Chapter 0580 - My Wife Zenyi and Mouth Hirai Inosuke!!

Simple and stubborn.

This is Chu Feng's perception of Tanjiro.

See the other person and always insist on their opinions.

He didn't bother to stop either.

"What are you going to eat tonight?"

Chu Feng's smile was like a spring breeze.

"Anything, I heard Tanjiro say that everything you have here is delicious, and Hiranosuke licked his lips, his tone full of expectation."

Because he wore a hood, no one could see his expression.

But from the eager tone, it is not difficult to see that he is looking forward to it.

Tanjiro frowned slightly, glared at the other party slightly, and complained: "Inosuke, don't be rude to the gods-sama." "

Even if it is a grudge, the teenager is equally gentle.

Inosuke pouted, "Didn't Boss Chu say not to treat him as a god?" I just want to eat now, but I haven't even eaten dinner for this one. "

In the face of the existence of doubts about being a god, in fact, he has restrained a lot, at least he did not call himself 'Laozi'.

Chu Feng didn't mind either, this group of lively teenagers brought a different kind of anger to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The three of them discussed for a while, ordered three dishes, and then found a place near the corner to sit down.

Pork chop rice, beef patties and ice cream are the food ordered by each of the three.

Tanjiro ordered pork cutlet rice, and Inosuke asked for beef patties, Chu Feng was not surprised, after all, these two are relatively common dishes during the Neon Taisho period.

But my wife Shanyi asked for ice cream, which was a bit surprising.

However, looking back at the history of catering development in that era, it is not difficult to see the impact of Western food culture on neon.

French Gillette pork chops gradually evolved into pork chop rice, fried meatloaf turned into beef patty, and Russian-style large lieba rolled up a wave of children's desserts, ice cream, marbles soda, apple pie and other meals are loved by the majority of neon children.

I don't know where my wife Shanyi heard the name ice cream and asked for one.

Chu Feng naturally would not refuse the request of the diners, ice cream, anyway, there was a machine in the kitchen to make this thing.

The three dishes were all very simple, and Alice started it, and it was quickly prepared and put on the table.

Three little guys who lived in the Taisho era a hundred years ago He had seen brightly colored ice cream, and at this time their eyes were really real.

Bright red strawberries, turquoise snow, candy made of chocolate, colorful ice cream almost blinded the eyes of the three.

"Well, what is it? Looks delicious! "

Inosuke, who was impatient, did not hide his curiosity, and the whole person screamed.

My wife Shanyi was also surprised, she didn't expect that what she heard was so beautiful.

He hadn't eaten ice cream, he hadn't seen it, but he had just heard other kids say it by chance, and the other party categorically said that it was definitely the most delicious food in the world.

Because of this, after coming to Maple Leaf Pavilion, my wife Shanyi subconsciously ordered this dish, and he didn't even know if there was one here.

Looking at the ice cream the size of his head in front of him, my wife Shanyi seemed to see the clouds in the setting sun, and the red clouds covered the green grass, as if it were an incomparably beautiful picture.

Inosuke was eager to try, a little hungry and ready to pick up the spoon that was stuck in the ice cream.

"Mine, this is what I ordered, you are not allowed to move!"

My wife, Zengyi, who is timid and not good at words, seems to be sleepwalking at this moment, and her extremely quick hands are behind the ice cream, and her eyes are vigilantly staring at the mouth of Hiranosuke.

He knows the other party very well, this guy will definitely not be polite with himself, and will definitely snatch away the hard-won delicacy.

"Inosuke don't fight, aren't you clamoring for beef patties? Don't let Lord God see our jokes. "

Tanjiro looked at his two friends with a smile in tears.

It feels like they are like children who have not grown up, and they almost fought over a piece of food.

Although he also craves the beautiful ice cream, it is not enough to win people's favor, if you want to eat it, you can order it next time.

Pushing the beef patty in front of Inosuke, the latter stopped slightly, but did not forget to mutter: "Remember to leave me some, so that people can taste it..."

It can be seen that he has always been obsessed with ice cream, and Chu Feng and Thor watched the three of them play funny.

It feels like the feelings of this group of guys are so good.

Especially Chu Feng, it's not that he envies the other party, it's just that he has never had a close friend.

Growing up in an orphanage, there was no shortage of partners, but they didn't play particularly well.

When he grew up and started working, his former friends gradually lost contact, and it can be said that he had almost no friends before crossing.

On the contrary, after crossing over, I met many people and made many friends.

Let's just be friends, right!?

Speaking of which, luck doesn't seem to be very good today.

I didn't even brush out a skill.

Although now Chu Feng no longer pursues skills.

But it always feels like lady luck is not taking care of herself.

Isn't it the wrong way to get up in the afternoon?

I remembered the enthusiasm of Tianyu after the dinner.

Chu Feng no longer struggled with this aspect.

Tanjiro and the others are worthy of being members of the Ghost Killing Team.

The speed of eating is a fast.

Maybe it's a busy gobbling up of the road.

A meal didn't take a few minutes.

Inosuke got his wish and tasted the ice cream.

Although it was only a small sip, it also made him excited, clamoring that he must order one next time.

After Tanjiro settled the bill, he politely said goodbye to Chu Feng, and after the three of them opened it again, the Maple Leaf Pavilion once again returned to its previous calm.

Chu Feng estimated that he would not come to the guest again, and closed the back door smoothly.

In the next few days, we will repeat the usual business.

The wind and waves outside are calm, and the development of the food industry has not affected the lives of ordinary people, after all, for ordinary people, the most important thing is to live their own lives, too high-end things have nothing to do with them.

After a few days like this, Chu Feng suddenly received an invitation, an invitation from the Yuanyue Academy...

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