Chapter 0558 - Cave Beach, Laying Ground for Puffer Fish Whales!!

"Shall we be so unlucky, isn't the demon serpent a solitary creature? Inside the cave, Kohei Sojin couldn't help but wail. "

Isshiki nodded and said, "This is still only the periphery of the food world, not the core area, I didn't expect it to be so dangerous." "

"Don't sigh, let's try to hold out until Brother Feng arrives."

Kuga Teruki said with a bitter face, his eyes were particularly solemn.

Once the Demon Great Snake crashed into the cave before Chu Feng arrived, all of them had to die.

Faced with the threat of death, the proud Yuanyue students learned for the first time what fear was.

In the past, when I was in school, the competition was fierce, but it was far less brutal than outside.

At this time, the new commander of Yuanyue and the ten masters finally understood what kind of thrilling journey hunters who have been in the food world for many years usually go through in order to hunt fantasy creatures.

But such a thrilling adventure fell on their heads, but they were not happy, originally they were quite envious of those food hunters.

But now, there is nothing but fear.

A hundred meters away from the cave.

Chu Feng watched coldly as the three demon snakes kept pounding the cliff wall.

In fact, he had been here for a few minutes, but he did not strike immediately.

Yuanyue's group of students should also know the cruelty of reality 310.

Although their own women are also among them.

But Chu Feng still hoped that this group of 'naïve' guys understood a truth.

The world of gastronomy is not a paradise for adventurers, quite the opposite, it is a hell for adventurers.

In the future, the world of gastronomy and the present world will be completely integrated.

Sooner or later, Erina and others will have to wander the food industry for many years.

If you don't understand this truth earlier and don't put away the contempt in your heart, something will happen sooner or later.

Akemi Miyano was a little unbearable and looked anxiously in the direction of the cave.

Although it is tempting to rush in right away and rescue people.

But Big Boss Chu didn't speak, and she didn't dare to act rashly.

Haibara looked at this scene indifferently.

The heart is not shaken in the slightest.

Compared to Akemi Miyano, who has a kind heart like an angel.

Gray Plain Mourning was obviously much more rational, and instantly understood Chu Feng's intentions.


When the corner of the cave began to collapse.

Chu Feng slowly walked with Thor and the others.



The three demon snakes suddenly stopped impacting.

They instinctively detected a terrifying aura from the group of 'people' in front of them~

Erina, who narrowly avoided falling rocks, and others looked suspicious.

I didn't understand why the Demon Great Snake, who was still energetic just now, suddenly stopped.

Alice reacted the fastest: "Chu Feng is here!? "

She had sensed the other party's breath.

"Brother Feng is here?"

Teruki, who had escaped from death, suddenly jumped up and exclaimed, "This time we have been saved." "

Then, everyone looked along the entrance of the cave and happened to see three demonic snakes falling apart in place.

The fantasy creature of more than twenty levels died so sharply that everyone didn't even see who was coming.

Countless snake bodies were scattered in pools of blood, and Erinai was sure that the demon serpent was completely dead, so she withdrew the vines that were spread on the rock wall.

Leading everyone out of the cave, Erinai soon saw the expressionless Chu Feng.

Seeing the other party's expression, Alice immediately understood that her boyfriend was a little angry, and suddenly shrunk her head and hid behind Erina.

Chu Feng did not miss the opportunity to teach his girlfriend a lesson: "Do you think that with the Devil Fruit ability, you can casually wander in the food world?" "

Although these words were said to Alice, Erina's cheeks also felt faintly hot.

Because she had also just obtained the Devil Fruit ability, she was faintly swollen.

Painting body Tianyang Gongshi, 陋참ratio.

So when Alice and the others proposed to go down the cave, this Yuanyue Marshal had almost no objection.

Alice hadn't apologized yet, but Erinai was the first to bow her head: "I'm sorry, but I lacked consideration." "

In fact, she had no reason to apologize at all, after all, Chu Feng was not from Yuanyue.

But in the face of Chu Feng, who specially rushed to save them, Erinai still felt that she should say something.

Moreover, it was indeed because of her mistake in judgment that Yuanyue's best students were put in danger.

Erinai didn't dare to imagine that if this group of people died here, even if they were lucky enough to go back alive, they would have no face to face their grandfather.

Seeing that everyone in Yuanyue lowered their heads and looked extremely ashamed, Chu Feng was not good to accuse more, shook his head and sighed: "But this matter can't be completely blamed on you, the cave beach is originally within your exploration ability, but you are unlucky, there is a demon snake mutated, the level is more than thirty, so other demon snakes will huddle to resist each other." And you unlucky guys happened to run into them hugging each other again..."



Erina, Alice and the others looked confused.

I never expected the truth to be like this.

After a long time, Isshiki said faintly: "We are really unlucky." "


Ye Shan Liang smiled bitterly, "Who would have thought that the demon snake in the cave would mutate? "

Chu Feng glanced at this group of cheap apprentices and said lightly: "The natural climate of the food world is peculiar, and nothing will happen unexpectedly, so when you explore in the future, you can't take anything lightly, and in the absence of absolute strength, you can't be too careful." "

This group of guys have studied with themselves for a while, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are their own apprentices, and Chu Feng does not want them to die young.

Isshiki nodded seriously, "Boss Chu said so." "

Ye Shanliang smiled bitterly and nodded: "Thank you Brother Chu for reminding." "

Kui I Teruki: "Brother Kaede..."

Kohei Sojin: "..."

Although everyone's name for Chu Feng was different.

But it was not difficult to see that everyone was very convinced of Chu Feng, and his words were full of awe.

Seeing that this group of guys should have been taught a lesson, Chu Feng looked in the other direction and said with a smile: "Go and take a look at the front, the real cave beach is not far away." "

"Puffer fish whale spawning grounds?"

"I didn't expect it to be so close to us?"

"If there were no demon snakes blocking the way, I am afraid that we would have arrived long ago."

"Come on, without Brother Feng's rescue, we all have to be reduced to Chinese food."

"There shouldn't be any other danger ahead, right?"

Tasho Megumi said something.

Behind everyone, she was obviously a little scared.

The cruel food world is very unfriendly to her with a weak personality.

Chu Feng glanced back at the braided girl and comforted: "Don't worry, there are almost no other creatures in this area except for the puffer fish whale." "

In fact, apart from the sparkling seawater and the floating fireflies on the sea and in the caves, it is true that only puffer fish whales come here to lay their eggs...

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