Chapter 0544: IGO President, One Dragon!!

【Name】: BB corn.

Capture level: 30.

[Habitat]: Angela Forest [Height]: 1-50 meters.

【Price】: 1 piece/1 point.

【The super large corn unique to the food world makes many beasts flock to it, and because it absorbs a lot of nutrients, the individual far exceeds that of ordinary corn, and it is more delicious and delicious. 】

Looking at a corn plant that was thirty meters tall, Chu Feng's mind quickly displayed detailed information about BB corn.

After the fantasy ingredient exploration function is launched, it is much easier to encounter new ingredients.

BB corn is very large, no wonder a corn seed costs a point, this is still the reason for the low price of the system, if you change to the current world, I am afraid that it can be sold for 100,000 pieces.

BB corn has very full kernels, and the huge stem and leaf fibers are extremely thick, and it is difficult to cut off even with a chainsaw.

But this was not difficult for Chu Feng and the others, and they pulled it off lightly, revealing the round and full corn in it.

"This thing can be brought back, a corn seed can make a dish, Chu Feng looked at the huge BB corn with interest, and subconsciously began to study new dishes."

Thor went straight to the ground and broke the huge corn with his bare hands. God knows how her little arm could hold such a thick stalk.

But none of that matters.

The strength of the dragon clan is naturally very large, and pushing this weight is nothing.

Akemi Miyano quickly collected the BB corn into the heart of the sea blue, and continued to wander in the forest with Chu Feng.

Level 45 Garlic Bird, Level 40 Bliss Meter, Level 34 Seven-Pointed Water Monster

The Angela forest is rich in products and has a wide variety of animals and plants, as long as he encounters something delicious, Chu Feng will collect some.

Of course, there are also some animals whose meat is difficult to eat but look good, and a few girls take some as pets.

After all, with Boss Chu taking the lead, collecting things has also become a trend among women.

The seven-colored monster is Thor's 'adopted' pet...

Well, forcibly adopted!

The seven-colored water monster belongs to the pterosaur beast, born at level 20 or above, and the juvenile level is between 30-40.

Once an adult, the seven-colored monster can reach level 50 or more.

It has the deep red of the soil, the emerald green of the trees, the blue of the sea and the glow of the stars.

Under the alternation of seven colors, it seems to be the proof of the hegemony of the three sides of the sea, land and air.

However, the seven-colored water monster likes to live in the jungle with rich vegetation, and eats everything, and is not a picky eater at all.

Thor sees this and thinks it's definitely easy to feed.

The group wandered around the Angela Forest for a long time before Chu Feng led everyone back to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

With the continuous growth of the composite index, Shenxing is no longer limited to carrying one person to teleport.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Maple Leaf Pavilion was officially opened, and Chu Feng was still the same, only making fifty dishes.

However, what surprised him a little was that the first guest of Maple Leaf Pavilion tonight was actually the president of IGO.

One dragon!

The leader of the organization that claims to be the strongest in the world.

Although there has long been speculation about the identity of the IGO president.

But this world is obviously far from what was in the original.

In addition to the basic structure of the food industry, the geographical division has also undergone considerable changes.

Therefore, Chu Feng has never been sure whether the president of IGO is a dragon

But look at the yellow hair and Fu Manchu-like beard, as well as the dark brown skin exposed outside.

Chu Feng was extremely sure that the president of IGO was Yilong.

Yilong is wearing casual clothes, and his colorful shirt looks a little frivolous, completely lacking the temperament of a big man.

"Hello, President Ichiryu."

Facing one of the two dragon chefs who were publicly available in the world, Chu Feng showed great respect.

"Oh, Boss Chu knows about me?"

Ichiryu wore sunglasses so that people could not see his eyes, but the tone and expression had already betrayed his surprise.

Ichiryu was indeed surprised.

Since becoming the president of the IGO, he has spent most of his time in the food industry, rarely appearing in the present world, coupled with his own deliberate downplay, over time, the identity of the IGO president has become a mystery, and few outsiders know his identity.

But the young man in front of him not only knew, but also revealed his identity in one word, which really made Yilong a little stunned...

However, he did not forget the purpose of his visit, and came to meet this young man who was born out of nowhere.

And if memory serves, this kid in front of him should still be in the food world now, why did he suddenly come back?

According to the report of IGO's spy in the food town, no one came out of the food world today.

After all, the gastronomic experience has only started one day, and no one quits so early.

"Haha, Boss Chu really has the ability, it's really surprising to the old man."

Yilong pointed thoughtfully, and his eyes looking at Chu Feng were also full of interest.

But Chu Feng's orientation has always been very normal, and he is not interested in the bad old man, just smiled casually, and asked formulaically: "What do you want to eat?" "

Yilong didn't have any dissatisfaction, he himself just came to see Chu Feng, and eating was the point.

As for the other party's spatial abilities?

Although unexpected, it is not necessary to delve into it.

"Boss Chu has just returned from the food world, he must have gained a lot, why not just use a new ingredient to make a dish?"

Yilong doesn't have many hobbies in his life, eat! Definitely above them.

In fact, he heard some time ago that Wei Jing had a very talented chef of the Dragon Kingdom, and he had long wanted to come and see it.

It's just that the food industry is expanding rapidly and IGO is busy, making him completely inseparable.

Now that the exploration of new areas of the food industry is on track, there are people who watch him to have time to neon.

However, when he had time, Chu Feng entered the food world, originally planning to wait until the other party finished his food experience before coming to taste the other party's cuisine, and this time would be regarded as a vacation.

Who knows, Chu Feng will return from the food world on the same day, and he will not even accept the space limit.

The moment he received the news, Yilong decided to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Staring at Chu Feng's back as he was cooking in the kitchen, Yilong suddenly realized...

Doesn't it mean that this kid can travel back and forth between the food world and the human world at any time?

Space power, it's really convenient!

For the first time in his life, Ichiryu developed an emotional feeling called envy for someone.

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