Chapter 0582: Let you talk about cruelty, didn't make you so terrible!!

"Good afternoon, students!"

At three o'clock sharp, Chu Feng appeared on the makeshift podium on time.

He has always been very punctual, saying three o'clock is three o'clock, not a second is bad.

The podium stands in the middle of the moon and day, and the two cooking stations have all been removed and replaced with a simple podium.

Chu Feng stood in place and looked around, feeling the enthusiasm of the scene again.

"Boss Chu, I love you!"

"Boss Chu, are you still coming to Yuanyue to set up a stall?"

"Teacher Chu, what are you going to talk about today?"

"Teacher Chu..."

The enthusiasm of the students is a bit overwhelming.

It was as if fans in a past life saw idols all day long.

Except that there are no glow sticks and electronic cards.

Chu Feng raised his hand slightly and signaled everyone to be quiet.

Strange to say, with his movements, the scene actually quieted down, and Yaque was silent for a while.

In the VIP room on the third floor, Xianzuoweimen looked at this scene in surprise, and looked at Chu Feng below a little helplessly.

Ya, when he was the commander-in-chief, why was this group of students not so obedient?

How did it come to Chu Feng's place, and the whole school became so well-behaved?

Is this the charm of idols?

Even Erina shook her head a little helplessly.

In terms of prestige, she really can't compare to Chu Feng.

Even if you become a special chef, don't expect to have such prestige.

However, she has always been proud, and she is not disappointed.

Compared with the dragon kitchen, it is a very brain-dead behavior.

Erina, who has always been smart, does not like to be bored.

Now she was only curious about what Chu Feng would do.

This is also a topic that everyone cares about.

Half ring~

Chu Feng spoke.

"Well, without further ado, we won't talk about cooking today, after all, the cooking stations have been dismantled, and I can't talk about it if I want to."

The half-joking opening statement made many students laugh.

Although I can't hear Boss Chu talking about cooking, I can say something else.

And Boss Chu on the podium seems to be different from usual, and he actually knows to joke.

"So what are you going to talk about?"

"Won't teach us how to do business, will it?"

"In other words, Boss Chu's business, we can't do it."

Seeing that Chu Feng seemed to be able to speak better than when he set up the stall, some students were a little more daring, and quickly ridiculed.

Even Erina's face was full of strangeness, and today's Chu Feng seemed to be very relaxed.

However, have you forgotten today's topic, we want students to understand the cruelty of the food world?

At this moment, Chu Feng spoke again: "I believe everyone is very yearning for the food world, right?" "


"The mecca of food, what chef doesn't aspire to!"

"If I can explore the food world once in my life, I will have no regrets"

"I really envy the ten masters to participate in the food experience, I heard that they went once, and the level of cooking has improved a lot."

A certain ninth seater, Taljami Aldini, who did not want to be named, silently bowed his head in the crowd, and his brother looked at him worriedly.

Well, who let his brother lose when he competed, and finally did not catch the last train of the food experience.

Isami Aldini thought so, sighing secretly in his heart.

If Takmi can participate in the gastronomic experience, it is estimated that the level of cooking will also improve a lot.

However, Isami was faintly relieved, at least the gap between himself and his brother had not been widened, and there was still a chance to catch up.

The two brothers did not speak, they all stared intently ahead, at the man standing at the apex of the culinary world.

They, like most people, are curious about the world of food.

"It seems that everyone imagines the food world as very beautiful in their hearts, as if the dream ingredients are like radishes planted in the ground, posing for you to pluck?"

Chu Feng squinted his eyes slightly, staring at the simple-minded students in front of him with a slight smile, and his tone was lightheartedly ridiculed.

Who knew that in the next second, the words suddenly turned, and Chu Feng's voice gradually became low.

"Some people say movies are ridiculous, but I've always thought that reality is more ridiculous than movies."

The incomparably beautiful food world you imagine is actually like a monster with a huge mouth in the abyss, constantly devouring everything in this world.

"When you step into it, you can't help yourself, whether you want it or not, the future is not necessarily influenced by you"

These words appeared very suddenly.

As if there was no foreshadowing.

It appeared so abruptly.


Senzoemon and Erinah looked at each other.

Suddenly a little regretful that he let Chu Feng come as a guest lecturer.

This guy actually tore off a corner of reality in front of all the students at the beginning.

It was obviously just a very ordinary remark, and there was not even any terrifying embellishment, but Senzoemon and Erinah felt cold in their hearts.

The grandfather and grandson couldn't figure it out, as if Chu Feng's voice carried a magic power, making people believe and affirm his words from the bottom of their hearts.

This is true for both of them, let alone the students who have not yet stepped out of school.

At this moment, Senzoemon and Erinai had a little headache.

Let you talk about cruelty, but it doesn't make you say it so terrible, don't you see that the students are scared stupid.

Although I don't understand what horror Chu Feng's words are?

But all the students shivered collectively.

It was as if he really saw an abyss giant mouth appear in front of him.

It seems that it is really being played in the mouth by a monster with a flowing hara.

This feeling is so real that it makes people feel a kind of fear.

Whisper of the ancient gods!

In order to meet the requirements of the old man of Qiqi.

After Chu Feng spoke.

A little bit of magic is used.

Be sure to make students feel the cruelty of reality...

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