Chapter 0575 - The Right Way to Open with Harmony Value!!

Gossip is human nature.

The passionate research-loving Haihara is no exception.

She kind of wanted to see Chu Feng's 'joke' now.

After all, Boss Chu is too perfect, proficient in everything, and almost never made a mistake.

It is not often possible to see the other person deflated.

Xiao Wei was faintly looking forward to it.


The development of events did not seem to be the same as she had imagined.


Haibara was silent.

The conversation between the three women was completely unexpected.

"Sister Tianyu, this Estée Lauder lipstick is very suitable for you, sexy and not elegant"

"Yes, Alice knows cosmetics very well, I usually don't pay attention to this"

"That's because Sister Tianyu is naturally beautiful and can't use these at all, but trying it once in a while is also a fresh experience."

"Well, I'll try it when I get back."

"Sister Thor, how is this platinum cream? It feels like a good fit for you..."

"Is it? 680,000 bottles, not very expensive, bought. "

"It's really not expensive, but it works well."

The three women huddled in a pile looking at Alice's mobile phone, choosing cosmetics with interest.

International brands, naturally expensive.

But for a few people, that little money is nothing.

Even Gray Plain does not feel expensive, usually she buys scientific research instruments, it is millions at every turn, and her eyelids do not blink.

What really silenced her was the attitude of the three women.


Aren't you supposed to be jealous?

Aren't you supposed to stage a legendary Asura field?

Why do you look happy, like the aunts and wives of ancient times, discussing how to please their men?

Haibara was a little confused, and his smart brain couldn't turn around.

Akemi Miyano looked at this scene with a smile, feeling that everyone got along very well, she couldn't talk at all, and a trace of envy gradually appeared in her eyes.

Perhaps it was the soul between the sisters, and Haibara was keenly aware of Akemi Miyano's emotions.

Well, no, no, sister, you don't want to compete for the fourth aunt, right?

Haibara thought wildly, and the more he thought about it, the more likely he felt.

After all, Akemi Miyano gets along with Chu Feng every day, and it is basically impossible to resist Boss Chu's charm.

Shaking his head secretly, Haibara withdrew his thoughts and focused on the dishes on the table.

She doesn't know much about men and women, but it's easier to study dream ingredients and taste food.

When all the dishes were served, Chu Feng beckoned everyone to start, and Alice put away her mobile phone with a triumphant smile on her face.

That's right, just now she took the initiative to find a topic, just to deepen the relationship with Tianyu and Thor.

Since you fall in love with the same man, you have to learn to share it with your sisters, which is a good way to get along.

What's more, God knows if Chu Feng will have other women in the future, and Alice never doubts the charm of the other party.

Instead of everyone fighting against each other, it is better to form an alliance as soon as possible to prevent Chu Feng from being snatched away by others.

The three women inadvertently reached a tacit agreement and began to enjoy today's party.

In fact.

Chu Feng was also surprised by Thor and the others.

I didn't expect them to get along so happily.

A knowing smile on his face.

Big Boss Chu quickly thought of the key to this.

Harmony is precious!

Only this thing can make people put aside their prejudices and accept the seemingly impossible after all, his cooking heart, but can affect a person's mind on a spiritual level, Thor, Alice and Tianyu have eaten his dishes many times.

Although most of the time, Chu Feng did not deliberately integrate too strong a cooking heart.

But the accumulation of small amounts will always change the thinking of normal people.

When several people's feelings for him reach a very strong point, they will naturally subconsciously think about him and come up with the best solution by themselves.

Anyone who knows Chu Feng knows that he doesn't like trouble and just wants to live a peaceful life.

Family stability is particularly important.

Thor, Alice, and Sky Feather slashed, naturally to cooperate with this stability.

Therefore, it is difficult for Big Boss Chu to encounter the miserable Asura Field, let alone become the next Brother Cheng.

After all, his skills are much stronger than Brother Cheng.

Chu Feng picked up a piece of Mapo tofu and stuffed it into his mouth, still the same taste, and the little tension at the beginning was gone.

He discovered the right way to open 'peace first'.

The meal was enjoyable and everyone was happy.

Although it is only traditional Chinese cuisine, the ingredients are not ordinary, except for the two dragon girls and the angel Miyano Akemi, the other three feel that their physical fitness has improved slightly.

Although the ordinary ingredients are done to the fullest, it can best reflect the skills of a chef, but Chu Feng has obviously exceeded this level, and his realm is not so vulgar, since there are good ingredients, why use ordinary things to show their level, now, whether it is usual dining or business, Chu Feng did not deliberately select ingredients.

Whether it is ordinary ingredients or dream ingredients, he can do it vividly and make guests 4.0 extremely satisfied.

Just like this meal, everyone was extremely happy, except for Connor and Xiaomour, who were poured into a.

Connor thought about whether to get bigger, although it was very energy-consuming, it was still no problem to maintain it for ten days and a half month.

In fact, after getting along for so long, she had long developed a dependence on Chu Feng, and she was reluctant to leave Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Gray Plains, on the other hand, wants to develop an antidote to APTX-4869 as soon as possible.

It's not that he has any thoughts about Boss Chu, but simply mixing in the pile of women as a primary school student, making her a little confused.

Well, that's it, Xiao Wei is an adult, and I also want to discuss cosmetics with everyone...

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