Chapter 0569 - A Guest from Another World!!

No wonder Zhu Cai has such feelings.

After all, she has always been Sven, and it is difficult to imagine a rude appearance.

It's just that Zhu Cai's words reached the ears of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya, and it was a little embarrassing.

Looking at the gobbling up Lisda and Yadenera.

The cautious brave man shook his head and smiled bitterly, and poured himself a bowl of white soup.

Although watching beautiful women eat is a very pleasing thing to the eye.

But if you change to two female neuropathy, it's a different story.

Out of sight and out of mind, the Dragon Palace Temple Shengya preferred to drink the soup quietly.

The white puffer fish whale soup is so delicious that it seems to carry a kind of sweetness.

The rich fragrance flows through the throat to the stomach, and the warmth spreads throughout the body, making the whole person feel as warm as if soaking in a hot spring.

Shen Yong exhaled a white breath.

Take a bite of soup to dry.

It seems that the knots in my heart have dissipated a lot.

Inexplicably, he was summoned by the goddess to the unified god realm, to save the world or something, in fact, the Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Ya resisted from the bottom of his heart.

He would rather stay at home and sleep with his head covered than experience any adventures.

God knows when a monster will pop up that you can't deal with? But face the world that is about to be destroyed and those whose homes are destroyed by the demons.

The cold-faced Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint couldn't refuse.

Only by coming to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat can his tangled heart get a moment of peace.

"Dragon Palace Courtyard, are you still fighting the Demon King Army recently?"

Limuru had already finished his portion, and he was bored and sleepy, looking for something to say.

"Yes, just killed one of the four heavenly kings under the Demon King, what a difficult opponent..."

The Dragon Palace Courtyard Saint Yao suddenly nodded, and let out a series of emotion.


Lisi Dadai, who was eating frantically, was shocked when she heard this, and a series of question marks appeared in her mind.


Weren't the Four Heavenly Kings Caios and Magura killed by you like chopping vegetables?

Where are they difficult?

The super strong one is obviously how are you!

Lisuda Dai has never been able to understand the brain circuits of the Dragon Palace Courtyard Shengya.

I always feel that this guy is not an alternative pretending.

True Versailles!

But Limulu expressed understanding, and even felt the same way: "Yes, the other world is really not easy to mix, I also met a pig-headed king not long ago, it was simply ridiculously strong, and it took a lot of effort to kill him, otherwise everyone in the new town will be dangerous..."

Red Pill and Shiyuan were silent for a while.

They feel that what Limulu said and what they saw were not the same version.

Could it be that our memories are confused, or that Lord Limuru has lost his memory?

Anyway, Red Pill and Ziyuan clearly remember that the so-called ridiculously strong pig head king was directly swallowed by Lord Limulu, and he didn't even turn over a wave.

Except for the unconscious Limlu and Ryugō-in Shengya.

The other guests looked at each other, not knowing how to complain.

Chu Feng listened to the two protagonists chatting awkwardly with a smile, and did not mean to interject, perhaps in the hearts of these two goods, the other world is indeed very dangerous.

They were completely unaware of how strong their strength was for the natives of the other world.

But it doesn't matter, one day they will realize it.

After a meal, people from the two worlds gradually began to get acquainted.

The main thing is that the relationship between Limuru and Ryugu Shengya looks good, and Ziyuan, who has a big grin, has also joined the chat camp.

After all, any creature will have a strong interest after learning that other worlds exist, and Ziyuan, a battle freak, will naturally be no exception...

She even wanted to test the depths of the goddesses.

But Limuru stopped her in time.

The healing goddess Lisdai, Aster may still be able to fight.

Don't think about it, the military god Adenela, the current Ziyuan is definitely not an opponent.

The two groups talked happily with each other, ate and drank and left one after another.

It's just that not long after the group left, the back door of the dining mound was pushed open again.

What day is it today, and the guests are coming to visit?

Chu Feng didn't know either, but there was still a smile on his face.

Because Tokisaki Crazy San and Night Saber God Juka had already entered the restaurant one after another, followed by a blue-haired girl.


A dream girl who looks as delicate as a French doll.

With a fantastic appearance and a small body, it is easy to make people feel a sense of protection.

Chu Feng was more familiar with the world of covenant battles, and recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.

It's just that if memory serves, the fourth series is a gentle and timid child by nature, almost afraid to talk directly with people, the conversation is carried out through the rabbit doll in his hand, how did Tokisaki Crazy San 'trick' her over?

The word 'deceit' is used here, after all, Tokisaki's mouth is always intriguing.

Chu Feng didn't ask Shiqi Madsan, what the other party wanted to say, he didn't need to ask at all

For any guest who patronizes Maple Leaf Pavilion, Big Boss Chu is extremely welcome, as long as he gives enough money for meals.

As for the influence of diners on the other world, Chu Feng has not paid attention to it at all recently.

Progress is super slow, is there any need for attention?

The establishment of space-time anchors is not something that can be completed overnight, it takes a long time.

Fortunately, the last thing he lacks now is time, he can take his time, and he can experience life on the line...

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