Chapter 0514 - Dried Fish and Eight Treasure Lotus Seed Soup!!

The people of the Tang Dynasty loved to eat sashimi.

Both river fish and sea fish love to eat this way.

Many people are even more obsessed.

Nowadays Neon's craze for sashimi.

Most of them also came from the Tang Dynasty at that time.

Because of this way of eating at that time, the requirements for the preservation of fish meat were extremely high.

Therefore, even the court officials are not easy to eat.

So clever people invented the practice of dried fish catfish.

In the "Notes on the Great Business"~ there is the practice of dried fish fish.

"When the day of the heat in May and June, the sea is harvested, the large one is four or five feet long, the scales are thin and purple, and there are no fine bones and no fishy."

When caught, that is, it is made on a sea boat, its skin and bones are removed, and its fine flesh is cut and dried with it, and for three or four days, it must be extremely dry, and it is filled with a new white porcelain bottle, and it is served without water

Seal the mud, do not let the wind in, after fifty or sixty days, it is not new.

"When you take it, and out the dried fish, with the cloth, the big urn holds the water, and the three moments come out, and the cloth drains the water, and then it is agitated, and it is scattered on the plate, like a new catfish..."

It can be seen that since ancient times, this dish has had a complete set of methods.

From the selection of ingredients to processing, from serving to draining, and even serving plates to garnishing, there are very complete records.

Of course, with the magic of the system, Chu Feng did not need such a complicated and cumbersome process.

There is the perfect dried fish in the points mall.

There is a magic saint bronze, and you don't even need to soak for a long time, you can make the most perfect dried fish at any time.

Chu Feng immediately started drying, without a single ink.

In a moment, a dried fish fish was placed in front of Erina. A few green leaves are placed around the white jade-like sashimi. Simple embellishments, but with a simple beauty.

The five-spicy meat vinegar on the plate has a faint sour taste.

Even people who don't like sashimi will probably be tempted to swallow their saliva when they see this dish.

Erinai is an authentic neon person, and traditional culture has long been deeply rooted in her bones, so she naturally loves sashimi.

The first time she saw the dried fish fish, she couldn't help but light up her eyes and picked up the chopsticks with a smile.

Fine and fragrant leaves are spread, the tendons are evenly adjusted, the body of the sea fish is not fishy, the flesh of the fish is soft and white, and after drying and green leaves, it is very visible!

Staring at the dishes in front of him, Erina's mind immediately came to mind the record he saw in the book.

The dried fish made by Chu Feng is almost exactly the same as the records in ancient times.

"Si Guoyi! Boss Chu is really powerful, he really restored this ancient dish! "

Before Erinai had time to sigh, the crimson sand on the side couldn't help it first.

While admiring, the short-haired girl did not forget to swallow her saliva, thinking that she was also very interested in this dried fish fish.

However, this was ordered by Erina, and she was not good at overstepping the rules, and could only hope to taste a piece or two of fish later.

Fortunately, he also ordered a Eight Treasures Lotus Seed Soup, since it was also from Chu Feng's hand, I think it would not be inferior to this dried fish fish.

Lotus seed soup made with lotus seeds, red beans, black beans, peanuts, fragrant rice, white kidney beans, kidney beans and raisins.

Cook slowly over medium-low heat, then add the appropriate amount of rock sugar according to personal taste.

Although it is a Taoist porridge, the eight treasure lotus seed soup made by Chu Feng is very thick and white, and the eight treasure porridge always exudes a faint aroma.

Crimson itself is very good at medicinal food, and naturally knows that this is the result of all the essence of the ingredients being squeezed out.

The delicate nose sniffed lightly, smelling this smell, she could imagine the taste of this cuisine.


The result is still different from her brain supplement.

The sticky and sweet porridge tastes delicious.

When the hot eight-treasure porridge runs down the throat.

The flavors of several ingredients are all intertwined, and the end is a supreme enjoyment.

After only taking a sip, Crimson had forgotten the dried fish on the table at this moment, squinting his eyes and savoring the mystery of the Eight Treasures Lotus Seed Hall.

Although with her current ability, she can't spy on it at all.

But after careful analysis, the return is always a slight gain.

This is where Dragon Chef is honored. Even if it's just a casual cooking. Even if diners can't get a peek at it.

You can also get a little inspiration from this.

And this little bit of inspiration is enough to last a lifetime.

Erinai and Scarlet enjoy the dishes quietly.

The laughter of the other guests of Maple Leaf Pavilion seemed to be completely unable to affect them

In fact, among the guests who ordered Chu Feng's cuisine every day, there were not many chefs.

After all, as the capital of the Neon Country, there are countless aristocrats and celebrities in the upper class.

Now many nobles will send people to squat opposite the Maple Leaf Pavilion every day. As soon as Chu Feng opened the door, the guys who were free would flock to him. This also caused that few flat-headed people snatched Chu Feng's top spot.

Big Boss Chu didn't care about this.

Anyway, it is difficult for ordinary people to be willing to patronize Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Dishes starting at 5,000 yen have eliminated many customers who do not have high spending power.

What's more, the price of dishes made with fantastic ingredients is surprisingly high, and even Erinai rarely orders this, but only tastes it occasionally.

Now Chu Feng rarely picks customers, and most of the time he lacks interest in skill crit.

When a person has countless skills, there is little demand for this aspect.

Every day he just cooks fifty portions according to the custom, and Alice and Thor do the rest.

If he suddenly wanted to take a break one day, he could even take care of the fifty dishes

Do whatever you want, act spontaneously, and live a simple life, which is Chu Feng's daily life now...

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