seniors, members of the ten masters who have been famous for a long time.

This result was beyond everyone's expectations. For a while, the audience's eyes fell on Thistle Nakamura. Don't get me wrong, it's not pity, it's just a joke.

Food has always had a bad reputation in the culinary world.

If Nakamura Thistle hadn't joined, maybe he could also rely on his personality charm to win over a group of people.

After all, in the original work, there are also many brain-dead fans who willingly join his camp.

However, since joining the food party, Nakamura Thistle has not had that kind of good luck...

On the judges' bench.

Facing Senzoemon 's inquiry.

Thistle Nakamura remained silent in a rare manner.

Now he has nothing to say but silence.

However, it can be seen from his gloomy face.

He must have been very reluctant.

However, the sacred rules of the halberd, Nakamura Thistle did not dare to violate them.

Originally, he planned to use this rule to consolidate his own power and then collect a group of geniuses such as Erina.

Who knew that there would be such a reversal.

With a gloomy face, Nakamura got up and walked to the passage of the venue.

Qianliu and Xiaozhu looked at each other, shook their heads and followed each other. The two of them don't care about the halberd, they can play more than once.

There is no unity in the food club, let alone a sense of collective honor.

Chiryu and Kotake join the food party, both for their own reasons, but they certainly have nothing to do with Nakamura Thistle.

The fifth branch of ministers is a disgrace, and it has nothing to do with the two of them. Si Yingshi and the others, who remained on the sidelines, looked at each other.

I didn't expect Nakamura Thistle to walk so crisply.

The four people who voluntarily attached themselves to Nakamura Thistsu, Eizan Edatsuya, Shoko Himagi and Shiratsuki Toshio couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at this time.

Especially the latter three, I thought that I hugged a thigh, who knew that the other party was so instigated, and did not take them to heart at all.

Otherwise, even if you lose the halberd, you will lose control of the Far Moon Academy.

Nakamura Thistle can also take them away, even if they join the food club, it doesn't matter, but leave them here now...

Eizan Edatsuya and the others immediately looked around warily.

Well, they were afraid of being beaten to death by their classmates.

After all, they are the real traitors. On the other hand, look at Isshiki Hui and Ki no Kuni Ning Ning and others.

is an indifferent look.

There was even a hint of a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Anyway, they only agreed with Nakamura Thistle that they would do their best to participate in the competition, and then the gourmet club would no longer embarrass their family.

As for the final victory or defeat of the halberd, several people did not care.

Now this result is extremely satisfactory to them.

Then, they saw Erina walking over with Kohei Sojin and the others.


"Senior Sister Ki no Kuni~"

"Saito, Ongijima~~"

Tashoe greeted Isshiki with a smile.

For the people of Polar Star Liao, Isshiki Hui is a very responsible senior, who likes to wear it over an apron.

Erina nodded towards Ji no Kuni Ninning.

And Kobayashi Gentian smiled and greeted Muneaki Saito and Fuyusuke Ongijima.

Everyone exchanged pleasantries.

Kohei Sojin even leaned over to Isshiki and shouted, "Senior Isshiki, I will definitely not lose to you next time." "

That's right~ Kohei Sojin is very unwilling now.

Eight people went to battle.

In the end, he and Hayama Ryo lost.

It's a shame.

So when I saw Isshiki again, he quickly launched a declaration of challenge.

When Isshiki heard this, he said with a smile: "This is not certain, if you want to win me, Kohei-kun will have to continue to work hard." "

Kohei Sojin: "Now my understanding of the heart of the chef is indeed not as good as yours, but I will catch up with you soon..."

Now the medicine king only felt that his whole body was full of energy, and he couldn't wait to fight Isshiki Hui for another three hundred rounds.

Xiao Lin Gentian looked at Si Yingshi and spoke, "Xiao Yingzi, what are you going to do next?" "

Although 720 has different philosophies, she still regards each other as friends.

It's just that Si Yingshi and Isshiki Hui and others are different.

He took the initiative to go to Nakamura Thistle's side.

The Tsutsukiri family regains control of Engetsu Gakuen.

A big purge is definitely going to be done.

He and Eizan Edatsuya and others are definitely the first to bear the brunt.

Shaking his head, Si Yingshi said in a deep voice: "Next, I will take the initiative to apply for withdrawal from school, and then go to the West for a few years." "

Xiao Lin Gentian nodded slightly, although he was a little reluctant to this old opponent.

But she knew it was the best outcome.

Moreover, Siyingshi himself is good at Western cuisine.

Going there early can also enrich your experience.

As for Eizan Edatsuya and the others, no one is taking care of them at all now. The former is notorious, and the rest are not familiar with the people, no matter what they do.

Senzoemon did not embarrass Nakamura Thistle and let the other party leave.

After all, Thistle Nakamura is the fifth branch head of the gourmet club.

As long as you are not prepared for an all-out war with food.

Ordinary forces simply do not dare to do things too much.

The Shu Che family belongs to the general forces.

The situation in the culinary world today is indeed not easy to make a big move.

And he is busy next, and he doesn't have time to take care of Nakamura Thistle, and the rectification of Yuanyue Academy cannot be delayed...

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