Chapter 0513 - Erinai's Intuition, Tang Dynasty Dried Fish Fish!!

12:15 p.m.

The atmosphere of the Maple Leaf Pavilion is slightly subtle.

Erina, who was dressed in a formal suit, stared at her cousin suspiciously.

I always feel that Alice today is very different from the past.

But if you really want to ask her what is different, you can't say. In short, what absolutely happened between Alice and Chu Feng.

It has to be said that sometimes women's intuition is very scary.

For example, some daily cute girls only need to find a little clue in the process of dating their boyfriends, and they can immediately turn into a female version of Sherlock Holmes, instantly pointing to the truth.

After Erina's half-day work, wearing a white shirt and a short black skirt underneath her professional outfit, she rushed to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that he is hungry, and the dishes he makes are far inferior to Chu Feng.

Thinking that there was still a lot of work to be done, Erinai was ready to take the rare free time at noon to comfort herself.

Far Moon Academy has just experienced some twists and turns, and there is still a lot to do if it wants to recover as before, or even become better than before.

Since yesterday, Eri 357 Nai has been very busy and has not stopped for a moment.

Recently, I have been accustomed to eating the dishes made by Chu Feng, and I don't eat every day like three autumns, and it is the limit to endure until now.

Alice 'dropped out' and came to Maple Leaf Pavilion, Erinai knew, and this kind of thing could not be hidden.

But as the granddaughter of Xue Chexian Zuoemon, keeping the school status is such a thing, just operate it casually, and no one will say anything.

So Alice is still a student of Yuanyue and has even been selected into the new top ten list.

In fact, when the team was eating halberds, Erinai was faintly aware of Alice's feelings for Chu Feng.

It's just that I didn't expect my cousin to move so quickly, and the halberd jumped ship just after the end", ready to come to the near water building platform to get the moon first.

And looking at this posture, it seems that she really made it? Erina, who wore red-framed glasses, was a little confused.

It always felt like I was missing something.

If she took the initiative a little, would the person standing next to Chu Feng now be herself?

Of course, Erina, just thinking about it.

The huge Yuanyue Academy still needs her.

Grandpa is old and has reached the age of retirement.

Coinciding with the chaos of the Far Moon, Xianzuoemon fortunately passed the position of commander-in-chief to her

Now, Erina, who has become the new commander of Engetsu Gakuen, is even more unlikely to leave with his hands.

"Alice, if you have time, go back to Yuanyue to help, now the Ten Masters Council is completely busy."

After discarding all unrealistic thoughts, Erinai said to Alice seriously.

There was no selfishness in these words, and Yuanyue was really busy recently.

The new Ten Masters have been released.

The third-year students of the Higher Division are about to graduate, so none of them were selected this time.

At the first seat, after some discussion and discussion, Tashoe, who was timid in the past, rose to the top.

The second seat, Isshiki.

The third seat, Alice Chery. The fourth seat, Ki no Kuni Ningning. The fifth seat, Kohei Sojin. The sixth seat, Kume Teruki. Seventh seat, Ryo Hayama.

The eighth seat, Kurokiba Ryo.

Ninth seat, Takmi Aldini.

The tenth seat, Shinto Crimson Sand.

This list did not exceed Chu Feng's expectations. It is also very suitable for the current level of cuisine of this group of people.

The new household Crimson is on the list, which is well deserved.

After all, he has eaten a lot of his dishes with Erina, and although he usually does not show mountains and water, his cooking level is still very good, definitely surpassing most of the students in Yuanyue.

Hearing that she was in third place, Alice couldn't help but be a little stunned, and then stared at Erinai like a fool.

"Erina, are you sick? I'm not going to go back to school, what do you mean you give me a whole third seat? "

Alice muttered and stared at Erinai with some dissatisfaction.

Just confirmed the relationship with Chu Feng, she now just wants to stay in the Maple Leaf Pavilion and stay by her own man's side at all times.

As for whether the Ten Masters Council can be busy, what does it have to do with her Alice?

"Alice, don't make trouble, don't forget, you are also from the Qiqi family."

Erina's face was straight, and she directly ignored Alice's willfulness.

The latter pouted, knowing that what the other party said was the truth.

She is also a member of the Tsutsuki family, and the matter of the Far Moon Academy is the matter of the Getsuki family, and she also has an unshirkable responsibility.

It's just that the thought of the drastic reduction in time with Chu Feng in the future, Alice is a little unhappy.

"First of all, when the Maple Leaf Pavilion is closed, I will go back to help."

After hesitating, Alice added again.

Erina: (⊙_⊙)...

No wonder people often say that married daughters splash water. Alice hadn't passed the door yet, and she was tied to Chu Feng. I'm afraid that after a while, she won't even bother to go home.

Erinai was speechless for a while, but there were also so many billions of lost envy.

If he is not the tongue of the new generation of gods of the Xue Che family, it is estimated that he can also be so willful.

Shaking his head, Erinai didn't think much about it, turned his head to look at Chu Feng, and forced a smile: "Today I want a dried fish fish, and the crimson sand wants a soup of eight precious lotus seeds." "

"Dried fish fish? Tang Dynasty cuisine? "

Chu Feng was slightly stunned when he heard this, and information about this dish instantly appeared in his mind.

Dried fish fish: Tang Dynasty cuisine, made of bonito, eaten with green leaves, the taste is especially fresh

This is an ancient recipe, the preparation method is cumbersome, the requirements for the preservation of fish are extremely high, in the ancient times when the refrigeration preservation technology is backward, absolutely only the big nobles can enjoy it

This dish is used.

Fish fish is actually sashimi.

Only because there was no refrigeration technology on the ships of the Tang Dynasty, the obtained fish could only be peeled and boned, its refined meat sunburned for three or four days, dried and put into a white porcelain bottle, and then transported to the capital Chang'an for the royal family and nobles to enjoy.

This dish was extremely cumbersome for the ancients, and it was extremely difficult to eat it once.

But for the modern era where refrigeration technology is highly developed, it is still a world dominated by gastronomy.

Even an ordinary restaurant can be made decent.

Chu Feng looked at Eri Nai a little surprised.

Knowing that this niko must not know which book I saw this dish from, so I wanted to try it.

Waist shook his head, it seemed that under his influence, Erinai liked Nakagaku more and more.

Well, it's not surprising that who calls Chinese cuisine broad and profound.

Even the neon people's obsession with sashimi is estimated to have come from the Tang Dynasty...

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