Chapter 0522 - Jiro's Request, Seven Absolute Swordsmen of Thousand Cuts Thunder!!

"Are you going to start?"

Food experience, of course Chu Feng knows.

The original Symbiosis Academy Martial Arts Exchange Conference was to determine the number of places to enter the food world.

Tianyu slashed to the end and won a valuable place.

Of course, the total number of places in the martial arts world must be more than this one, and when the food world opens, there are other people who enter.

In fact, Erinai and Alice also got a place from Xianzuoemen, and even Chu Feng received a text message from GO.

In the culinary world, Nine Star Chefs are automatically awarded one spot, two special chefs, five Lin chefs, and ten dragon chefs.

And like the martial arts world, the fighting world and other industries, there are corresponding quotas, but they are not so transparent.

As soon as Jiro saw Chu Feng's appearance, he knew that the other party had also received the notice, and immediately smiled: "The food world is about to start in three days, I don't know how many young talents will leave their lives by then..."

"If you want to get something, you have to give something, whether you are pursuing strong strength or the ultimate cooking path, no matter which way it is not easy to go."

Chu Feng glanced at the old-looking Jiro in surprise, but he didn't expect the other party to have such emotion.

It is rumored that when the food world first arrived, Jiro was the most fierce group of people, and the master of the cave made a move, whether it was a man or a beast, he could only be slaughtered.

Is it that you are old and start to cherish life?

Just as Chu Feng's thoughts were emanating, Jiro spoke again.

"Chu Xiaoyou, you should also go to the food world this time, right?"


Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Alice and Tianyu are going to go in, and he always has to take care of his own woman.

Although the strength of Tianyu Chopper has improved a lot now, it is still a little inadequate, in the dangerous food world.

Jiro nodded slowly when he heard this, the expression on his face became a little hesitant, and after a moment of silence, he continued: "Actually, the old man came to you today to ask for something. "

"But it doesn't hurt to say."

"The old man has two apprentices, this time he will also enter the food world, the eldest disciple Tie Ping is irrelevant, his strength is very strong, enough to fight with the deputy chef of the food club."

The big disciple doesn't matter?

Mr. Jiro, does your eldest disciple know his place in your heart?

It is estimated that if this Mr. Tieping knew, he might have to deceive and destroy the ancestor, and at the moment when Jiro paused, Chu Feng had already begun to complain in his heart.

Immediately, he heard the other party speak again: "It's just that my newly acquired little apprentice has average strength, if Chu Xiaoyou meets in the food world, please help me." "

"It's actually her?"

Seeing the Miaoling girl in Jiro's mobile phone, Chu Feng almost exclaimed.

"Oh? Chu Xiaoyou knows the old man's little apprentice? "

"She came to eat with me and had several encounters."

"That's right, she works in a small restaurant in Weijing, and it's normal to come to patronize your business."

Jiro didn't think much of it.

He knew Chu Feng's fame in Weijing.

Such a master is open for business, and anyone who is interested in cooking will not miss it.

It's just that sometimes Jiro also feels very strange, why does Chu Feng, who is also a Lin chef, cook as usual every day?

The realm of cooking has reached their level, and routine cooking can no longer bring the slightest improvement.

Like him and Setsuna.

Spend most of my time in the food world.

I really thought they liked to sleep in the wind.

The ultimate goal is just to go one step further. Jiro didn't know about Chu Feng's critical return system.

So it is impossible to understand his actions.

But it doesn't matter!

If it weren't for Chu Feng's alternative personality, he wouldn't have been able to taste excellent cuisine and such fine wine as Baixian Brew.

Seeing that Jiro let himself take care of an acquaintance, Chu Feng did not refuse.

Anyway, you don't need to go to each other specifically, as long as you help when you encounter it.

This little thing, Chu Feng has no reason to shirk.

The old and strong Lin Kitchen, this bit of face still has to be given.

Seeing that Chu Feng agreed, Jiro smiled again, then put down the wine glass and spread out a palm.

"Jiro-san, this is?"

Just as Chu Feng was puzzled, a phantom suddenly appeared above Jiro's palm.

"Chu Xiaoyou, this is the thundering of the third thousand cuts of the Seven Absolute Swordsmen, although it may not help you much, but the old man can't let you help in vain."

Jiro retracted his smile and said with a serious face.

Chu Feng felt the sincerity of the other party.

This old man is a real person, the matter has not yet been done, whether he can meet his apprentice in the vast and boundless food world and say otherwise, he will give the reward first.

Of course, the idea that Jiro does not want to owe favors is not excluded.

But Chu Feng did not dislike such a person, on the contrary, he preferred to be open.

Quietly watching the phantom above Jiro's palm.

It is a person holding a kitchen knife and constantly simulating the action of cutting vegetables. Every time the kitchen knife fell, it brought a purple thunderbolt.

There was a faint roar of thunder.

Not exactly the roar of thunder.

Instead, there was a crackling sound of a trace of electricity.

Followed by~

The man's speed of swinging the kitchen knife became faster and faster, the faint purple electricity rushed around, and the crackling thunder was endless.

The thunder of the knife fell lightning, the chirping shadows of a thousand birds continued, the seven divine swords were chaotic, and the thunder of a thousand cuts was endless.

Staring at the phantom of the thunder of a thousand cuts, Chu Feng remembered the rumors in the culinary world about the Seven Absolute Sword Skills.

It is said that five of the seven types of knife crafts are from the gastronomic world, and only the last two were created by IGO and the president of the gourmet club.

The knife skills created by the two dragon chefs in the world can only be ranked last in the seven. The five types of knife crafts found in the ruins of the gastronomic world have always occupied the forefront.

It can be imagined that in the most glorious era of the gastronomic world, the way of cooking has exceeded the present world too much.

And the thunder of a thousand cuts, the seventh sword worker ranks third! This remuneration is really a bit heavy.

Chu Feng glanced at Jiro in surprise.

But he found that there was no trace of distress on the other party's face and eyes.

Not even the slightest hesitation.

I think it's also ~

If Jiro doesn't want to give it, he won't directly simulate it with energy.

When the realm reached their level, the Seven Absolute Sword Skills were not of much use.

Chu Feng's knife skills have reached the god level, even if he learns all seven peerless knife skills, the increase brought by it is not much, at most it is taken out to pretend.

But a low-key person like him has very few times to pretend, so it is of little use.

However, Chu Feng still wrote down this set of knife skills, he couldn't use it, he could give it to Alice.

This girl likes to learn very much, I believe she will be very happy to see the thunder of a thousand cuts...

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