Chapter 0516: Chu Feng Probably Won't Make Wine?!!

"Sister Akemi, it's amazing!"

On the hillside, Alice watched this scene dumbfounded, a little frightened and stupid

To be honest, it was the first time she had seen a transcendent make a move when she was so big, and as a result, she directly killed a level 37 fantasy creature in seconds.

For Alice, this was undoubtedly shocking.

Akemi Miyano slowly retracted her pure white wings and fell from the air.

Ming's eyes skimmed, and then said with a smile: "Compared with Master Chu Feng, I am still far behind. "

Miyano Akimi knew very well in her heart that her strength was completely worthless compared to Chu Feng.

In fact, she also knew that if it weren't for Rafiel's tears, she wouldn't have been able to have such a strong strength.

Rafel's tears are precious, and it is estimated that the food world and the human world combined are so unique.

The divine power contained in it is enough to create an angel with weak strength in the celestial realm.

The current Akemi Miyano is placed in the celestial realm, and it is definitely not in the ranking, and it is estimated that it is also the degree of the tail of the crane.

But in the human world, defeating a level thirty or forty fantasy creature is not a problem.

Facing the honest Miyano Akemi, Chu Feng smiled and did not say 04.

Xiao Moi's sister is good at everything, just like to tell the truth.

But Alice wasn't surprised by that.

She had always known that Chu Feng was very strong, but she didn't have a specific concept.

But from the attitude of IGO and Gourmet Clubs to Chu Feng, it can be seen that the two huge organizations are full of jealousy towards Chu Feng.

Single-handedly deterring the two major organizations was enough to show Chu Feng's toughness.

Alice couldn't help but be a little glad of her choice.

Put away the ingredients available on the Dionysian Dragon, and the group set off again.

There is more than one ingredient required for Baixian Brew.

"Chu Feng, what kind of fruit is that?"

Along the way, Alice is like a curious baby, asking about almost every ingredient she sees.

Although Engetsu Gakuen also has a food guide, it is a bit stretched compared to the information that IGO and the Gourmet Club have.

In addition, Alice is still a first-year student, and her access to fantasy ingredients is very limited, and she knows very little about it.

What's more, even if IGO and Gourmet will explore the food world for thirty years, there are still many unlisted fantasy ingredients.

Now Alice was pointing to a white fruit, and Chu Feng glanced at it lightly: "White apple, a grade 1 ingredient, suitable for cocktails and desserts, it is not a high-end ingredient." "

Alice let out an 'oh' and wondered, "Why haven't you seen this thing on the market?" "

Akemi Miyano said with a smile: "It's normal, there are a few level 37 fantastic creatures sitting on Dionysian Island, and ordinary food hunters will not come at all, even if they are occasionally lucky enough to get some Dionysian Island specialties, it is estimated that they have just come out of the food world and were bought, naturally they can't flow on the market..."


Alice was slightly startled, and her expression was a little embarrassed.

Such a simple question, why didn't I think of the answer.

In fact, this is no wonder to her.

No matter who comes to the food world for the first time and has witnessed the power of extraordinary people, it is estimated that it is difficult to retain normal thinking ability.

Alice is like this now, full of confusion.

Although the grade of white apples was a little low, Chu Feng still picked a lot, in addition to raffia fruits and branch demons that were also Grade 1 ingredients.

Baixian Brew requires at least ten kinds of fantasy ingredients, and on Dionysian Island, there are not many high-grade plants, and it is one that can be put together.

The process of finding ingredients is very smooth, and the strongest on this island is the Dionysian dragon.

Just killed one by Akemi Miyano, and the rest are hiding, and now they don't dare to rise up at all, for fear of being killed by terrible humans.

High-level fantasy creatures already have a certain intelligence, at least instinctively judge the degree of danger, and it is impossible to easily jump out and send them to death.

Chu Feng was also happy, a Dionysian dragon was enough to make wine, and he didn't bother to find trouble with other creatures.

All the way to the west, on a 10,000-meter-high mountain, the group saw air and water

A kind of pure water gushing from the peak spring mountain, the mouth is smooth, like drinking air, you don't even need to swallow to feel the unparalleled refreshment.

This kind of pure water with extremely high transparency, Chu Feng decided to use it to make wine...

Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Chu Feng prepared to make wine.

Thor, Alice, and Akemi Miyano all gathered around, and even Haibara after school stayed in the kitchen, ready to see what flowers Chu Feng could brew.

As a scientist, Haihara is no stranger to the fermentation technology of sake brewing, after all, many chemical experiments will use similar methods.

Xiao Wei definitely didn't want to taste wine, she was still a child, and it was illegal to drink now.

The wine barrel used by Chu Feng was made of agarwood wood.

The wood supplied by the system contains a variety of microorganisms that allow the fruit to ferment quickly to produce various amino acids and nutrients.

Immediately afterwards, he took out various dreamy ingredients such as Dionysian dragon meat, white apple, raffia, BB corn and air water.

The blood and flesh of the Dionysian dragon were simply cooked, mashed with various fruits, and mixed into buckets.

Pour in an appropriate amount of distilled air water, seal the lid, and wait patiently for 24,077 hours to get pure Baixian brew.

The whole process was so fast that it didn't even take half an hour.

"Chu Feng, this is done?"

Alice was a little numb and always felt that the method was too simple.

Except for the high-end ingredients required for brewing, this Baixian brew seems to be nothing special.

Although Chu Feng's cooking seemed simple in the past, most of the time he used ordinary ingredients.

Being able to return to the basics and make the best dishes with the most ordinary ingredients is also the embodiment of Chu Feng's cooking skills.

But now, she felt that Chu Feng was a layman when he brewed wine.

How can you get a good wine by simply fermenting it?

Which master winemaker is not busy day and night to take care of it, and finally get the good wine...

Alice was a little worried, Chu Feng, who suddenly wanted to brew wine, might overturn this time.

But she doesn't think it matters, after all, everyone has limits, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Chu Feng, who has super cooking skills and strong strength, is already good enough, even if he can't make wine, it's normal.

As long as the other party is happy, no matter how she tosses, Alice feels that it doesn't matter, and she is willing to accompany her to the end.

A woman in love is so understanding...

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