Chapter 0531 - Yuanyue's Group, Balon's Saber-toothed Tiger!!

Boss Chu naturally would not refuse the enthusiasm of this river.

Fill a bowl of yogurt with a husk, gently stir the hollow vine a few times, and the ice on the inner wall of the fruit melts instantly.

Although the white fruit is not delicious, the thin ice mixed with the yogurt has a very peculiar flavor.

The two are natural, as if they were born as a couple.

"What a great taste! Simply amazing! The taste of this yogurt is completely more than any other drink on the market in the human world. "

Haihara only took a sip, and couldn't help but brighten his eyes.

She stayed in the institute for a long time, and she was used to drinking various functional drinks, after all, these things are essential for using her brain for a long time.

Of course, Haihara is not the kind of person who does not pick taste, especially after getting rid of the black-clothed organization, and with the support of the rich woman Akemi Miyano, she basically chooses high-end drinks.

But there is no doubt that no drink on the market is comparable to the yogurt in hand.

Even at the moment of drinking, Haihara felt that his mind was much clearer.

This thing... And a refreshing effect?

Xiao Mo was shocked, and hurriedly shouted at Miyano Akira 17 Mei: "Sister, help me collect some yogurt and fruits." "

Haibara has decided that this thing will become his daily must-have.

Refreshing, sweet and sour, this yogurt is simply made for researchers.

Akemi Miyano did not refuse.

The Heart of La Mer comes with a storage function, and there is a large empty space inside...

When Chu Feng and the others were leisurely wandering in the Casaro Great Forest, Yuanyue and his group were wandering in the Bacheng Islands.

The Balon Islands, located in the southern part of the gastronomic scene, are huge islands and countless beasts of prey that live here.

The island is surrounded by a rocky reef called the 'Balon Shield', and if you are unfamiliar with the road, it is easy for boats to get buried in the sea.

Fortunately, after years of development, IGO has become extremely familiar with the Balon Islands, and under the leadership of the staff, Erinai and others successfully landed on the island.

The Yuanyue students' cooking level is good, but their strength is much worse than those food hunters.

Therefore, Senzoemon hired the gourmet knight Takimaru to serve as the guard of Togetsu's group with a high salary.

Although it is called experience, it cannot let this group of children face the danger, and Erina's group of people is the future of the far moon.

Takimaru, a member of the Order of Gourmet, has just turned eighteen this year, and his fighting technique is the attack that dislocates the bones and joints of his opponent.

He looks very young, but he is extremely experienced, leading everyone to walk around the dense forest, always predicting the beasts lurking in the forest in advance.

In addition to Takimaru, there is a man and a woman, Marza and Hinata Rinko, who are also experienced food hunters.

"Mr. Takimaru, is that the Golden Yao Monkey?"

Tashoe pointed to a stake-like creature standing on a hill not far away, and asked a little nervously.

"Well, don't worry, they are very vigilant, they are known for their timidity, as long as we don't provoke them, they won't attack."

Takimaru carried a knife and said nonchalantly, but Yumitsu always paid attention to his surroundings, and in the food world, even in the face of timid creatures, he would not take it lightly.

Erina and the others nodded when they heard this, and information about this monkey appeared in their minds.

【Name】:Jin Yao Monkey.

Capture level: 2.

【Habitat】: Baron Islands, caves, mountain forests.

[Body length]: 1m.

【Weight】: 25kg.

【Price】: 1 pcs / 800,000.

[Very ornamental, no use value] Everyone did not disturb the Jin Yao monkey.

This kind of social animal, even if the level is not high, try not to provoke.

The group continued to move forward, but it didn't take long for Takikaze to stop.

Because opposite them, three Balon saber-toothed tigers appear, capturing level 3 fantasy creatures.

"With a body length of nearly six meters, this is an adult Balon saber-toothed tiger!"

Kohei Sojin's expression was solemn, and he couldn't help but peach his eyebrows.

The adult Balon saber-toothed tiger is six meters long, 3.5 meters tall, and weighs three tons, which is definitely a beast at the upper end of the Balon Islands food chain, and its combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Facing the three saber-toothed tigers, Kohei Sojin does not know if the food hunters, including Takimaru, are their opponents.

Anyway, Kohei Sojin is very self-aware, he can't even win a saber-toothed tiger, but looking at Takimaru's calm face, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Who knew that before Takimaru could make a move, Erina had already taken the lead in speaking: "Mr. Takimaru, can you let me deal with one?" "

Takimaru was a little surprised: "Are you sure?" "

A third-level fantasy creature is nothing to a member of the Gourmet Knights, and even if there are a few more, it can't put too much pressure on him.

In the entire Baron Islands, only the Gala crocodile standing at the top of the food chain can bring him a little pressure.

But the seemingly weak blonde girl in front of her is actually ready to fight a saber-toothed tiger alone, can she do it?

Takimaru was a little hesitant, Bi 183 actually Erina's status is special, just a cook, and it seems that he has no combat power.

Because Aimaru, the leader of the Gourmet Knights, and Nagadojima Gin, the chief chef of the Engetsu Hotel, were on good terms, and it was Senzoemon who personally hired him to serve as the guard of this experience, Takimaru didn't want the other party's own granddaughter to die.

But before he could refuse, Erina spoke again: "If I keep hiding behind Mr. Takimaru, this gastronomic experience will be useless, and we will definitely come to the gastronomic world often in the future, it is impossible to have someone to watch over us all the time. "

Takimaru couldn't refute, he could see the other party's insistence.

Shrugging his shoulders, Takikaze no longer objected.

Balon's saber-toothed tiger is just that, even if Erinai is in danger, he can rescue it in time.

So Takimaru flashed between the three saber-toothed tigers, separating one of them for Erina's operation.

Who knew that he was just about to solve the other two saber-toothed tigers as soon as possible, when there was a miserable scream behind him.

It was the mournful cry of the beast, the wail of the last moment of Balon's saber-toothed tiger's life.

Takimaru was taken aback and quickly looked back...

What did he see???

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