Chapter 0508 - Jia Baili's Sister, Jia Elu White!!

A pair of A's, sorry.

Facing the 'Chu Chu pitiful' Jia Baili.

Chu Feng subconsciously remembered the touch that the other party had just thrown into his arms.

It turns out that she is really small, not as big as Tianyu, let alone comparable to Thor and Alice.

Chu Feng officially verified and did not accept any rebuttal.

Sure enough, there is no harm without contrast.

However, good villains are also old customers, and they can't drive each other out because they are small, and Boss Chu is still very moralistic sometimes.

Therefore, Chu Feng smiled and asked, "Say, what trouble are you getting into again?" "

Just like Jia Baili's usual salted fish appearance, her nostrils are facing the sky when she talks to people.

It's normal to really offend someone unintentionally.

This guy won't be kicked out by the café owner, right? Chu Feng suddenly thought.

He had seen Jia Baili's attitude towards the owner at the Angel Cafe.

That café owner is simply like inviting an ancestor, doing everything himself, but also filling the gaps for Jia Baili, and the hourly salary is still extremely high.

This is outrageous!

Sometimes Chu Feng wondered if the other party already knew the true identity of Jiabaili, so he deliberately curried favor with this waste material angel.

Who knows, Jia Baili, who was staring at a pair of black eyes, stared at Chu Feng stunnedly, and said coldly.

"My sister is here."


Chu Feng didn't know how to answer this.

No, your sister is here, why are you running to my side like you are frightened? The brain was slightly confused, and Chu Feng soon remembered the characters in "The Fall of Jia Baili".

Jia Ai Lu White Jia Bai Li!

The most powerful battle angel among the young generation of the celestial realm.

Holding the trumpet of annihilation, once it is blown, it is enough to destroy a mortal world.

And Jiaelu White's character is also a little flawed, often because of some small things want to blow the horn.

Although she can hold back every time, it cannot be denied that she has a certain violent tendency

At least in Jia Baili's eyes, her sister Jia Ai Lu is a very, very terrifying existence.


Jia Baili now insists on working part-time every day. Nor did the daily expenses depend entirely on the celestial realm.

Except for rarely going to school.

There was nothing out of the ordinary in the world.

Jia Ailu should not fight just after meeting.

Shaking his head, Chu Feng said curiously: "It should be a good thing that your sister came to see you, why are you afraid of this?" "

Jia Baili rolled her eyes and said angrily: "It's a good thing to fart, I've been busy playing new games these days, and the room has not been cleaned at all, she used her divine steps to transmit along the breath of the old lady, and fell directly into the garbage heap, and exploded on the spot." "

Chu Feng was speechless.

What else can he say now?

I was happy to come down to see my sister.

As soon as I arrived at my sister's house, I fell into the garbage heap.

No one can stand this.

Not to mention the angels who have always been proud of their purity and nobility.

Jiaai Lu did not blow the trumpet of annihilation because of this, and she was already quite restrained.

And also~

How many days has this guy Jia Baili not gone out? The garbage at home can already be buried.

It's outrageous!

There is no focus on personal hygiene at all.

With a woman like her, who dares to marry? Chu Feng complained again in his heart.

No wonder this guy hasn't come to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat in some time recently. Dare to find a fun new game again, and stay at home all day.


It can only be said that it is not the right time for Jia Ai Lu to come.

Some time ago, Jia Baili was quite diligent.

Suddenly, Chu Feng seemed to have thought of something, and said curiously: "Your sister's strength should be stronger than yours, right?" "

Jia Baili raised her head and said proudly: "That's of course, the younger generation of the angel family, she is definitely the strongest one, surpassing us too much, and is known as the angel who is most likely to inherit the title of Archangel Gabriel." "

"Well, it's really powerful."

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Battle Angel Gabriel.

God sat down one of the seven-winged archangels.

And it is also the strongest one.

Jia Ai Lu will be eligible to inherit the title of Archangel in the future.

Suffice it to say about her talent and strength.

But here's the problem~

"Since your sister is so strong, how did you jump out?"

I remember that in the anime, Jia Baili was in the hands of Jia Ailu, and she had no power to resist at all, let alone escape.

If nothing else, let her run four kilometers first, and Jia Ailu can completely catch up.

"Of course, it's with God's walk."

Jia Baili said of course.

Chu Feng was surprised: "Your thing can still be used?" "

Jia Baili was a little unhappy: "What do you say?" Look down on me, huh? Now that I've regained my grip on the Walking Walk, I'm definitely not going to teleport my clothes out again. "

Well, you pair A, you have the final say.

Chu Feng secretly complained, and quickly thought of the reason.

After eating a lot of his dishes, Baili's divine power and skills are gradually recovering.

Being able to use the Godwalk step normally is the best proof of this.

"Well, even if you can escape from your sister's hands, it's useless to run to me, it is estimated that the other party will catch up soon..."

As soon as the words fell, Chu Feng pouted, because he had already felt a divine aura rapidly approaching the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Jia Baili also sensed her sister's breath, and immediately said anxiously: "Boss Chu, I know that you are a big man in the Celestial Realm, you must help me this time, for the sake of me patronizing your business so many times." If my sister catches me, I will definitely die, and she will definitely bring me back to the Celestial Realm..."

In a hurry, Jia Baili grabbed Chu Feng's arm, and the whole person shrunk behind him, speaking a little incoherently.

It can be seen that Baili is indeed very afraid of Ailu.

It's just that you said I'm a celestial boss?

I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about me! Chu Feng was a little confused.

When did he become a celestial boss? I don't know what Jia Baili thinks.

And what kind of brain circuitry can come to this conclusion. Unknowingly, his racial settings were changed.

Don't talk nonsense~

We are human beings with good roots.

Don't think of me as an angel with wings.

Just when Chu Feng secretly complained.

A beautiful girl with long blonde hair appeared in front of the door of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, and her body bloomed with a white light.

A pair of holy and beautiful wings on his back.

There is a beautiful and shining halo above the head.

The whole body was wrapped in a rich and powerful holy light.

Jia's Ailu. White Gabriel!

Jia Baili's sister, from the Celestial Realm...

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