Chapter 0543 - Asura Tiger and King Kong!!

Unexplored land in the gastronomic world is known as Food Paradise.

There is a vast land that has not yet been known, as well as countless fierce and abnormal dreamy creatures.

The first survivors of exploring the new area described it as pure hell.

Rough seas, ever-changing skies, unpredictable climates, and fantastic creatures with more than 100 levels abound...

And now, after passing through the vegetable sky, Chu Feng officially stepped into these terrifying areas

The vegetable sky does not have too many ferocious plants, things such as piranhas and corrosive grass, and the capture level is not high.


When Chu Feng's group landed, as soon as they entered a dense jungle, they encountered a tiger with three heads.

The giant tiger is about 70 meters long and 30 meters tall, with three heads on its head, each mouth dripping with saliva, and its hideous appearance makes recognition daunting.

Of course, this is just for ordinary food hunters.

With the ability of Chu Feng's group, the mentality was not affected at all.

Thor even had time to frown and complain: "It's really ugly." That's right~"

The three tigers did not add half a point of majesty to it, and even looked very strange923 strange.

[The dream ingredient exploration function is turned on and is scanning...]

[Asura tiger, mammal dream creature, capture level 100, three-headed and six-legged, living in the Angula Forest in the food world...]

Dream ingredient exploration function? What's the thing? The system is pumping again?

Why did new features suddenly appear?

A series of question marks instantly appeared in his mind, but Chu Feng didn't care much.

The intimate nature of the system has not happened for the first time, although my own system is very cold most of the time, but the key moment is still very inviting.

For example, now, knowing that he has many fantasy creatures that he does not know, he simply opens up more advanced functions.

However, the points that should be deducted still have to be deducted, and the system automatically crossed out 10,000 points.

Chu Feng didn't care much about this, but just warned the system to say at least first next time, as for whether the high cold system listened to it, then it was another matter.

Without further ado, the Asura tiger has three heads and six legs, and the fangs, mouth and eyes on each head are different, as if they are made up of three independent intentions

Knowledge is combined.

Black lines on a yellow background, light yellow eye whites, red eyes with vertical pupils, and three mouths at the same time whining heavy whistles, giving people great oppression and disgust.

The Asura Tiger's tongue was covered with densely packed small protrusions, and with every breath, a huge heat wave came out of his mouth, as well as a disgusting stench.

"Kaede, can you kill this tiger? Its bad breath really upsets the dragon! "

Thor clenched his fists, his face a little displeased.

Even if there is no cleanliness, girls do not like creatures with bad breath.

Chu Feng nodded with a smile, anyway, the Asura Tiger did not have much edible value.

Dream ingredients, not the higher the level, the more delicious, this is just a general division, sometimes it depends on the comprehensive combat power.

Obviously, the Asura Tiger is a creature that relies on brute force to make the list.


As if sensing the contempt of several beggarly ants in front of him, the Asura Tiger roared in dissatisfaction, and the six legs instantly exerted their strength and swooped towards Chu Feng and the others.

Who knows the next second~

Thor transformed, and a dragon appeared in front of the Asura Tiger.

Although there is still a bit of a gap between him and the other party in terms of size, Long Wei is even more former.

As soon as the dragon power of the king of ten thousand beasts came out, the Asura Tiger was suddenly shocked, and a trace of panic flashed in his six eyes.

It was a sudden panic in the face of the superior, it had already felt the oppression of the dragon, and the Asura Tiger instantly realized that these few in front of it! Ants" are not easy to mess with.


As one of the overlords of the Angura Forest, it could not back down, and at the same time opened three huge mouths and bit towards Thor's neck.

But it was greeted by a fiery flame.

Dragon's breath! Dragons' exclusive skills!

Under a cloud of flames, the Asura Tiger instantly let out a scream, and then gradually turned into a mournful cry.

A hundred-level fantasy creature didn't even survive a move in Thor's hands.

Although there is also a reason to change back to the body, the Biyi Dragon Clan's ontology combat power is stronger.

But at the same time, it can also be seen that Thor's toughness, and the hundred-level fantasy creatures cannot pose any threat to her at all.

In fact, Thor was also a little surprised, after coming to Chu Feng's world, she hadn't really fought for a long time.

Except for the occasional fight with Connor and Aluma, T rarely has a chance to shoot.

And to talk with the same race, everyone is on point, basically will not move the real thing.

So after killing the Asura Tiger, Thor was suddenly stunned in place.

She suddenly found that Muji's strength seemed to have improved a lot.

Soon she figured it out.

Three or four meals a day eat the meals made by Chu Feng, there are dream ingredients almost every day, and it is strange that the strength does not grow.

No wonder it feels like Aluma seems to have weakened lately.

Previously, I thought that the other party had slackened his practice after coming to the world.

It turns out that I have become stronger!

Thor changed back into the dragon maid and looked at Chu Feng with tender eyes.

Now I should be able to protect him.

Chu Feng did not know that he had become an object of protection.

The Asura Tiger had just turned to ashes, and a huge King Kong crushed a tree.

[King Kong, a mammal fantasy creature, capture level 100, a snow-white gorilla with a whole body, living in the Angula Forest in the food world...]

Another overlord creature of the Angura Forest.


As soon as this king gold emerged, he saw the scene of the body of the Asura Tiger burning.

In an instant, all the hairs on King Kong's body stood up, and then fled at a speed of 2 seconds per kilometer.

Fantasy creatures are not fools, but they are also level 100 creatures, and King Kong can easily judge the current situation.

In the face of the existence of killing the other party's Asura Tiger in seconds, it naturally does not dare to provoke, and it can save its life if it is instigated.

Looking at King King Kong who was fleeing in a hurry, Chu Feng was a little stunned, but he did not catch up.

This guy, like the Asura Tiger, has little food value, so there is no need to waste energy.

Looking at the collapsed wood in front of him, Chu Feng was also a little curious, what delicious ingredients are in the Angela forest?

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