Chapter 0555 - Unprecedented Deliciousness, Luo Hao's Shock!!

Luo Hao immediately noticed his abnormality.

A god killer, one of the current demon kings.

What does it look like like a little cat?

She rolled up her sleeves slightly, so she slowly picked up the chopsticks, and when she picked up the dumplings, she didn't put them in her mouth at the first time.

The tip of the chopsticks is slightly harder, and the dumpling skin with moderate thickness is instantly broken, revealing the meat filling inside.

The four colors of red, black, pink and green are mixed together, each of which is just right, and there is no discomfort.

The chopped cabbage is used as a garnish for the minced meat, which complements the three minced meats, adding more delicate and color.

The rich meat aroma completely masks the taste of the vegetables. At this moment, Luo Hao couldn't tell the smell of pig, beef and mutton. You can only roughly guess the origin of the meat from the color of the meat.

The bright red meat foam must be pork.

Slightly black, it should be the beef after frying.

And the tender meat grain is undoubtedly lamb. When a dumpling breaks the skin, the smell of meat in the air is stronger.

Luo Hao didn't know how Chu Feng did it?

Anyway, she had never seen such an exaggerated dish.

How much meat is wrapped in a dumpling?

But its meat aroma is comparable to roasted whole lamb! Faced with such an alluring aroma.

The instinct of human primitive genes.

Luo Hao, who was as strong as a demigod, could hardly suppress the impulse in his heart.

The appetite is boiling, the throat is surging, and the bright eyes are full of red fruit longing.

Luo Hao resisted the urge to swallow the dumplings in one bite. First dipped in some sauce, then slowly put into the mouth.

Almost at the moment of the entrance of the dumplings...

As if an explosion of taste impact spread out in Luo Hao's mind.

It doesn't matter what the taste, no matter what the ingredients, no matter what ingredients are used in the sauce...

When she ate the dumplings, there was only pure meat in her mind

The crisp cabbage is served with pork, beef and mutton, and the mouth instantly bursts with rich gravy.

With the saliva secreted by the delicious stimulus, it ran amok in her fragrant mouth.

Luo Hao's eyes flashed with shock.

It recounted the shock of the Five Prisons Sect Master at this moment.

This three-fresh dumpling.

Definitely the most overbearing dish she has ever eaten in her life.

As if tasting peerless food, it stirred her taste buds and stirred her heart.

Silky, tender, and a hint of unexpected crispiness.

It's hard to imagine that a small ball of minced meat contains such a complex texture.

With the blessing of cabbage, the taste of pig, cow and sheep overlapping is very different from ordinary meat.

Luo Hao couldn't describe the taste, because she had tasted it from bed in the past.

It is obviously a completely new taste, but it can show the original taste of three meats in my mind.

As if with its own chewing, the minced meat constantly splits and reorganizes in the mouth, switching back and forth between several textures.

"Oh my God, that's amazing, what the hell is going on?"

Luo Hao ate another dumpling, and after making sure that the taste was constantly changing, he couldn't help but exclaim.

In fact, at her level, she has become numb to many things, and few things can provoke her emotions.

Luo Hao lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, and like a cultivator in ancient times, he rarely paid attention to the world.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't have curiosity.

In fact, her curiosity is heavier than anyone else's.

Maturity and steadiness did not wear down Luo Hao's naked heart.

After tasting the world's best taste.

Luo Hao's cold Sect Leader Fan couldn't hold back any longer.

Chu Feng looked at Luo Hao with a smile on his face.

I feel that this rumored martial arts king is comparable to the most fierce demon of the Marquis of Vauban, which seems to be a little out of name.

Of course, the fierceness is really fierce...

Chu Feng looked Luo Hao up and down again.

Well, it's really fierce!

"It's actually very simple to create the texture of several types of meat coming together, as long as you choose the right ingredients and use the right cooking techniques, it is not a difficult task."

Chu Feng adhered to the belief of satisfying the guests and explained a little.

Luo Hao was slightly stunned and muttered, "The right ingredients? "

"Yes, I use pine plate meat for pork, and the smoothest tenderloin lamb is the lower belly meat with the richest fat near the neck, and the fat parts of the three meats are different, but these loose parts can be combined to form a taste with their own characteristics."

After being adrift in the neon for so long, it was rare to see a fellow countryman, and Chu Feng talked a little much today.

Luo Hao nodded as if she didn't understand, well, in fact, she understood every sentence, but when combined, there was a series of question marks in her mind.

If you just choose the right ingredients to make the taste just now, Huaxia chef has long conquered the world with his cuisine.

The selection of ingredients is only the foundation, and the real formation of a unique flavor depends on the cooking skills of the man in front of you.

At this moment, Luo Hao even suddenly had an impulse to kidnap the man in front of him back to the mountain and cook for himself for the rest of his life.

But look at Chu Feng again, think about it, forget it, he still doesn't have a victory belt.

Luo Hao suddenly felt a little frustrated.

There are too many masters in this magical restaurant, right?

She didn't know that an angel had just left, and upstairs there was a little loli with the same terrifying strength who was struggling to write straight (homework)...

If Luo Hao knew, it was estimated that he would not even be able to raise the mind of kidnapping Chu Feng, and Sect Master Luo did not continue to ask questions about dumplings.

Anyway, the other party couldn't understand what he said, and she was too lazy to make fun of herself.

Continue to enjoy the dishes.

A cage of dumplings is about twenty.

It's already more than usual.

Chu Feng still took good care of his fellow villagers.

But a cage of dumplings is not much.

It was quickly wiped out by Luo Hao.

He even licked his lips endlessly. She hadn't let go of her stomach to eat for a long time.

Although this time I didn't eat enough.

After all, as a warrior.

He was also the first person in martial arts in the world.

Luo Hao's food intake is still terrifying.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

Luo Hao did not continue to order.

Instead, a jade bracelet was taken directly from the wrist.

"Is this thing enough?"

Sect Master Luo has no habit of bringing cash.

After living in the nunnery for many years, she couldn't use the money.

And she didn't know that suddenly appearing at her door would lead to such a magical place as 5.7.

After all, whoever is idle and has nothing to do, still carries money with him at home.

"Well, that's totally enough."

This time, Chu Feng did not let the system identify.

What Sect Master Luo took out was definitely not a fake. In addition, the three fresh dumplings are all made of ordinary ingredients.

One jade bracelet is completely enough.

"What if I come back next time? Or push open that door? "

Luo Hao asked again, and the depths of his eyes were slightly nervous.

She was afraid... What I just experienced was just a dream.

Of course~

Sect Master Luo didn't mean anything special to the people in this place.

She just misses the food.

Chu Feng casually took out a gold card and said with a smile: "Take this card, as long as it shines, you can come over whenever and wherever, of course, you can directly push the door." "

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