Chapter 0507 - Alice's Night Attack, Jia Baili's Help!!

"When did I like him?"

Alice, who was alone in her room, muttered.

A girl in love always has a particularly complicated mind.

What's more, it is still in a state of unrequited love, and I think more.

Alice was also not sure when she fell in love with Chu Feng.

At first, she just admired the food truck owner who was not much older than herself and acted his own way.

I remember the first time I went to Chu Feng's place to eat fast food, she was still spicy and cried by the whole duck dish.

Thinking of what happened at that time, Alice couldn't help but laugh.

I remember the first time I saw Chu Feng, she only felt that the other party was very good-looking.

The first time I ate the other person's cooking, I didn't think anything other than amazement and shock.

But sometimes things are so magical, and feelings aren't so vigorous.

Most of the feelings between men and women are born in plainness, and even I am a little hindsighted.

Alice is like this, when she senses the strong and irrepressible affection, she faces her heart.

Her gaze slowly fell on the wardrobe, and after staring at it for a long time, she finally made up her mind.

Tonight, it is not to be missed.

Shyness and reservedness can be put aside for the time being, and Boss Chu will be taken down first.

Women are pleasing to themselves!

Alice quickly changed into a pink nightdress and stepped on high heels to the third floor, and she decided to take the initiative!


A knock on the door woke up Chu Feng, who was reading.

Without mentally 'looking', he knew that it was Alice who knocked on the door.

Today, Saturday, in the evening, the Maple Leaf Pavilion is not there except Alice.

"Could it be that this girl has encountered another problem in cooking, so can't she come and ask the next day?"

Chu Feng shook his head, but still got up and went to open the door.

Under normal circumstances, Big Boss Chu would not refuse a girl who was thirsty for learning.

Besides, everyone has been together for so long, and they always have feelings.

Who knew that as soon as he opened the door, Chu Feng saw that the other party was dressed in a more 'sexy' dress.

The pink nightdress is more snug-fitting, highlighting most of the delicate figure.

The snow-white skin under the strip has a faint hint of red, and there is a hint of flattery in the green, as if it is about to enter the picking season of peaches.

(0o0)...... Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

But it doesn't seem so surprising.

This nizi, actually learned to seduce herself? It's really good not to learn, learn some bad things.

I like it, though!

Chu Feng never felt like a decent gentleman.

He is the same as the men under heaven and loves all things beautiful.

It's just that he has never known how to deal with emotional problems, and rarely takes the initiative

All along, Chu Feng belonged to the party being chased, and he blamed this damn appearance for seeing Alice now, and he immediately understood what the other party meant.

After all, this is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, and Tianyu Chopping often does this.

It's just that compared to the Tianyu Slash, Alice is still more conservative and not so prominent.

But being able to do this level had already surprised Chu Feng and was a little moved.

Everything is logical and logical.

Although the two did not say much, Chu Feng did not refuse. He has always advocated the policy of not taking the initiative and not refusing it, and I am responsible. After all, it is a very cruel thing to refuse the affection of a girl. Boss Chu is always too soft-hearted, of course, it is impossible to make Alice sad.

One night without words~

Early the next morning.

Before the Maple Leaf Pavilion could open the door, it was banged.

Chu Feng, who looked displeased, frowned and went downstairs.

Originally, he was in a good mood, but whoever was disturbed by Qingmeng like this would not be in a good mood.

Casually opening the door of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Big Boss Chu was ready to teach this unknown guy a lesson.

Who in the whole Weijing didn't know, don't come to disturb him when the Maple Leaf Pavilion didn't open the door.

Now there are actually people who challenge the rules they have set, and they are bold.

Who knew that as soon as he opened the door, Chu Feng saw Jia Baili with a bitter face.

Then, before he could react, the blonde girl threw herself into his arms.


What's going on? Have you committed peach blossoms these two days?

Why are there always girls who throw their arms around? Alas, all blame this damn charm.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't want to do this.

He also wants to be a single-minded good man. But the strength does not allow ah.

This is very distressing.

Gently wrench open Jia Baili's head.

Because Alice, who heard the movement, had already gone downstairs.

Just discussed with the other party for one night, just got up and hugged other girls, Boss Chu felt that this was not good.

It was only after Jia Baili let go that he found that the other party, like Alice, was staring at a pair of dark circles.

Alice almost didn't sleep all night, Chu Feng is his own, after all, he is the party, but how can Jia Baili seem to have not slept all night?

Well, that's normal! Internet addicted girls, not sleeping for a few days is the norm.

Although Jia Baili has been working part-time now.

But her dedication to the game is no less than her pursuit of delicious cuisine.

"Say, what happened, it shouldn't be that there is no money, right?"

Looking at Jia Baili Chu's pitiful appearance, the kind Boss Chu still kindly asked.

Playing games Krypton Gold is nothing new.

She can take a month to endure not krypton gold, Chu Feng will say a.

So it was certainly not because of the money that scared her out crying.

Just as Chu Feng was guessing wildly, Jia Baili suddenly raised her head and said almost pleadingly.

"Chu Feng, you must help me this time!"

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