Chapter 0560 - The Two Parties Face Off, and a Great War Is Coming to the Fore!!

The sun pineapple is now alive, which immediately attracts the attention of all food hunters in this area.

After all, the majestic breath as brilliant as the sun could not be concealed no matter what

Although no one except Chu Feng knew this kind of fruit, in the face of such a vision, everyone only had one thought left in their minds: Top Dream Ingredients!

The lightning fire phoenix was hidden in the clouds, and Chu Feng calmly looked at the two teams of horses facing off below.

IGO is headed by a middle-aged uncle with thick eyebrows and black hair.

Ayu, Komatsu, and a man with a green turban followed behind each other.

And the food meeting, the leader is Karyu, who has a relationship with Chu Feng.

Still wearing a beetail-shaped hat and strange sunglasses, there is no expression on his face.

Standing next to Karyu is Starkin, the deputy chef of the food club.

"I didn't expect the ingredients to appear in this way?"

"Is this the fantasy ingredient of the unknown area? It's amazing! "

"It turned out to be above our heads, just hidden"

"Like the rising sun, the breath of life is as thick as the rising sun, even if it is not a hundred-level ingredient, it is estimated that it is not far off."

"Get it! With the scientific and technological strength of our IGO, we can definitely crack this magical ingredient. "

"Ridiculous! Since we found this ingredient, it's something we can eat..."

"Fart! Obviously, we found it first..."

The sun pineapple is not yet ripe, and the two centaurs below are already quarrelling.

Face new ingredients.

It is also suspected to be a level 100 fantasy ingredient.

IGO and gourmet masters are now unable to remain calm.

Emotions such as excitement, ups and downs, and greed fill the hearts of most people.

But at this moment, everyone was very restrained, did not make a move at this time, they did not want to destroy the rare fantasy ingredients when fighting.

"It... Grow so fast! "

Komatsu hid behind Ayu and muttered softly.

The solemn-looking Ayu nodded slowly.

The same is true of the green turban man next to him.

His name is Coco, he practiced with Ah Yu, had a lifelong friendship, and later gave up his career as a food hunter for a while to study and prevail.

However, after the opening of the new area of the food industry, after receiving an invitation to explore together, he simply followed.

Cocoa is full of poison, with antibodies to a variety of toxins on the body, and the handling of ingredients is even more exquisite, and in some places Ayu is ashamed of himself.

But in the face of suspected hundred-level dream ingredients, Coco doesn't know what to do, and even if he knows how to pick the ingredients correctly, it's not his turn to decide on the spot.

Everyone looked up at the sky and saw that the tender seedling was only the size of a thumb at first, and then grew into a towering tree in a very short time.

It was as if the endless rhizome was exposed to the air.

There is no soil, but the roots and leaves are growing rapidly.

A faint glow shrouded every inch of the tree.

If you distinguish carefully.

You will find that countless light particles are rapidly pouring into the roots of the tree.

"It's soaking up sunlight!?"

Everyone was shocked.

It is normal for plants to absorb sunlight.

It stands to reason that hunters who have been in the food world for many years should not be like this.

But it was really the first time they had seen such a plant that absorbed sunlight so quickly.

The greedy speed of sucking is like a gluttony that does not know hunger and will never be able to eat.

And at the moment when the 'seed' appears, it carries a majestic sun essence.

God knows how much of the sun's essence it has absorbed over the years?

As soon as they thought of this, the gaze of the food hunters looking at the towering trees became even more blazing~

The top of a big tree that covers the whole world~

A dazzling light became brighter.

A golden pineapple with two human heads.

The moment the light dissipated, it became everyone's eyes.

Like a little sun!

"This is... Sun pineapple!? "

Ah Yu smashed his mouth and blurted out subconsciously.

The black-haired middle-aged man at the head glanced back at him and said with a smile: "Haha, this name is appropriate, this fruit that resembles a pineapple in shape, isn't it a small sun~~"

"Vice President Mansam, do you guess this sun pineapple has a hundred levels?"

Ah Yu laughed dryly, and the word curiosity was written on his face...

Mansam, one of the two vice presidents of IGO, is a master on a par with Momatsu

Staring at the brilliant fruit in the sky, he nodded slowly: "It should be about the same." "

Looking at the nectar flowing on the surface of the sun pineapple, Ah Yu couldn't help but sigh: "Ah, I really want to taste it~~"

Mansam seemed to appreciate the other party's straightforward personality, and couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry, as long as we take it, you will have a chance." "

Ah Yu clenched his fists tightly, Komatsu's face was full of excitement, and a trace of intention flashed under Coco's eyes.

At this moment, the trio, who had not yet fully joined the IGO, secretly decided to make more efforts in the next battle.

As a disciple of IGO President Ichiryu, Ah Yu has a close relationship with the organization although he has never joined the IGO.

Even if he can't eat the sun pineapple, he will make a move! Karyu looked away from the sun pineapple.

The main thing is like a super overhead fluorescent lamp, even with sunglasses, it is uncomfortable to stare at the eyes all the time.

Looking at Mansam, who was eating himself steadily, Karyu scoffed: "Mansam, do you really think you have eaten us?" "

The chef of the food club is not a vegetarian, even if his strength is not as good as Mansam, but there is still a Stargin next to 3.2, and it is unknown who killed the deer.

Don't look at Starkin is just a deputy chef, but that's just a name, and Fangba will go Jimu.

This is also the fundamental reason why in the face of the IGO brigade led by Mansam, Karyu also handled it indifferently.

The two sides said no more, and the atmosphere of slaughter suddenly rose, and a big war was about to break out.

Everyone knows that the fiercest battle for ingredients is about to begin.

Some people are nervous, some are excited, and some people are thinking of being alone. Suddenly, a chirp resounded in the sky.

A flash of fire fell from the sky like a shooting star, and the speed was extreme.

When everyone reacted, they were surprised to find that it was a phoenix shining with golden light.

- Lightning Fire Phoenix!

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