Chapter 0532 - Thorn Vine, Blood-colored Rose!!

The huge Balon saber-toothed tiger has been tied into skewers at this time.

Green vines pierced the saber-toothed tiger and quickly opened blood-red buds.

Take a closer look, these thorns all grow from the body of the saber-toothed tiger, directly tying the opponent's body into strings.

Hell, what is this ability?

Takimaru was shocked and almost forgot that he was still facing two saber-toothed tigers.

He grew up in the Order of Gourmet since he was a child, and he fought in the food world with the old members very early, and he has also seen people with strong winds and waves, but he has never seen such a strange ability.

Grow thorny vines in the body of creatures, and finally use each other's blood as nourishment to bloom brilliant rose flowers, if this thing is used on yourself?

Takimaru couldn't help but shiver, he didn't have the confidence to prevent such a strange attack

Is this still the 'weak and uncontrollable' Miss of the Xue Che family who is 'weak and has no combat effectiveness' mentioned in the data?

This woman is even more terrifying than the people at the food club!

"Be careful~"

Just as Takimaru was thinking about it, a startle sounded, followed by the mournful cry of a saber-toothed tiger.

This time, Takimaru could see clearly, and he was even able to see the process of thorn thorns growing from the saber-toothed tiger.

That speed is simply unstoppable.

It turned out that when he was distracted just now, a saber-toothed tiger launched an attack.

Fortunately, Erina's action was made in time, and another head died in her hands.

Takimaru quickly put away the consternation in his heart, and stabbed the last Balon saber-toothed tiger.

"Oh my God, Lord Commander-in-Chief, what kind of superpower are you?"

Not to mention that Takimaru, a gourmet knight, was shocked, even the members of the Ten Masters who had dealt with Erina for a long time were shocked, and Teruki Kuga couldn't help but exclaim.

You must know that usually he does not call Erinai the chief marshal, and if he can call the commander-in-chief, it is already very face-saving for Erina.

However, now, he subconsciously added the word 'adult'.

The main thing is the ability that the other party has displayed, which is really shocking.

Kohei Sojin also asked, "Could it be an ability similar to Alice's Ghost Fruit?" "

Everyone has studied with Chu Feng for a while, and Alice's transparent arm is said to be given by Chu Feng.

"Blood Rose!"

Erina replied lightly, without explaining much.

Everyone knows the existence of the Devil Fruit, and there is no need to explain the source of the power.

When she displayed this ability, Tian Suohui and the others instantly thought of Chu Feng.

Only that magical man has this magical fruit.

I just don't know if Boss Chu still has much there, and whether it is sold or not?

At this moment, the members of the ten masters, except for the three of Takimaru, began to liven up their minds.

"I didn't expect that Miss Erina also has special abilities, this food experience, there should be no difficulty, let's move on."

Crimson seemed to see through everyone's thoughts, and quickly spoke.

Now is not the time to think about this, it is important to get down to business, although the secretary also wants to be supernatural.

However, Erina was relieved by the interruption of Crimson, and she didn't know why.

Maybe I'm worried about everyone's questions, or maybe it's something else.

At present, only herself and Alice are selling the Devil Fruit.

Ghost Fruit and Blood Roses!

The day before yesterday, Eri Nai went to Maple Leaf Pavilion to find Boss Chu, just to enhance his strength.

In fact, she didn't know if Chu Feng still had a devil fruit there, or other ways to increase her strength.

But in order to better pass the food experience, Erinai decided to give it a try.

The result was good, she successfully got a devil fruit, although it cost a little, but in the end it was worth it, and the attack power of the blood rose was indeed very strong.

If the ghost fruit is more suitable as an auxiliary, then the blood-colored rose is the main attack, full of destructive power.

The closer you get to the heart of the Balon Islands, the fewer fantastic creatures there are around.

Erina's group knew that this place was close to the territory of the Gala giant crocodile.

As the overlord of the Baron Islands, the Gala crocodile does not allow weak creatures to exist in his territory.

The fantastic creatures that can survive in this area are basically captured at about level four or five.

At this moment, a wide lake, the water of the lake is a little muddy, it looks relatively dirty.

Suddenly, the calm surface of the lake gradually waved, and a terrifying-looking snake head came out of the lake directly.

[Name]: Swamp snake [Capture level]: 5 [Body length]: 20m [Weight]: 9T.

【Price】: 100g/7000 yuan

The moment the giant beast showed its figure, Erinai and the others already knew the identity of the other party.

The quality of teaching at Far Moon Academy is definitely not covered, and since the food world has entered the eyes of the public, the high-level officials quickly changed the teaching mode.

So that under rote memorization, all first-year students in the Higher Division knew the information of common fantasy creatures.

And the members of the Ten Masters, as the façade of Yuanyue, are definitely more knowledgeable than ordinary students.

"Is this the swamp snake? It's really big! Marshal Erina, can you deal with this thing? "

Kohei Sojin leaned over to Erina's side, while looking at the inquiry with emotion.

At this time, he couldn't help but envy Erinai and Alice a little, and he could easily obtain strength far beyond ordinary people.

Like him now, at most, he is a little stronger than ordinary people, and he is enough to choke in the face of level 2 fantasy creatures.

Is this the so-called near water building platform first moon?

If he stayed by Boss Chu's side early in the morning, would he also be able to obtain the Devil Fruit?

Kohei Sojo couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, his face was not thick enough, if it's okay~

Although do not want to admit it.

When you are not a woman.

Even if he is dead-faced, it is estimated that he will be beaten by Boss Chu.

Erina stared solemnly at the huge monster in front of her, and said lightly: "Just try it." "

Immediately, the Bloody Rose launched!

The long, wide-bodied swamp snake jerked, then let out a chirp, and thorny vines began to grow on his body.

However, the body of the swamp snake is too big, and the vitality is very tenacious, even if Erina's full force urges the fruit ability, it still cannot directly kill the other party.

The swamp snake was in pain, and rolled violently on the ground a few times, suddenly shaking the mountain, and splashing everywhere.

It didn't take long for all the thorny vines that had been stuck on its body to break.

"It seems that your ability to deal with fifth-level creatures is still a bit reluctant."

Takimaru said with a smile, and at the same time felt relieved in his heart.

Although Erina's abilities are weird, there are limits.

If you can really kill opponents regardless of level, it will be too terrible.

As soon as the words fell, Takimaru took out the knife!

Although he is good at fighting, his knife skills are not bad.

With just three knives, he beheaded the swamp snake...

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