Chapter 0559 - Sun Pineapple, Level 100 Dream Fruit!!

Everyone came to the beach, looking at the crystal clear seabed, countless puffer fish whales swimming slowly in the water.

There are also many ingredients in the sea that have never been seen before, but in the face of the huge number of puffer fish whales, it is easy to overlook.

Looking at the puffer fish whale that shrank to the size of two palms, Alice couldn't help but sigh: "It's so beautiful, it's very cute."

Adult puffer fish whales are about six meters long, but whenever they lay eggs, the creature shrinks to about fifty centimeters and gathers together to warm up.

And in this small body, there is a super delicacy up to six meters long.

Due to the shrinking body, the poisonous sac of the puffer fish whale also condenses.

When a creature tries to capture a puffer fish whale, the poison sac will also rupture, and the poison will instantly fill its body, making it inedible.

In today's world, there are definitely no more than ten people who can perfectly remove the puffer fish whale poison sac.

Chu Feng leaned against the edge of the rock wall on the side, watching Erinai and the others capture puffer fish whales.

He has no interest in this low-grade dream food, only curious about how the students plan to catch puffer fish whales.

Erina glanced at the little whale in the sea and said to everyone: "Take out the things you have prepared." "

When Isshiki and the others heard this, they all took out a palm-sized object from their backpacks and pointed out a hole gun!

A special item for animals that cannot withstand stimulation, or sensitive creatures whose flesh quickly deteriorates due to a moment of tension and pain.

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Indeed, I didn't expect that Yuanyue actually prepared this thing.

Cave gun, 300,000 yen each.

And Erinai and others took out five at a time.

It's not that you can't have one, it's just that it's not necessary.

Seeing that the Yuanyue side was divided into a group of two, Chu Feng instantly understood the other party's intentions.

One uses a burrowing gun to anesthetize puffer fish whales, while the other quickly catches prey or removes its fins.

Puffer fish whales have delicious meat, but the most delicious are the fins.

In order to protect the ingredients, the Yuanyue group did not intend to capture all the anesthetized puffer fish whales.

Just grab a few and take some fins back to the soup.

Erinai's approach made Chu Feng a little careful.

After everyone had finished capturing them, he led the other party out of the cave.

"Don't continue north, it's an ice hell, it's not something you can explore now."

Seeing Erina's excited look after seeing the sun, Chu Feng directly poured a basin of cold water on them, and then pointed to the south: "Over there is the Maozhi Forest, the peripheral creatures are not high-level, there are Erina's thorny roses, you can try to break in." "

"Shige-no-Forest? Then go over and take a look. "

Erinai nodded slightly and decided to listen to Chu Feng's suggestion.

Seeing Yuanyue and his group leave, Chu Feng took Thor and the others to teleport to the north

The area he explored yesterday is not finished, and he is ready to linger in the food scene for a while.

As for Shige-no-Forest...

Chu Feng did not show the way casually.

From that direction, he sensed the aura of Tianyu Chopper and the others.

Yuanyue and his group went over and just happened to meet with each other.

With the help of the people of the Symbiosis Academy of Love, the path of exploration of Erina and others is much easier to follow.

North of the Angura Forest.

It is an endless savannah.

The bush wolf that lives here is close in size to that of a common wolf, with a capture level of 23.

The unexplored area of the food world is so terrifying, fantastic creatures of level twenty or thirty can be seen everywhere, level fifty or sixty is also the norm, and occasionally there will be thrilling monsters above level 100.

Powerful experts like IGO and gourmet clubs come to this area, and they also have to be careful to avoid being attacked by some powerful monsters.

They are not afraid to confront dozens of level fantasy creatures head-on, and they can escape even if they are not defeated.

I'm afraid that some powerful but cautious guys will hide in the shadows and launch a surprise attack, which is simply unpreventable.

Chu Feng's group naturally did not have such worries.

Sitting on the back of the Lightning Fire Phoenix, you can enjoy the scenery below.

The small light of level 75 is enough to deter most fantasy creatures.

What's more, there are also two dragons and a winged angel on its back, as well as the unfathomable Boss Chu.


Xiao Guang chirped, and seemed to be extremely excited.

In the distant sky, there was a sound of 'waves'.

The sound was loud and could be clearly heard within a radius of tens of miles.

As the sound came, Chu Feng and the others saw the brilliant fire in the sky

"That is?"

Akemi Miyano's eyes were filled with surprise.

Haihara Mourning opened his mouth slightly even more exaggeratedly.

Even if you are used to seeing the wonders of the food world.

The scene in front of her still made her feel incredible.

Even Thor and Connor had a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

With the vision of God, Chu Feng could clearly see far away.

I saw that in the sky, a thumb-sized seed shone with an inexplicable light, growing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And below the seeds, the two teams face off from afar, but they are the masters of IGO and the gourmet club.

In the crowd, Chu Feng also saw the figures of Ayu and Komatsu.

"Huh? These two guys ran really fast, and actually ran ahead of us, after all, they only met Ah Yu and Komatsu halfway through the vegetable sky yesterday. "

Unexpectedly, I didn't see it for a day, and the other party had already gone to the depths of the prairie.

Still flying from small light to fast-growing saplings.

Chu Feng was also curious about what kind of plant this was? Turn on the Explore feature.

Lines of golden text come into view.

【Name】: Sun pineapple

Capture level: 100

【Volume】: 10kg


[The legendary fruit of the Ajim Prairie appears once every ten years, and it is usually hidden in the void in its seed state. After accumulating a certain amount of energy, it only takes root and germinates in a specific period of time, and quickly grows ripe fruits. Sun pineapple is very rare, and countless sun essences have gathered in the fruit, so it carries an incomparably hot breath, so that it can't bear it itself, and after ripening, the soil will definitely burn itself in a second...】

"Fruit with the essence of the sun? No wonder Xiaoguang is so excited! "

Slowly standing up straight, Chu Feng muttered.

The level 100 Dream Fruit is enough for dream juveniles below level 100 to flock to.

What's more, it is still a fruit containing the essence of the sun, and the energy in it is enough for the lightning fire phoenix to usher in a life evolution.

Facing the approaching sun pineapple tree, Chu Feng glanced at the crowd below him faintly.

He asked for four of this fruit!

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