Chapter 0576 - Three Steps Down, Whitebeard Drunk to Relieve Thousands of Worries!!

Closed during the day.

It does not mean that visitors from another world are not accepted at night.

The hour hand points to eight o'clock sharp.

Chu Feng opened the door connecting all walks of life on time.

Whitebeard came first.

He was followed by a cook and a man in a hat.

The man in a chef's suit, at least three meters tall, with a Pompaddu hairstyle, looks like a very kind person.

The man in the hat looks young, only more than one meter and eight points tall, his skin color is also very average, and he has freckles on his cheeks, looking like a big boy.

This guy Chu Feng knows, Ace, the protagonist Luffy his brother, the man who was beheaded at the end of the war on top.

Seeing Whitebeard bring the two over, Chu Feng instantly understood that Blackbeard's action to kill Saatchi and take the Dark Fruit had failed.

Because the chef in front of him is Saatchi, the captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates, the unlucky ghost 27 who accidentally found the dark fruit.

However, Whitebeard's current state is very wrong, and his whole body reveals a faint sadness, and his eyes are like winter snow, as if he can't be dissolved of sorrow.

Chu Feng secretly guessed that things should not be as simple as Blackbeard exposing his evil heart, perhaps Whitebeard had experienced much more than that.

Sure enough, Whitebeard's first words after coming in were: "Boss Chu, is there any spirits?" The kind that can get me drunk! "

Whitebeard, want to buy drunk!

There is wine in Maple Leaf Pavilion, and it is all good wine.

Whether it is a hundred immortal brew or a stuffy donkey, it is an excellent wine prepared by Chu Feng.

But both types of whitebeards have drunk, and it is difficult to get him so drunk that he can't get up.

And now, he just wants to get drunk, and it's better to sleep all night.

Saatchi and Ace looked at each other, not knowing whether to stop their father.

In fact, the two of them are also uncomfortable now, and they also want to get drunk and relieve their worries, so that they subconsciously ignore this magical place.

Although it was the first time to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion, it was not the first time they had heard their father mention this magical restaurant.

In other words, Saatchi, who loves cooking, and Ace, who is extremely curious, have opened the chatterbox at this moment and began to ask questions.

But now, none of them are in the mood.

Because the betrayal of the brothers blocked their hearts like a stone, it was very uncomfortable.

Seeing the strange appearance of the white-bearded three, Chu Feng didn't ask more, and went straight into the kitchen spirit, he had, but he rarely took it out, and even he wouldn't touch it usually.

Three steps down!

A spirit that was rare in ancient times in the Dragon Kingdom.

Because of the heavy production process and extremely high alcohol content, those good men in the rivers and lakes did not dare to taste it lightly.

When Chu Feng was idle, he brewed some three-step pouring, and he had no intention of selling it, but he was just a little curious about it.

Coupled with the addition of fantastic ingredients to it, it is impossible to take it to ordinary people to taste, and it will die.


Since Whitebeard has the intention to buy drunk, he does not want to give the other party a try.

Anyway, with the strength of the other party, you can't drink to death.

Pour the beige wine into a large bowl.

The rich aroma of wine suddenly swept through the hall.

Whitebeard was a bit of a surprise.

Because this seemingly ordinary wine, the aroma is stronger than Baixian Brew and Stuffy Donkey.

Based on this taste alone, he knew that Three Steps was definitely a rare spirit.

Just like him!

"Thank you, Boss Chu!"

The drunken whitebeard did not immediately pick up the wine bowl.

Instead, he looked at Saatchi and Ace, and said with a serious face: "What are you two brats still doing, and you are not quick to thank Boss Chu for saving your life." "

“...... Thank you Boss Chu! "

“...... Thanks to Boss Chu's prompt, Saatchi was able to save his life. "

Ace and Saatchi thanked one after another.

Especially the latter, the words are full of gratitude.

If no one had reminded him, if there was no daddy watching in the dark, he would definitely have been killed by Tichy that night, and there would be no chance of reaction.

Just as Whitebeard had always trusted his son before, Saatchi would not suspect his brother, not to mention that in the group, he would not be guarded at all as far as he had the best and closest relationship with the other party.

Who knew that the brother who had a lifelong friendship was so vicious, for the sake of a devil fruit, he actually wanted to kill himself, without even the slightest hesitation.

At that moment, Saatchi's heart was cold, and when the tip of the knife was less than three centimeters from his heart, he did not feel the pain of the blade piercing his body.

If it weren't for Daddy's timely shot, his body would have been cold by now.

Saatchi is full of gratitude to Boss Chu who reminded his father in time, although he didn't know why the other party knew about Heihu 023's plan in advance.

But the other party saved his life, this is a fact!

Chu Feng nodded to the two and shook his head: "No need to thank you, I just don't want to lose a good guest." "

"Having said that, your kindness to our pirate group, I Whitebeard wrote it down, and I can mention it if you can get me in the future."

Whitebeard took a sip of wine, and always killed his son with his own hands with an inseparable sadness under his eyes, a pain that ordinary people cannot experience.

Although Blackbeard Tichy is only his adopted son, over the years, he has always regarded Wanwan as his own son.

Killing each other with their own hands, no one can experience the heartache of Whitebeard.

Chu Feng did not ask about Blackbeard's fate.

From the expressions of Whitebeard, Saatchi and Ace, it can be seen that the end of Wanwan is not much better.

Whitebeard didn't take the initiative to talk about it, and after thanking him, he drank the stuffy wine one after another.

Chu Feng couldn't stand it, and motioned for Alice to get some barbecue and appetizers.

These three guys, at a glance, haven't eaten well recently, and Whitebeard has a tendency to relapse from old injuries...

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