Chapter 0554 - Three Fresh Dumplings, Can't Wait for Sect Master Luo!!

This is the intuition of the warrior.

Luo Hao was not sure of winning.

But I don't think I have to lose.

Everything is known only if it has been fought.

Of course, Luo Hao was not here to fight.

But a door suddenly appeared in the nunnery. She had just stepped into this strange restaurant. Thor is also not a fighter.

Especially after following Chu Feng for so long.

Now prefer this calm routine.


The two 'older' girls had big eyes to small eyes, neither of them opened □ but soon~

Luo Hao was attracted by a 'click' sound of chopping meat. Through the window, I saw three pieces of meat on three cutting boards. Under the shadow of the knife light, all three portions of meat turned into meat foam.

Know the truth!

Although it's just a simple chop of meat.

Luo Hao saw it from the other party's sword skills.

Traces of the "Tao". That is the rhythm that only occurs when the realm of Dao reaches a certain level.

"Boss here, the definition of the Martial Dao Realm is not low."

Luo Hao couldn't help but nod, but was more interested in his cuisine.

Although she doesn't know how to cook, her taste is excellent.

The disciples of the Five Prisons Saint Sect had searched all over the world just to find the dishes that the sect leader liked.

She has seen many celebrity chefs make dishes, but in terms of technique, the person in front of her is definitely the first person she has ever seen in her life.

"Three fresh dumplings? It seems that this sect leader has not eaten dumplings for a long time! "

Seeing that Chu Feng was rolling out the dough, Luo Hao muttered to himself.

As she thought, Chu Feng planned to make three fresh dumplings.

When he used to set up a stall, he sold similar dishes, but this time it was not the three kinds of meat of beef, sheep and pig.

Since the guest made such a request, Chu Feng naturally had to meet the needs of the guest

Using three types of meat at the same time, making dumplings is the most convenient way to do it, and it is also the most exquisite dish.

After all, the taste of the three types of meat is completely different, and it is indeed not something that ordinary chefs can do to perfectly blend without the slightest taste and eat the taste of each meat at the same time.

But for Chu Feng, this kind of thing was completely worthless.

This time, he did not follow the traditional method of dumplings, wrapping raw meat or stir-frying the meat.

Instead, the three types of meat are cooked separately in the way of boiling, removing the untimely taste of the ingredients, and cooking wine is added at the same time as the foreign meat and beef stew.

Not long after the special cooking wine was poured into the pot, the two pots had very different but very similar aromas.

In addition to the aroma of gravy, there is also a strong bouquet aroma, which seems to have been brewed for a long time, showing all the wonderful fullness.

Luo Hao occasionally drinks and gets drunk alone, of course, he is no stranger to alcohol.

The aroma of wine that wafts towards you is mellow that you have never seen before. So that the cold face turned slightly red, as if slightly drunk.

Luo Hao did not use any means to probe the situation in the kitchen.

So she didn't see different colors of gravy in the three pots.

But the moment Chu Feng scooped up the three types of meat.

The three colors of red, black and pink are distinct.


Luo Hao couldn't tell which one was which? After a simple stir-fry. Chu Feng began to make dumplings.

The speed is extremely fast.

The skillful handiwork seems to have been tempered by thousands of years.

You can wrap a dumpling in the blink of an eye.

This technique~

Much faster than those masters who claim to be celebrity chefs.

Luo Hao straightened his posture slightly.

In case others see what she expects. The leader of the Five Prisons Saint Sect.

How can you be hungry?

But every now and then she looked into the kitchen's eyes, already betraying her truest thoughts at this time.

Thor laughed silently.

She has seen such people a lot.

Almost everyone with a proud heart behaved like this after coming to the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Boil water, steam, mix sauces...

In fact, to eat dumplings, you don't have to be sauce.

Chu Feng also didn't know Luo Hao's taste.

However, since the other party did not specifically mention it.

He added a little sauce to his liking.

The sound of boiling water gurgling...

Constantly tapping Luo Hao's atrium.

The fragrance that constantly comes out of the steamer.

It even touched the heart of Sect Master Luo Hao.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she had been expecting one thing so much.

In the past, there were only times when the gods of disobedience appeared.

In order to make her ancient well-wubo state of mind ripple.

And now ~

The owner of this restaurant in front of her, just using the aroma of dumplings, made her heart sway, which was really a little incredible.

Luo Hao couldn't help but fantasize about the taste of dumplings.

The strength has reached her level, and she has rarely aroused her appetite.

It seems that only when I learned from my master as a child and practiced until I was exhausted, would I look forward to a food so much.

It didn't take long ~

A basket of steamed dumplings was placed in front of Luo Hao.

There is also a dish of ruddy sauce next to it.

Luo Hao nodded slightly towards Chu Feng.

Then I can't wait to lift the lid of the steamer.


An indescribable smell of meat wafted through the air.

Its richness... Luo Hao's life is only seen.

Even Thor couldn't help but aim at the steamer.

Leaning against the window, she knew it well.

This time, Chu Feng did not use any dream ingredients.

But this time the dish came out.

The taste and high-quality dream ingredients are not much.


Chu Feng valued his fellow countryman very much.

Thor shook his head secretly.

Try not to let yourself feel like you can. But a slightly surging throat.

It still exposed her gluttony.

Chu Feng turned back at the right time: "There is still in the kitchen, if you want to eat, go and get it." "

While meeting the needs of guests, Boss Chu will certainly not forget his genuine girlfriend at the same time~

Luo Hao had already begun to enjoy the feast in front of him.

With such a fragrant temptation, even the sect leader standing at the top of the world can hardly resist the fragrant smell and capture people's hearts.

Luo Hao could no longer find any words to describe the aroma of dumplings at this time.

Just want to taste it as soon as possible beggar...

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