Chapter 0518 - Wine Dishes and the Magical Hundred Immortal Brew!!

Can you still order?

Personality though impulsive.

But Shizune Hiratsuka, who had always been very calm to himself, was completely shocked.

The look in Chu Feng's eyes was also extremely surprised.

When did Boss Chu become so generous? It's not just Shizuki Hiratsuka.

Even Chihiro Chihiro thought so.

Since the opening of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The two only came over a few times in a while.

Not as frequent as Momo, Qi, Luoli and others.

But Chu Feng's new rules.

They are still very clear.

Only 50 dishes a day, limited to one per person, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Such rules have been in vogue for several days.

Chihiro Chihiro and Heizuka Shizune before coming.

I subconsciously think that Baixian Brew is also a dish.

Since they ordered Baixian Brew, naturally they couldn't order anything else.

Who knows that the peak turns around, and you can continue to order!?

Well, and this kind of good thing?

Such a surprise, really surprised them.

"Sloppy crispy fish! Boss Chu, I want a piece of spicy crispy fish! "

The first to react was Shizune Hiratsuka, who immediately beckoned to order food.

Spicy crispy fish is a traditional famous dish that belongs to the Qian cuisine.

This vegetable oil is bright red, fresh and delicious, slightly sour, sweet, salty, slightly spicy, and its flavor is endless.

Both large and small banquets and home guests often use these 047 dishes as a delicacy for entertaining guests.

But as an appetizer, it is also very suitable.

Chu Feng glanced at Hiratsuka Jing in surprise.

I thought the other party would order the neon side of the dish.

After all, neon people are very stressed, and most social animals love to drink. After work every day, I mostly drink in the tavern outside.

Such people can be seen everywhere in neon.

Late at night, you can even see many people who are drunk but refuse to go home.

Of course, because of this situation, Neon has developed a lot of appetizers.

Such as beans, pickled products, fish, seafood and so on.

Although the variety of appetizers is less variety and the amount of dishes is not much compared to the Dragon Kingdom, they will not eat again after drinking.

Such as chili with cucumber, zucchini with cod roe, cream cheese with kelp... These are the most common accompaniments of neon.

Chu Feng originally thought that Hiratsuka Jing would order this.

But I didn't expect the other party to ask for a Chinese dish. It seems that this guy usually studies the culture of the Dragon Kingdom.

With a smile, Chu Feng didn't think much about it.

It's just spicy and crispy fish, and it's not a complicated dish.

Turning his head to look at Qianshi Chihiro, Chu Feng had an inquiry in his eyes.

The latter understood in a second, and said with a smile: "Let's get salt beans." "

She ordered the simplest appetizer.

Salt branch beans, in fact, are boiled Maoyuan.

Edamame is boiled in salted water, and when cooked, peel off the shell and eat. The fragrance is delicious, and it is indeed a good appetizer.

Chu Feng did not let the two wait for a long time.

Two appetizers and two delicate white jade porcelain bottles soon appeared in front of Shizuki Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro.

The mouth of the pot contains a stopper, completely sealing the aroma of the wine.

But the original fruity smell in the air has not dissipated.

So look at the bottle in front of you.

The two still seem to be able to feel the rich fruity aroma.

Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro shot at almost the same time.

After pulling the cork.

The alluring fruity aroma resurfaced between the two of them.

Fragrant, mellow, thick, with B...

Rao is a high school teacher.

Shizuki Hiratsuka is also a bishop Chinese.

At the moment, I can't find any words to describe the aroma of this wine.



Hiratsuka Shizune and Chihiro Chihiro subconsciously swallowed the back of their heads, swallowed their saliva, and gradually began to itch in their throats, apparently the sake worm turned out to make a fuss.

Hiratsuka calmly poured the wine into the small glass, as if afraid that the few drinks would spill out.

Change to usual~

Her movements will certainly not be so gentle.

Hiratsuka Shizune prefers to gulp down alcohol, gulp down food, and behave without any goddess demeanor.

But this moment ~

She looked extraordinarily quiet, even with a hint of piety.

The Baixian brew, which is as white as agar jelly and jade dew, is poured into the cup and bubbles from below.

One, two, three...

And then more and more and more densely.

It's like a chilled coke, a lot of bubbles come out when opened.

Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro were not surprised.

Because some wines do have this phenomenon.

They just looked at the cup curiously.

Savor the fragrance that slowly spreads through the air.


The mouth of the wine glass began to emit a hint of whiteness.

Like smoke and fog, like clouds.

It flutters gently, but never leaves the mouth of the cup.

And then~

The white gas is becoming more and more and thicker.

In the end, it was like a white cloud that covered the mouth of the cup.

The two were stunned at once.

Drinking wine for so many years.

It was also the first time they had seen the wine that formed the clouds.

Shizune Hiratsuka and Chihiro Chihiro looked at each other, indicating that they were completely incomprehensible.

I wanted to open my mouth to ask Chu Feng, but I found that the other party was busy in the kitchen, and I couldn't pull away for a while.

After all, as soon as the Maple Leaf Pavilion opens its doors, guests will flock to it, and now is the busiest time.

So the two can only secretly ponder, what is the principle of this? Just let them break their heads, it is impossible to come up with an answer.

Because the dream ingredient itself is the product of unscience.

Trying to explain mysterious things with existing science certainly does not give accurate answers.

In fact, Chu Feng himself didn't quite understand why the Hundred Immortal Brew formed clouds.

But the recipe produced by the system, plus ten kinds of dream ingredients and ninety kinds of fruits, no matter how magical the wine is, he feels very reasonable.

More and more guests entered the Maple Leaf Pavilion, and the faint aroma of wine filled it.

As if the moisturizer is silent, it silently surrounds all diners.

"So fragrant! How can there be such a fragrant smell of wine? "

"Boss Chu brewed wine? But how can there still be a faint sweetness? "

"Stupid, this is fruit wine, fruit fermented wine!"

"It's so fragrant, I really want to taste it, but Boss Chu is selling bars for the first time?"

"Heh, I can't imagine that someone has already rushed on and ordered two jugs of good wine."

"Wait, that wine... Actually fogged up? "

"Groove! A cloud covers the wine glass, what kind of magical product is this? "

"Such an interesting wine, can't you order a jug to taste it?"

"1.68 million pots, the Chu Ji board has started pushing people again?"

"Ten kinds of wine made from fantastic ingredients, including a level 37 Dionysian dragon? Well, then it's okay, Baixian Brew deserves this price! "

"Bring me a pot, Boss Chu brews wine for the first time, how can I taste it."

Shiro Suzuki, who was short and chubby and had a bald piece on his head, waved his hand, and the butler next to him immediately handed a black card to Thor.

1.68 million, his Suzuki family is not short of money, if not for the fact that each person can only order one jug, he can buy the entire barrel back...

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