Chapter 0523 - Food Experience, Those Who Are Chosen!!

Jiro left satisfied.

Be able to add an extra insurance for newly acquired apprentices.

He was still happy.

As for the thunder of a thousand cuts?

The Seven Absolute Sword Workers have been around for so many years.

He is not the only one who will.

In Kagami, Lang is not a self-cherishing person. A set of thunder.

He is not so stingy yet.

As long as it can give the little apprentice's life safety an extra guarantee.

It's all worth it.


Jiro really valued the newly acquired little apprentice.

The irrelevant big disciple Tie Ping silently cried and fainted in the toilet.

Alice was still busy in the kitchen.

Chu Feng was happy.

Stayed in the restaurant on the first floor for a while and returned to the third floor alone.

The restaurant is taken care of by Thor and Akemi Miyano, and even if someone comes to make trouble, there is no need to activate the defense mechanism of the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

This time the food world opened, and Chu Feng had five places. This is the prerogative of Linchu, and no one will have an opinion. Although the godwalk can enter the food world at any time.

But with the principle of not giving it in vain.

Chu Feng naturally accepted the invitation letter sent by IGO.

He is ready to take Thor, Connor, Akemi Miyano and Haibara with him.

There are exactly five places for the family.

Akemi Miyano is his subordinate angel.

Haibara is also the younger sister of Akemi Miyano.

Plus both of them lived in Chu Feng's apartment.

It makes sense to think of them as writers.

Chu Feng was ready to participate in this gastronomic experience.

Pure fun, only for 120 to make fun.

Anyway, idle is idle, and it doesn't matter if Maple Leaf Pavilion is closed for a few days.

And he can come back at any time with the Divine Walk, so there is no need to worry about this.

Far Moon Gakuen.

With the continuous efforts of Erina and the Jujie Council, the school once again returned to its previous order.

Of course, there is also the secret help of Senzoemon in it.

The energy of this Yuanyue former commander and the Xue Che family is still very large.

The Nakamura Thistle incident came to an end, and the next step was the gastronomic experience.

For the culinary world, this is definitely an unprecedented event.

After all, the food world used to be only open to the top, and this is the first time it is aimed at young people.

Although the quota for entering the food world is not the turn of those ordinary students in Yuanyue, it does not dampen their enthusiasm.

People always like to join in the fun, even if they can't experience it personally, they always want to participate in it.

We've talked about this, rounding it up, and we've also participated in the gastronomic experience.

Many people held this mentality and talked happily.

"Have you heard? This time the food world is open, and we have five places in Yuanyue Academy. "

"I don't know which of the ten masters was selected, the strength of the first three seats must be no problem, and the remaining two places have to be fought by seven people, how fierce!"

"Haha, you don't know this, the former chief marshal Senzoemon is a special chef and comes with two places, so Lord Erinai and Miss Alice don't need the quota of Yuanyue, and the seven people behind the Shijie are now staring at those three places."

"Although there is one more, it is also very intense, I really hope to have another halberd."

"The food world is open in three days, and it is estimated that there is not so much time to prepare the halberd, at most, it is a private competition and a hasty decision on the ownership of the quota."

"I really envy them, what a blessing it is to be able to go to the food world when I was a student..."

"It is estimated that when they come out, the level of cooking will throw us further away."

"Don't panic! I heard that the gastronomic experience will become a long-term trial in the future, and it will be held every day, and we still have a chance! "

Most of the students in Yuanyue were discussing this grand event.

Ten Jie Council, Erinai gently rubbed her temples, and looked at the remaining Ten Jie members a little helplessly.

Alice is not there, Maple Leaf Pavilion is open now, and the other party will definitely not appear here.

Nine members of the Ten Masters plus General Marshal Yuanyue gathered together, which was a rare occurrence recently.

Such as Kohei Sojin and Kurokiba Ryo such as, in the past few busy days, but there is no figure at all.

But the gastronomic experience is about to begin, and these two goods will directly emerge.

"E, Erina, how do you arrange the issue of this quota?"

Seeing Erina staring at herself, Kohei Sojin stammered a little, his expression a little embarrassed.

These days are the busiest time for Yuanyue Academy, but he hides and steals, and he is still a little overwhelmed in his heart.

Of course, it's because of the quota of gastronomic experiences.

If it weren't for this, he would still be in the Polar Star Liao.

"Please call Lord Commander-in-Chief, or Lord Erina!"

Scarlet Sand, who was sitting at the round table, glared at Kohei Sojin angrily.

This guy can't see people when he's busy, and the first one to pop up when he has benefits.

How to drop?

Lord Erina's new official has taken office, so he is a bully, right?

Crimson was a little angry, and said angrily: "Where did you and Kurokiba run away the other day?" "

Kohei Sojin was speechless: "Well, it's not that it can't help, so Kurokiba and I went to research new dishes." "

Kurokiba Ryola tilted his head, looking listless.

He didn't wear a red turban, and now he doesn't even have the strength to speak.

"Even if you can't help, you should stay in the office building!"

Crimson glared angrily at the two men, really didn't know how these two goods got into the Ten Masters Council.

"Okay Scarlet Sand, needless to say, Kohei and Kurokiba themselves are not good at it."

Long deal with affairs, cooking is their specialty, this matter does not need to be discussed, today's focus is on the allocation of places.

Erinai knocked lightly on the table and looked at everyone with a bit of a headache.

Kohei Sojin and Kurokiba Ryo's 'slippery head', in fact, she did not pay attention to it.

The members of the ten masters have special personalities, and most of them act strangely, but the level of cooking is still there.

No way, she chose it, even if there is a problem, you have to admit it.

But the group looked at themselves as if they were about to swallow her, and Erina, who was the new official, was still a little flustered.

If only Chu Feng were here at this time, he could calm down this group of guys without saying anything.

Sighing, Erinai spoke: "This time, our school and Chef Lin are treated equally, there are five places, Alice will not compete with you, so the final qualification to enter the food world, a few of you decide by yourself." "

This kind of thing, Erinai is really difficult to handle, can only let the ten masters rely on their own skills

Anyway, this group of guys often compete when they have nothing to do, and it doesn't matter if they compete again.

As soon as Erina's words fell, Isshiki and Ki no Kuni Ninning stood up at the same time to withdraw from this battle.

Both of them are the only seedlings in the family, and the Isshiki family and Ningning's family have corresponding places.

There were three competitors missing all of a sudden, and joy suddenly appeared on the faces of Kohei Sojin and the others.

Six people compete for five places, you can always get one, right?

Similar thoughts suddenly popped up in the minds of the rest of the people, all confident in their level of cooking.

But no matter how it is divided, there will be an exit in the end, so who will it be? Erinai rubbed her temples again.

This kind of thing can't be avoided, and there is nothing she can do.

In fact, she also wants to let the Yuanyue Shijie enter the food world to experience it.

The general trend is that the future of this group of distant moons must also adapt to the advent of the era of gastronomy in advance.

However, there are only five places in the Far Moon Academy, and it is impossible to cover everything.

In the end, it is still not enough to level yourself.

If you apply for the nine-star assessment earlier. Maybe there will be another place.

But after the gastronomic experience was announced.

IGO has ceased all assessments.

Avoid a lot of old coins in order to enter the quota to participate in the assessment.

After all, in this world, there are not a few chefs who hide their true level...

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