Chapter 0517: Ten Teachers, Nine Rich, and One Lives in a Villa!!


A long-lost announcement appeared in the food group.

[Maple Leaf Court opens at 6 p.m. today, adding a new wine to 1.68 million yen a pot]

As soon as the news came out, Gu Shi set off a huge wave in the food group.

Since the opening of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng has released only a handful of news in the food group.

Generally not too important things, Boss Chu is too lazy to type at all.

And today, he released heavy news again.

There is wine!

Chu Feng finally planned to sell the wine.

This is indeed a big shock for the members of the food group.

After all, Chu Feng had never sold wine since he set up a stall.

And now, he seems to have figured it out.

If you have good food, how can you live without alcohol?

At least the few guys in the group who are addicted to alcohol are very excited at the moment.

Chihiro Chihiro: Did Boss Chu add wine to his shop? What a congratulations! (Excitement.jpg)

Shizune Hiratsuka: I don't know how the wine made by Boss Chu tastes? (Add tongue) pg)

Megumi Tasho: 1.68 million pots? What a horrible price!

Kohei Sojin: Poverty limits my imagination, and I really don't know what kind of sake can be bought at such a price.

Tao Yuqi Luoli: Can we still trust Boss Chu's craftsmanship? Although he has never sold alcohol, he will definitely not disappoint us, and it is only 1.68 million, which is not very expensive.

Jiabaili: Damn blue-lipped demon Ji, abominable capitalist, so much money to buy a jug of wine, are you panicking when you have too much money? If this money is used to buy game equipment, how much should I buy...

Kohei Sojin: Yes, 1.68 million, I can eat vegetarian dishes in Maple Leaf Pavilion for a year.

Chihiro Chiseki: Sake is rare, and it is not easy to hear the name of this wine, so I must buy a pot and try it today.

Shizune Hiratsuka: Go together, I'll pick you up by car right away.

Megumi Tasho: Uh, uh, if I'm not mistaken, Miss Chiseki and Miss Hiratsuka are all teachers of Toyonozaki Gakuen, right? Is the teacher over there so rich? (Tiansho Megumi, who stayed in Shijie's office, was a little frightened, as if the ordinary lecturers of Yuanyue would not simply come up with so much money to buy a pot of bars)

Shizune Hiratsuka: Huh~~~ Megumi seems to have misunderstood something? It doesn't seem that there is a conflict between us being teachers and having money to buy alcohol, right? Haven't you heard the saying that ten teachers are nine rich, and one lives in a villa.

Megumi Tasho:... Jia Baili:... Sojin Kohei:...

Seriously, they really haven't heard of it.

Are the current teachers so arrogant?

A winged angel in the food group, a man and a woman, fell into deep doubt at the moment...

The commotion in the food group, Chu Feng did not pay too much attention.

Only when someone @ him does he occasionally reply to ten sentences.

Originally, I planned to make a cup of Baixian brew.

But thinking that the portion is too small, plus the system does not have a hard requirement for the container

Fortunately, Chu Feng was a little more generous, and bought a batch of white porcelain bottles that were slightly larger than the wine glass.

Although the portion size does not increase much, the packaging is obviously more classy than the wine glass, which is fully worthy of the price of the wine.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, a red Maserati stopped smoothly outside the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

A young girl with long black hair and a medium-long red hair got down from the car and were Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro.

As said in the group before, as soon as the Maple Leaf Pavilion opened the door, the two arrived.

Self-proclaimed educators, naturally do what they say and do what they say.

Money is a trifle, and it is difficult to thicken the wine.

Shizune Hiratsuka still likes red supercars as always.

Like her temperament, she only drives red for both Ferrari and Maserati.

Chihiro Chihiro is not unable to afford a car, but the place where she lives is very close to Toyonosaki Gakuen, there is no need to buy a car at all, anyway, she usually does not go far away, even if she occasionally needs to use a car, isn't there still Shizune Hiratsuka, a good girlfriend.

Rubbing the car and eating and drinking, Chihiro Chihiro is definitely professional.

The two drunkards quickly stepped into the Maple Leaf Pavilion, and then saw Chu Feng standing in the window.

"Boss Chu, what about the wine? What about Baixian Brew? "

Hiratsuka Jing did not be polite with Chu Feng, and she never knew how to write the word polite.

Anyway, she had patronized Chu Feng several times, and she didn't need to pretend to be a lady in front of the other party.

Although even if she deliberately pretended it, she didn't pretend to be like it.

Looking at the two beautiful young girls, Chu Feng smiled and uncovered the lid of the wine barrel beside him.

Although Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro are relatively old, the years seem to be unable to leave traces on the two, and they still look bright and moving.

Of course, these are based on the fact that the two do not speak, and once they open their mouths, they destroy this beauty 100%.

Chu Feng didn't have much interest in the two educators, there were enough girls around him, there was no need to think about it in vain.

The barrel made of agarwood opened the lid, and a faint fruity aroma suddenly floated out.

Fruity and very smelly.

Chiseki Chihiro and Heizuka took a deep breath quietly, and suddenly sneezed at the same time, and their faces turned red in an instant, as if they had drunk alcohol.

Although the fruity aroma is very light, it is extremely mellow.

Even if he has been in the wine market for a long time, Chiseki Chihiro and Heizuka Shizune suddenly smelled it at first glance, and they couldn't stand it a little.

"So fragrant!"

Hiratsuka Shizune blushed and her voice trembled a little, and a pair of eyes stared at the barrel in the kitchen, as if there was some strange magic there, which attracted her heart.

Chihiro Chihiro was no better, and his nose sniffed a few times, as if he wanted to suck all the aroma of wine that escaped in the air into his lungs.

Smelling this strange fruity aroma, I felt that my nasal passages were completely opened, and it was indescribably happy.

"Boss Chu, bring us two pots quickly, I can't wait..."

Chihiro shook her head slightly, her fiery red hair flicked on her faces on either side, but she stared at the barrel as if she didn't notice.

Chu Feng was a little speechless.

Although it has long been known that these two guys are addicted to alcohol, they can't wait to soak in the wine vat after class.

But this look of hunger and thirst is still a little too much.

Shaking his head and smiling, Chu Feng kindly asked, "You guys only drink wine, don't order?" "

"Uh-uh~~~ Can I still order?"

Shizune Hiratsuka: (⊙_⊙)

Chihiro Chihiro: (⊙_⊙) Roar...

Wine and food, it seems that too, is not impossible!

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