Chapter 0578 - A Guide to Traveling to Another World!!

People's joys and sorrows are not the same, but the taste of food can.

The aroma of grilled meat is like the first rays of sunlight after the first snow in winter, nourishing the hearts of whitebeard fathers and sons.

The taste of that unknown meat after cooking.

Ace and Saatchi are indescribable.

It was also the first time they had eaten such a wonderful roast.

For a time, under the watering of meat and wine, the sadness in his heart dissipated a lot, Chu Feng has always been very good to guests, although the meat and vegetables are not from his hands, but Alice's cooking skills are not covered.

The villain is also between eight stars and nine stars, and the level is much higher than Saatchi, the chef of the other world.

Coupled with the magic of three steps pouring, after a few bowls of wine, Ace and Saatchi were faintly drunk.

"Daddy, what kind of meat is this? It's too delicious, right? "

Ace is not a person who speaks little, and as soon as the wine came up, he immediately opened the chatterbox, and did not forget to burp.

"I don't know, you have to ask Boss Chu about this."

The whitebeard barely squeezed out a smile, and the sadness between his eyebrows dissipated a lot.

Only a magical place like Maple Leaf Pavilion and the delicious food here can dilute the sorrow in the heart.

"Demon Great Snake Meat."

Seeing Ace looking at himself, Chu Feng smiled and said.

Whitebeard nodded slightly: "It's a pity that Boss Chu personally made 820, otherwise it would be more delicious." "

Saatchi was stunned: "God, such a delicious dish, can it be better for Boss Chu to make it?" "

As a chef, although not as good as those celebrity chefs on the sea.

But Saatchi asked himself how many brushes he had, and he still had the insight, at least he couldn't make the taste.

But Dad didn't hesitate to say that it would be more delicious if Boss Chu was allowed to make it.

And listening to his tone, it seems that these dishes are more than one grade higher.

At this time, Alice had already walked out of the kitchen, untied the apron around her waist, and smiled: "I dare not compare with him, his cooking level is four levels higher than mine." "

No problem.

Eight stars to the dragon kitchen, not exactly four levels apart.

Saatchi was shocked again, twisting his stiff neck like a clockwork mechanical puppet, and looked at Chu Feng stunned.

Oh, my God~

It's four levels higher than these dishes.

Although I don't know the chef classification here, it is scary enough, his biggest hobby is to specialize in cooking, and he was shocked for a while, and he almost knelt down and kowtow.

Of course, Saatchi is just thinking about it.

He was not familiar with Chu Feng, and reason told him that it was best not to do such a stupid thing.

Ace didn't think much about it, the level of the chef, he was completely uninterested, and the dishes in front of him could already satisfy his feelings.

"It's delicious~~ If Luffy comes here, he will be very happy, that guy is a complete foodie."

"Luffy, is that your little brother?"

Whitebeard had a slight interest in chatting.

"Uh-huh, that kid has also gone to sea recently, and there is already a reward for him in the newspaper, but it's still a little far from the new world, and I don't know when I can meet Luffy, a trace of remembrance appeared under Ace's eyes, and he suddenly missed his time in Windmill Village."

Whitebeard smiled and patted Ace's shoulder: "Don't worry, didn't you say that kid is very strong, he will definitely be able to reach the new world smoothly." "

"I'm not worried about him, Daddy, let's go drink."

Ace pouted and dried another bowl in three steps.

Chu Feng glanced at the black-haired man strangely.

I didn't expect this guy to be a little tsundere.

Obviously worried about his brother, but he refused to admit it.

Mentioning Luffy, Chu Feng moved a little.

If the son of luck of the pirate world is brought to Maple Leaf Pavilion, will it have a great impact on that world?

Subconsciously click on the system interface, and the middle point of the panel belonging to the pirate world turned blue.

This is the space anchor, which was originally red and has now changed color.

Chu Feng was slightly startled, and suddenly a little surprised.

Because this represents that the space anchor of the pirate world has been completely stabilized.

Solved Blackbeard and avoided the top war, and had such a big impact on the pirate world?

Just after this incident, the spatial anchor between the two worlds has been completely stabilized?

That is, you can go to the pirate world at will?

Chu Feng realized it later, and hurriedly called up the other world shuttle guide.

This is the version that the system has just generated after the space anchor has stabilized.

【Otherworldly Shuttle Guide】

[First, the consent of the gold card holder must be required for the host to perform space jumps.

[Second, you can only take one person to another world at a time, but as the influence on that world deepens, the number of people who can be brought will also increase. 】

[Third, please do not interfere too much in the development of the other world, our purpose is to spread food to the other world and promote food culture. 】

[Fourth, if it is necessary to interfere in the development of the other world, please abide by the principle of guaranteeing your own interests, our principle is: do not cause trouble, do not be afraid of things, do not suffer losses...

[V. 】

A long list of formulaic guides, Chu Feng only scanned it cursoryly, directly ignoring the third guideline.

But interfere more in the development of another world?


How can you affect another world if you don't do things?

However, this is not enforced by the system.

Anyway, to sum it up, it's a sentence, go over there and watch and do it yourself, as long as you don't suffer losses.

Putting away the system interface, Chu Feng suddenly had the feeling of clearing the clouds and seeing the moon.

It's not easy, finally a world's space anchor is completely stabilized.

Originally, I thought that the covenant battle world would be the first, but I didn't expect that the pirate world would be the first.

However, Whitebeard has to agree...


Not a big deal.

It is impossible for Whitebeard to disagree.

Some time ago, he also invited himself to a party with the pirate group.

It's just that at that time, the space anchor was unstable, and he couldn't go if he wanted to.

But now?

Chu Feng thought about it or forget it.

The Whitebeard Pirates Group just had a funeral, and the atmosphere of the whole group was not very good, so I still didn't mix it for the time being.

After a while, Whitebeard's mentality will improve and then go around.

Big Boss Chu, who likes to think about people, quickly dispelled his curiosity about the world of pirates.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time, and there is no rush.

It didn't take long ~

Whitebeard was drunk.

The same goes for Ace and Saatchi.

Grief is always hurtful.

Alcohol is like a maggot attached to the atrium, constantly eating sadness, making people unconsciously intoxicated.

The amount of alcohol that Whitebeard and the others are not low, but they are always no match for three steps.

Chu Feng didn't care about them either, and let the three men lie on the table and fall asleep.

With the strength of the three of them, it won't be long before he wakes up.

Anyway, people are still here, not afraid that the food money will slip away....

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