Chapter 0515 - System Mission, Hundred Immortal Brew and Dionysian Dragon!!

Dionysian Island in the world of gastronomy.

Chu Feng, Alice, and Akemi Miyano stood on a small hillside.

As far as the eye can see, it is a dark jungle with endless expanse.

Behind the hillside is a large sea with vast smoke waves and boundless endless. The ridge-shaped slope below you is the dividing line between the dense forest and the sea. This is Dionysian Island, tens of thousands of miles away from the Balon Islands.

Although the two islands are not far apart.

But the strength of the fantastic creatures on the island is very different.

The overlord Dionysaurus on Dionysian Island, with a level of up to 37, is far from comparable to the Balon giant crocodile.

"Lord Chu Feng, this is Dionysian Island?"

Akemi Miyano came to the food world for the first time.

Although along the way saw several islands including the Baron Islands. But the dream creatures here do have a much stronger breath than the previous ones.

Alice had previously followed her mother to the food world.

But also just lingering at the entrance, did not dare to go deep at all.

Now standing thousands of miles away from the entrance, I can't help but look around curiously

Alice has awakened the gourmet cell, and although her strength is very weak, she can also sense a lot of breaths that are countless times stronger than herself.

If she came here alone, she would definitely be trembling with fear at the moment.

But beside Chu Feng, Alice was fearless.

She believed that the man she chose could protect herself.

It's just that~

Alice never understood why Chu Feng suddenly wanted to make wine, and he had to use dream ingredients as the main material.

That's right~

After the daytime business is over. Chu Feng directly turned off the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Suddenly proposed a trip to the food world.

Thor has been here a few times and is now lacking in interest in the food world.

On the contrary, Alice and Akemi Miyano are very interested in the food world, and they almost do it without thinking.

It's just that Chu Feng's temporary decision made made the two a little confused.

Chu Feng didn't explain much either.

He couldn't tell them that the system rarely released a mission, so he came to Bacchus Island on purpose.


The system of diving for many days, finally released the mission.

[Temporary mission: Brew Baixian Brew with 100 kinds of ingredients, of which ten dream ingredients are required, and sell ten copies within three days, the price must not be less than 100 points, and complete the reward: Jade Dragon Pot x2! ] 】

The task suddenly released by the system also made Chu Feng unguarded.

Rewarding the Jade Dragon Cauldron or something, in fact, he didn't care.

Mainly after coming to this world, he has never sold alcohol.

Baixian Brew, when you hear this name, it is a good wine.

Anyway, idle is idle, it is better to brew it and try it.

Although Chu Feng didn't like to drink, it didn't hurt to taste two glasses occasionally.

As for whether it can be sold?

Boss Chu said that there was no pressure.

100 points?

It's only 1 million yen a cup.

With the current name of Chu Feng and Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Even if the price is ten times more expensive, there are people rushing to ask for it.

Since he wanted to make wine and required ten kinds of fantastic ingredients, Chu Feng naturally set his sights on the food world.

Although you can also buy ingredients in the points mall, you can reach the food world directly with the magic walk.

If you want fantasy ingredients, do it yourself, why spend that unjust money.

Anyway, after the system is upgraded, dishes made from ingredients that are not produced by the system can also be crit.

In the past, Chu Feng was just too lazy to run, plus he felt that it was not necessary.

But making wine is not the same as cooking.

The demand for fantasy ingredients is relatively large.

Or is it more practical to capture it yourself...

Dionysian Island, Chu Feng is no stranger.

When he and Caibo Chaoyang ate the halberd, the other party took out the Dionysian shark.

After that, Chu Feng also made a special trip to check the information of Dionysian Island in the IGO intranet

This island appeared on the map of human exploration since the dawn of the world of gastronomy.

IGO has quite detailed information inside.

The island is known as the land of wine, and it has only a variety of wine springs.

Fantastic creatures that live on this island.

Because of long-term consumption of foods and spring water with a high alcohol content, the meat of the whole body also contains alcohol.

This is a paradise for selecting brewing materials.

The target of Chu Feng's trip was the Dionysian Dragon.

This level 37 dream creature is nearly fifty meters long and weighs more than twenty tons.

One hundred grams of meat can be fried on the black market for 1780,000, which is definitely an extremely rare product.

In the entire Dionysian Island, the number of Dionysian dragons is numbered.

Coupled with the high level, the capture difficulty factor is high.

The amount of Dionysian dragon meat flowing into the present world is very small, and even fewer people have tasted it.

On this island, the Dionysian dragon has almost no natural enemies, and lives comfortably like a 'world hegemon'.

So when he saw Chu Feng and his group.

The Dionysian dragon was almost defenseless.

Just look at the 'little ants' under your feet with big, cold eyes.

This Dionysian dragon is 48 meters long and purple-white throughout.

A pair of flesh wings extend outward, revealing the bright red flesh underneath. It resembles a seal's head and two stout tails.

This creature gives people an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Let's be honest~

Chu Feng felt that this creature did not resemble a dragon at all.

It's more like a patchwork product in a lab.

Of course, the peculiar geography of the food world makes it normal to create even strange species.

Facing the Dionysian Dragon who looked at his group like an ant, Chu Feng did not make a move.

It was Akemi Miyano who did it.

Don't see that she is just an angel halfway out of the house.

But what allowed her to complete her rebirth was the tears of the archangel Raphael.

Coupled with Chu Feng's unintentional operation, she created this alternative angel Miyano Akimi's current strength, which is definitely not comparable to the orthodoxy of the Celestial Realm.

After all, without systematic education, there is a natural lack of advantages. But now she is definitely stronger than the waste wood angel after the fall.

Therefore, Akemi Miyano 4.3 is a killing move.

"Divine Ruling, Holy Light Sword!"

This is the strongest blow that Akemi Miyano can use right now.

A translucent lightsaber tens of meters long quickly took shape in the air.

The divine aura and overwhelming power instantly enveloped the Dionysian dragon in front of him.

The huge Dionysian dragon, slow movement speed is the biggest weakness. Wait until it reacts to the few 'ants' in front of it, it's not easy to mess with.

It's already too late.

With its relatively slow speed, it could not escape the ruling of the Holy Light Sword.

A sword light flashed, directly and cleanly penetrating the huge body of the Dionysian Dragon.

Perhaps this overlord entrenched on Dionysian Island did not expect that he would be killed by humans so easily, and he died so unclear.

Until the moment when life completely passed, its eyes were still full of shock and unwillingness...

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