Chapter 0579 - The Dark Fruit Has Arrived, Tanjiro's Friends!!

Whitebeard and others have good strength.

Perhaps also realizing that he was not on board.

In short, the three of them slept for about half an hour and woke up.

It's different from yesterday.

There aren't many guests from another world tonight.

Chu Feng swiped his phone bored for half an hour.

There was also no second group of guests entering the door.

Thor, Alice and Miyano – Akemi isn't bored.

It's normal that Maple Leaf Pavilion doesn't have many guests at night.

Whitebeard woke up slowly, and the sadness under his eyes dissipated a lot.

He looked at Chu Feng, who was not far away and was holding a strange object in his hand.

He didn't know what 'mobile phone' was, only that Boss Chu always slipped his fingers on it when he was usually fine, as if it was fun.

A smile appeared on the old face of the old man who coexisted with perseverance and vicissitudes, and this was the first time that he showed such a knowing expression today.

After eating the dishes of Maple Leaf Pavilion and drinking Boss Chu's wine, Whitebeard felt a lot better in his heart.

The two big hands rubbed the heads of the two brats next to them, and the whitebeard spoke: "You two, it's time to get up, sleep in the store, what kind of system?" "

Saatchi and Ace opened their eyes leisurely, looking confused and just woke up, the difference was that the former was pretending to be drunk, and the latter was really confused.

Saatchi has also practiced on the sea for many years, and although his mentality was a little broken before, he quickly adjusted.

Just now, he was not completely drunk.

"Saatchi, get that thing out!"

Whitebeard glanced at the box at Saatchi's feet.

"Oh oh~~"

Saatchi quickly bent down, put the bronze-colored iron box on the table, and snapped

"With a sound, the box opens with a sound."

A strangely shaped fruit lay peacefully in the box.

Whitebeard glanced at this devil fruit, without the slightest nostalgia in place, and even a little disgusted.

It was this thing that caused the Whitebeard Pirates to kill each other, so that they had to kill their son with their own hands.

Dark fruit, Whitebeard is annoyed when he sees it now!

"Boss Chu, knowing that you like to collect Devil Fruit, this Dark Fruit will be given to you, thank you very much for your previous reminder."

"Give it to me?"

Chu Feng was keenly aware of a certain word.

Listening to the meaning of Whitebeard, the dark fruit is just a thanksgiving gift, not the meal money?

I didn't expect the other party to be so generous, and Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

You must know that in the points mall, the original dark fruit, the purchase price is 100,000 points, and it costs 1 billion yen to redeem it.

Isn't it generous to give the whitebeard to himself so easily?

Chu Feng accepted the dark fruit with peace of mind, without the slightest intention of shirking.

If it weren't for his whim, Whitebeard would now be preparing for Saatchi's funeral.

In fact, when Whitebeard first came today, Chu Feng had already noticed the two boxes brought by the three.

I thought it was to pay for the meal, but I didn't expect one of them to be a thank-you gift.

Another box of gold is nothing to say, pirates, there is always no shortage of gold and jewelry, Whitebeard likes to check out the bill with these two things.

Seeing that Chu Feng accepted the gift and meal money, the three of Whitebeard immediately took their leave.

Although Blackbeard betrayed them, he was also a member of the pirate group, and a simple funeral was still necessary, and they had to go back to each other's funerals and appease the personnel of dozens of ships.

There were many follow-up things in the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and Chu Feng did not ask the other party to agree to his past request, and he would talk about it after a while.

"Si Kuniichi, Tanjiro, is this where what god-sama lives? So gorgeous, so clean, look at these tables, what a polish, the second group of guests were brought by Tanjiro, followed by a shy yellow-haired boy and a pig-headed monster. "

Well, it was a guy with a wild boar hood on his upper body, and Chu Feng remembered that the other party seemed to be called Inosuke.

None of this matters, but is it swollen that you want to add a table as soon as you come to my restaurant? Licking dogs is not as dedicated as you!

Thor couldn't stand it, this was the table she had just cleaned, how could this guy spoil it.

A flash came to Inosuke in an instant, and his slender little hand held the ears of the pig's head cover and lifted up.

Inosuke had no power to resist at all, his whole head was thrown back, and his hood was also ripped off.

"Huh? No wonder you have to wear a hood, obviously so muscular, but with the same face as a girl. "

Inosuke revealed his true face, and Thor was a little surprised.

Because the other party's face is too beautiful, it is the kind of feminine appearance, but with that muscular body, it gives people a great visual impact.

Well, it's the negative effects of that contrast.

In short, Thor is a little uncomfortable with the appearance of the other party.

"Miss Thor, I'm so sorry, my companion is curious about everything for the first time, it's really a bit rude."

Tanjiro was immediately startled when he saw Thor make a move.

Although I don't know what the strength of the other party is, since he can accompany the god-sama, he must be a capable person.

After returning to the Ghost Annihilation World, Tanjiro and Zhu Shi discussed many times, and agreed that Chu Feng was the legendary god-sama.

Later, he got to know my wife Zenyoshi and then Inosuke, and after thinking about it, he decided to bring them here.

After all, the dishes made by Boss Chu are indeed extremely magical.

Before coming, he also seriously and seriously told Inosuke not to cause trouble, as long as he ate quietly, who knew that this energetic guy would cause trouble as soon as he came, and Tanjiro had an incomparable headache.

What if the god-sama is lively and the divine punishment is lowered? He doesn't have the ability to stop it!

"Thor, don't scare the little friend, although he looks like a girl."

Chu Feng looked at Tanjiro and his group and said half-jokingly.

Although I knew that Inosuke was happy, after seeing the real person, I still felt that this contrast was a little awkward.

That's right, it's awkward, or bring a boar head cover to the eye.

"Lord Shinmei, these two are my friends, my wife Zengyi and Izuhira Inosuke, Inosesuke was rude just now, I apologize to you for him."

Tanjiro bowed slightly and said politely.

Chu Feng pouted: "What gods are not gods, let's call them according to the original name, I am not a god, just a restaurant owner and chef." "

Neon is known as eight million gods, really any crooked date can be on the altar, Chu Feng does not want to be ranked with those guys.

"Yes, Lord Kamei."

Tanjiro hesitated, but still insisted on his idea.

How can you not be respectful to the lord of the gods?

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