Chapter 0568 - Zhu Cai: The gods of the other world are all starving ghosts reincarnated?!!

Braised puffer fish whale, white soup fish, orange scented cold fish skin.

Chu Feng chose to make these three neon most famous puffer fish dishes.

It's just that the ingredients are replaced with puffer fish whales.

There is nothing to say about the braised braised rice.

A dish that takes the essence of puffer fish whale meat, including the lower belly meat, fish liver and other parts.

White soup fish, fry the fins until golden brown on both sides, add boiling water and simmer for more than 15 minutes, until the fins of the puffer fish whale are half rotten, then add goji berries, chives, ginger and garlic and fish skin and simmer for 5 minutes.

The white soup method best reflects the delicious taste of fugu dishes, the soup is white like snow, and the soup is rich and mellow, which is really a rare soup.

And orange scented cold fish skin, as the name suggests, is orange juice and chive chopped with a small amount of fruit vinegar cold fish skin, and with suitable decoration, is an indispensable dish for high-end puffer fish restaurants.

Of course, what Chu Feng made must be much more high-end than ordinary restaurants, no matter the appearance or taste, it is not in the same dimension.

The puffer fish whale meat is easy to cook, and with the legendary kitchenware, the three-course meal does not take much time.

One boil, one soup and one cold, the three dishes were placed in front of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint and the others in a moment.

Looking at the delicate-looking and fragrant dishes, Listada and Adenera involuntarily swallowed their saliva.

Don't blame the goddess for not seeing, most of the gods in the unified god realm are busy saving the world, and few people specialize in cooking.

Therefore, in this regard, the level of cooking of the top chef god is at most higher than that of ordinary mortals.

In the world where Chu Feng is now, the food culture is highly developed.

And Chu Feng is one of the world's highest-level chefs.

The dishes made casually are something that these goddesses have never seen.

Lisuda is slightly better.

I had eaten a garlic bird bliss rice handroll before.

At least have a general understanding of Chu Feng's level.

But Adenera is not~

The first time I saw such exquisite cuisine, I was almost speechless.

Smelling the faint fragrance, the bright red sauce contrasts with the snow-white soup.

Coupled with the orange decoration of the cold fish skin, this table forms a whole.

Like an indispensable puzzle, a few blocks seriously affect the senses.

"Saint, holy, this is what you mean by puffer fish dishes?"

Lisdade pointed to the dishes on the table, her voice a little distracted.

"Yes, but I heard Boss Chu say that this is a more advanced material used. Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya nodded slowly, and his tone was a little embarrassed. "

I didn't expect that I couldn't afford to eat puffer fish in the past, but today I can taste more advanced puffer fish whales.

Adignera finally came to her senses and forced herself to calm her chaotic mind, ready to taste these dishes that she had never seen before.

"Holy Son, Holy Boy, try this piece of braised pork."

Although a little impatient, Adenera has not forgotten the purpose of her trip and won the favor of the man in front of her.

Well, the military god did not expect that she would actually fall in love with a man one day, but sometimes love comes too quickly like a tornado, and she can't control it herself.

Quickly picking up a piece of 'braised fish' and putting it in the holy bowl of the Dragon Palace Courtyard, Adenera had a sweet smile on her face.

"Adenela, this is fish liver."

Ryugu Shengya sighed and corrected the other party's mistake.

This guy really practiced swords and practiced stupidly, and he couldn't even tell the difference between fish meat and fish liver.

Adignera was dumbfounded.

From the moment she was born, she either saved the world or practiced swords alone, eating just to get more energy.

In fact, the gods can not eat, and the gods who unify the god realm eat, either to taste delicious food or to increase their strength, otherwise eating and drinking is meaningless to them.

In this way, it is understandable that Adignera does not have common sense in this regard

Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya secretly shook his head: "You better hurry up and eat, it's rare to come here and don't miss the dishes here." "

He was telling the truth, and he didn't see that Lisdai had turned on the windswept cloud mode and began to eat wildly.

That speed, it is almost like the image of a lady who usually shows in the god world, and the whole thing is like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Don't look at Lisita Dai and Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya together, like a funny, like a female neurosis.

But in the eyes of outsiders, she is a new generation of healing goddesses, dignified, reasonable, beautiful and holy lady of the god world.

At least Adignera had never seen such a Liss Yangtang.

But soon, she realized that if she didn't act again, the entire table would be eaten by Lisudai.

I didn't see that the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya accelerated the frequency of moving chopsticks and began to fight with each other.

Hongmaru and the others, who were still enjoying the crab and pig dishes, looked at the 'struggle' of several gods in amazement, and suddenly had a feeling that the three views were shattered.

"Lord Limulu, what did you just say? Are they goddesses from another world? "

Red Pill asked in a somewhat uncertain whisper.

He had just asked the identities of the three people.

Limulu smiled lightly and nodded.

Not surprisingly, the performance of Listada and Adenera.

In the face of Boss Chu's cooking, people or gods who can still show calmness have not yet appeared.

When I first came, didn't I gobble it up.

Just get used to it, it's not a big deal, come a few times and get used to it.

But Ziyuan is a little unacceptable, the guy in front of him is very different from the goddess he imagined.

At the beginning, the divine aura exuding from Lisdade and Adenera was a bit of a god.

But after I started cooking, it was like a different person.

That gap is like the difference between a person and a man.

For a while, Ziyuan didn't know what to say.

"Could it be that the gods of the other world are all starving ghosts reincarnated?"

At this time, Zhu Cai suddenly said, looking at Lisi Dai and the others, with a trace of pity in their eyes...

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