Chapter 0530 - Stephen's Mother-in-Law's Life Menu!!

The soft golden carp meat is indeed very delicious.

It is a level 50 dream ingredient, and coupled with Chef Lin's craftsmanship, the taste can be imagined.

Thor squinted slightly, the golden carp was much more delicious than the previous sesame fried slice

Although there is meat in the first dish, the taste of clover is more important.

The golden carp thin grilled sushi is different, and the meat is full, which is more in line with the preferences of the dragon family.

Akemi Miyano's eating appearance is very elegant, and after being transformed into an angel, her words and deeds seem to have changed subtly, and the whole person is more quiet and aristocratic.

Of course, except for Haibara's dressing, when preparing clothes for each other every day, Akemi Miyano is always full of energy.

The third meat dish was quickly served, the Ice Dragon's Roast, with a capture level of 55.

Chu Feng's family was no stranger to this dish, after all, they had eaten ice field dragon meat for a long time.

Only then did Chu Feng notice that Setsunai's life menu was basically all fantastic ingredients of about fifty levels, which were obviously inconsistent with the original work.

Although about the plot of the food captive, Chu Feng did not remember much, after all, it was normal to forget most of the plot.

But Setsuna's life menu, he vaguely remembers that every ingredient is above dry grade, which is very different from now.

But if you think about it, the food world has only recently arrived, and there are not more than a hundred fantasy cows of the highest level.

Setsunai can use ingredients of about fifty levels as a menu for life, and has left other chefs far behind.

Main course: ET rice balls!

Salad: Caesar salad with base lettuce! Dessert: Oasis melon with ice sherbet! Drink: Doham's Rush!

One by one, the dishes are served one by one.

Chu Feng and the others were enjoying a lot of food, but this was bitter for Ah Yu and Xiao Song, who were watching on the sidelines.

If it were someone else, Ah Yu might have gone up to get close and eat a big meal together.

But sitting opposite was Chu Feng, the youngest Lin chef in the world, and Ri had the strength of the head of the second-kill gourmet club.

This kind of strong person, Ayu does not dare to make a random time, after all, the two only have a relationship, and he does not understand Chu Feng's character, in case he offends the other party, it will not be good.

In fact, if he knew that Chu Feng had killed the head chef of the gourmet club, and the cooking level had reached the dragon level, it was estimated that he would not dare to make a second time.

"Great cooking!"

After eating a meal in vain, Chu Feng naturally would not belittle other people's dishes, and the dishes made by Jiunai were indeed very good.

Setsuna's mother-in-law was full of smiles, and her whole face was almost folded into a twisted flower.

Although Chu Feng's group did not even have a slight change in their expressions after eating.

But she didn't feel dissatisfied at all, but took it for granted.

Perhaps because he guessed that Chu Feng had reached the realm of the dragon chef, Jie Nai thought more openly.

Chu Feng's opinion was not asked.

After reaching the level of Lin Kitchen, everything has to be understood by yourself, and others cannot give any advice.

After Chu Feng and his group left, Ji Nai's mother-in-law prepared ten yellow eggs and a low-grade version of the century soup for Ah Yu and Komatsu.

Setsuna has a good relationship with IGO, and Merisman and Chu Feng also gave her a share after trading the soup of the century.

After this period of analysis, Setsuna's mother-in-law can already make a low-end version of the century soup.

On the third day of coming to the food town, Chu Feng and the others successfully entered the food world.

North of the Baron Islands, the Great Forest of Casaro.

Chu Feng and the others directly skipped the Baron Islands, where novices went, and came to the Casaro Great Forest separated between the ice continents.

No one has been to this place, but you can see what rare things are, although there are more than 100,000 creatures in the Balon Islands, they are generally at level 1-5

Left and right, for Chu Feng and the others, there was almost no exploration value.

However, the group of Far Moon Academy did not rush and prepared to stay in the Baron Islands for a while.

After all, when they first come to the food world, they always need a little time to get used to.

Fortunately, the Baron Islands were not far from the Casaro Great Forest and the Ice Continent, and even if something happened, Chu Feng could rush over in time.

"Ah, is this the river with yogurt recorded on the IGO website? It's really spectacular! Nature's creation is truly magical! "

At this time, next to Chu Feng, there was a girl with short silver hair, who was holding a utensil to scoop the yogurt in the river, not who Alice was.

That's right, Alice didn't follow the Yuanyue army, and after she entered the food world, she parted ways with Erina, closely following Chu Feng...

Thor and Miyano Akemi and others were also amazed, even the long-lived and knowledgeable dragon family had never seen the natural milk river.

To be honest, they can't understand the formation of the natural ecology of the food world, but they can be sure that the river has not been polluted in any way, and the yogurt can be scooped up and drunk.

While Thor and the others were busy drinking milk, Haihara was looking up and down at the fruit trees by the river with his chin up.

To be precise, it is the white fruit on the tree that resembles a coconut.

Next to the yogurt river, there are many such trees, all of which are covered with dense fruit.

"Sister, get some fruit and taste it."

Haibara didn't think for too long, and decisively summoned Akemi Miyano.

She is still in the body of an elementary school student, and she can't reach the fruit on tiptoe.

When the pet sister Mad Demon Miyano Akemi heard this, she waved lightly with one hand, and the fruit tree shook violently a few times, and suddenly a large white fruit fell.

Akemi Miyano controlled the force very well, and even deliberately vacated the area where Haihara was located.

Therefore, even if countless fruits fell, not one of them hit Xiao Moo.

Haibara picked one up casually, and easily broke it in half along the crack.

The flesh inside is also white, and it falls off with a light button, and Haihara casually puts it in his mouth, but only bites it and immediately spits it out.

"What's 0.2?" So unpalatable? "

Haibara frowned and coughed lightly, she was stimulated by the taste of the flesh to the point that it seemed that everything in the food world was not all delicious.

Chu Feng casually took the husk from behind Gray Plain, and found that there was a thin layer of ice on the inner wall, and the stem connected to the fruit was still hollow.

Looking at the river flowing with yogurt, Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "So it is." "

Thor was a little puzzled: "What did you find?" "

Gray Yuan quickly understood his thoughts from Chu Feng's expression, and interjected: "Dare to love this fruit is a container for yogurt, and it also comes with a straw, I really didn't expect it before." "

Yes, who would have thought that this river is not only rich in yogurt, but even the utensils are ready, for fear that others will not come to drink it...

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