Chapter 0545 - One Dragon's Shock, Chu Feng was actually a dragon chef?!!

Spatial power!

Yilong has lived for so many years and has not seen it several times.

Of course, he was not envious that Chu Feng could go to the food world at any time.

As the president of IGO, ↓ Ten Dragons have no restrictions in this regard at all. Rules, only for the weak, the strong naturally have no constraints. He just thinks that the spatial energy is very convenient, and he can go wherever he wants.

Of course~

Chu Feng's spatial energy could actually break the barrier between the two worlds and reach a state of doing whatever he wanted, which was simply the only thing he had seen in his life.


Ichiryu is more interested in the other party's cuisine, and other things can be put aside for the time being.

In the kitchen, Chu Feng was making dishes.

I used BB corn that I just obtained.

He was ready to make corn burns.

After all, Yilong only said that he used new ingredients, and did not name dishes. Corn seared, great for BB corn.

This new variety is simply too big.

A piece of corn is the size of a bucket bowl. Frying, stewing, and boiling are not very easy to handle. It is used to make corn searing, just right. The method of corn searing is extremely simple.

Just sweet corn and cornstarch.

Paired with the right amount of white sugar and peanut oil, it will be ready in a few minutes.


Often simple dishes, very risky chef's skills.

What's more, the use of high-end ingredients makes the difficulty skyrocket.

However, this was not a problem for Chu Feng.

The level of Chef Long, even in the world of small masters, is also the top level.

Boil water in a pot and add a whole corn kernel to cook.

The yellow corn kernels give off a faint and attractive aroma as the boiling water boils.

The smell is a little sweet and sticky, which is the natural fragrance of BB corn.

Scooping up the cooked corn kernels to cool them with cold water, Chu Feng then picked up the rolling pin

Crush the corn until it becomes a paste, adding sugar and starch.

Put it in a special abrasive, fry it over low heat, and finish it with a yellow corn burn.

"Corn burning?"

Ichiryu muttered a little surprised. Enjoy Chu Feng's cooking process throughout the process. He already knew what the other party was going to do. Just until the moment before the dish is served.

Ichiryu wasn't quite sure of his conjecture.

After all, corn is just too ordinary.

It is a common street food.

Treat yourself to a snack? It's really bad that the other party can think of it.

Yilong believes that no matter where he goes to eat, as long as he reveals his identity, the local area will definitely come up with the best signature dishes, not street food.

Of course, he has no objection to snacks, and occasionally frequents roadside stalls when he is hungry.

Oh, forget it, Maple Leaf Court doesn't seem to have signature dishes.

No matter what Chu Feng did, he could attract a large number of diners.

Ichiryu was only briefly stunned before he began to taste the dish in front of him.

The crust of the corn fried until crispy yellow is crisp, and when the dinner knife is cut, you can faintly hear the sound of breaking.

But when the tip of the knife goes deep into the corn, it feels like it is cut into the cheese.

Yilong was slightly surprised, just a little surprised.

He had seen this kind of dish crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, he had seen a lot in his life.

Cut off a piece of corn and sear it in your mouth.


Yilong was suddenly surrounded by a kind of sticky delicateness.

The faint sweetness unique to BB corn brushes the tip of the tongue like a delicate spring breeze, and then crosses the throat like gurgling water, instantly giving people a feeling of relaxation.

When Chu Feng made this dish, he did not deliberately integrate into the chef's heart, or even use any of it, but the beauty that represented spring was like an incomparably wonderful picture scroll, deeply imprinted in Yilong's mind.

"Dragon Kitchen!"

Ichiryu looked at the young man in front of him in shock.

As one of the two dragon chefs in the world.

He easily judged the ingredients of this dish. It was also easy to guess Chu Feng's true level.

And it's so sure!

So...... Ichiryu was shocked.

How old is this young talent in front of you? Younger than his apprentices.

Although his apprentices basically took the combat path.

He didn't inherit much of his culinary skills.

But Chu Feng's talent still shocked Yilong.

This Nima started learning to cook from her mother's womb, and she couldn't have grown up so fast, right?

You can't open the hanging, do you? Ichiryu felt incredible.

But they had to accept this reality.

The tongue does not lie, and the experience accumulated over countless years cannot deceive people.

The cooking skills of this young man in front of him have indeed reached the realm of dragon chefs.

"It's really a generation of newcomers better than old people, Boss Chu, your talent really amazes the old man."

Yilong expressed his heart with emotion, and then added: "Can the old man order another dish?" "

Well, Ichiryu really doesn't boast casually, and he wants to taste other dishes.

However, Chu Feng shook his head at this: "I'm sorry, Maple Leaf Pavilion has a rule that each person can only order one per day. "

Big Boss Chu didn't care about the identity of the other party.

What about the IGO president?

When you come to the Maple Leaf Pavilion, you have to abide by the rules in the pavilion, and the IGO president is no exception.

Yilong saw Chu Feng's insistence, so he had to smile bitterly and said, "You are a principled young man. "

He didn't get angry about this little thing, but instead glanced up at Chu Feng.

Geniuses have some quirks, which are normal things.

On the contrary, the kind of genius who always insists on his own opinions is the most rare. In Yilong's opinion, Chu Feng was that kind of consistent genius.

After eating a whole piece of corn, Yilong wiped his mouth and left.

Since he couldn't continue to taste Chu Feng's dishes, there was no need to stay, but Yilong's words made the guests who arrived behind particularly shocked.

Dragon Kitchen!

Boss Chu is actually a dragon chef? And also......

It turns out that the spirit old man just now is the president of IGO. Although many people are meeting the true face of the IGO president for the first time.

But there is no doubt about it.

After all~

No one in the world should dare to impersonate the president of the IGO, right? So~

What the other party said should be true! There is another dragon chef in the world!? That's big news!

The people who come to Maple Leaf Pavilion every day are inextricably linked to the culinary world.

For a while, the diners present suddenly became excited, like reporters who had obtained first-hand information, and talked about it with great interest.

Chu Feng didn't care about this at all, anyway, this would only increase the popularity of Maple Leaf Pavilion and attract more powerful guests...

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