Chapter 0581 - Chu Feng Opens Class, Ten Million Lessons!!

"Lecture on public class?"

Looking at the three grandfathers and grandchildren of the Xue Che family who suddenly visited.

Chu Feng was sure that he had heard correctly.

Because Senzoemon is very serious now.

But, why, what's the point?

At this time, what effect can it be to invite yourself to take a public class in Yuanyue?

Chu Feng couldn't figure it out.

It's not that you don't want to show up.

After all, there is still a pillow wind staring at himself with anticipation.

And the relationship with the Xue Che family has always been good, he will not shirk, and the price offered by the other party is also very exciting.

Ten million, yen!

Earning 10 million an hour is already close to the benefit of him doing fifty dishes, and what is not satisfied.

Well, now that Chu Feng is open during the day plus the amount of crit cashback, it can exceed this amount every day.

Although he is not interested in money now, who will be too much?

But Chu Feng still couldn't guess what Xianzuo Weimen thought.

At his current level of cooking, he talks about cooking.

Let's not say whether the Yuanyue students can understand it.

Even if you deliberately choose a superficial truth.

It is still very unfriendly to most students.

Do you just write a random recipe and let the students make it themselves?

So why is he still on stage?

As if seeing Chu Feng's doubts, Xianzuoweimen said with a smile: "Don't worry, you don't need to teach them to cook, as long as you go on stage and chat with the students casually, it would be better if you could talk about things in the food world by the way." "

These words couldn't help but make Chu Feng slightly stunned, but he quickly figured out the other party's intentions.

This old man wants Yuanyue students to understand the cruelty of the food world.

Erinai and the members of the Ten Masters have indeed returned safely from the food world.

But most of Yuanyue's students don't understand the cruelty of the food world.

Even if Erinai put down her head and hyped up the horror of that place.

It is estimated that most students will not pay attention to it.

After all, it's a mecca for countless chefs.

Even if you know that it is not easy to escape, you will resolutely go there when you have the opportunity, which is something that cannot be stopped and will inevitably happen.

Xianzuoweimon was mostly worried that they would not pay attention to these in the future, so they would ask Chu Feng to come forward.

After all, Erinai is still too young, and although he has the strength and courage to take the position of commander-in-chief, some words are difficult to penetrate into the hearts of the people.

But Chu Feng is different, the youngest dragon chef today, standing at the peak of the culinary world.

His words carry unimaginable weight.

Good advice can be hard to swallow!

Just as many people ignore the advice of their friends but obey the advice of the older generation.

The current Chu Feng was an older generation of cooks to the Yuanyue students, and his words were sometimes more effective than the Holy Will.

Nodding slightly towards the Immortal Zuoweimen, Chu Feng smiled and said, "When will it start?" "

"Tomorrow, I wonder if you have time?"

"Okay, let's set it for the afternoon."

"Well, in a word!"

Xianzuoweimon liked to talk about business with Chu Feng.

There is no superfluous nonsense at all.

OK is okay, no is no, simple and direct and rude.

After talking about things, Xianzuoweimen stayed for a light meal before leaving, which couldn't help but make Chu Feng shake his head.

This old man ate and drank, but he had a lot of fun.

But when he thought of Alice, he didn't bother to care about this.

Inviting your girlfriend's grandfather to a meal is a normal thing.

"Have you heard? Boss Chu is coming to give us a lecture?" "

"Really? Since Boss Chu opened the store, I haven't seen him for a long time. "

"Of course it's true, General Erina's notice has already been sent, just at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Uh-huh, I heard that Senior Sister Tao and Senior Sister Gentian have both returned early, so they are waiting to listen to the class."

"Open class, or between the moon and the day, I wonder if we can grab a seat?"

"Since the establishment of Yuanyue School, it is the first time that someone has taken classes between moons and days, but since it is Boss Chu, then there is no problem"

"There is no seat to be afraid of, even if I am standing, I will go to the class!"

"I'm afraid that when the time comes, I won't even have a place to stand"

"Wouldn't you? It's really possible to think about it."

The news that Chu Feng was about to give a lecture swept through the entire Yuanyue like a tornado.

Because yesterday evening, Erina's notice was posted on social platforms.

This news instantly ignited the enthusiasm of the entire Yuanyue.

Even many lecturers are very moved, wanting to rub between the moon and the sky, even if they are watching at the door.

Unfortunately, this open class is only for students, and senior lecturers like Chappell can also participate in it, and they can only look at the door and sigh.

The students of Yuanyue were particularly excited.

Even the top ten members of the internship outside, such as Kobayashi Gentian, Akane Kubo Momo, Ongijima Fuyusuke and others rushed back.

Chef Dragon lectures, but this is an extremely rare opportunity that no chef can miss.

I don't know what the other person will say, but it doesn't matter, just listen.

If the scope is a little broader, it is estimated that past graduates will be the first to be present.

Kikuchi Sonogo, Hinatako, Shinomiya Kojiro, these high-star chefs who are still famous.

But I've always wanted to get guidance from top chefs.

It's just that this time Xianzuoweimen asked Chu Feng to come to the stage with an old face, and 430 is not good to pull in the past graduates of Yuanyue, then it seems a little inch.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The moon and day were already full of people.

That's right, it's the station!

Almost no one sits in a seat just to take one more seat.

To know ~

This time, Senzoemon and Erina, in order to speed up the awareness of young people.

But all the children in junior high school were called to the scene.

It's important to make everyone realize that the world of gastronomy is not a good place and that the future of chefs is not necessarily as rosy as it seems.

The age of gastronomy has arrived, and a world of incomparably crazy is about to be exposed to everyone.

Like tearing off a piece of flesh and skin, revealing a bloody interior, the red fruit is displayed in front of the world.

Although this is too cruel for students with good hearts, it is a reality that must be faced.

The idea of Erinai and Senzoemon is good.

After all, since thirty years ago, many good seedlings have fallen into the food industry every graduate of Yuanyue.

And as the two worlds continue to merge, only more and more students will enter the food world in the future.

If you can't even accept this bit of cruelty on paper, it's better to quit the industry as soon as possible.

Or switch to logistics after graduation and never talk about the road to promotion again.

The road of star chef is not easy to walk in itself!

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