Chapter 0585 - Tsukimi Festival, Mai Sakurajima and Fifth Division!!

"Boss Chu?"

An extremely surprised voice suddenly sounded behind him.

It seemed that the owner of the voice could not believe that he would be touched in such a place.

Chu Feng looked back.

Seven beautiful girls dressed in similar clothes stood side by side, seemingly preparing to go to some event.

Well, all of them were wearing yukata clothes, as if they were preparing to participate in some kind of festival.

"Mai, Miss Nakano, Miss Oda."

Chu Feng turned around and said hello with a smile.

That's right~

The seven beautiful girls are Mai Sakurajima, Miha Oda and the five sisters Nakano.

Since joining Oda Performing Arts Company, Mai Sakurajima has not come to visit Chu Feng's business for a long time.

Chu Feng has not seen this cute girl-free ★ for a while, and now looking at the other party's qi and blood and mental outlook, it is obviously much better than in the past, and it seems that it should develop relatively smoothly.

"You guys are?"

Looking at the seven girls in different bathing clothes, Chu Feng was slightly curious.

"Moon Festival, doesn't Boss Chu know that today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the Moon Festival is being held nearby."

Oda Miha held the Kong Ming lantern in her hand, and after raising her hand slightly, she smiled busily.

"Mid-Autumn Festival."

Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Only then did I remember that today is August 15.

Neon also has a tradition of viewing the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

It's just that their side is called 'Tsukimi Festival'.

"No wonder there are so many vendors selling moon dango in the food street."

There are many rice-based activities in Neon.

Mochi and dango are frequent guests.

Nianguan eats rice cakes, moon sees eat dango, and neon people are also very particular.

Chu Feng rarely looked at the lunar calendar and rarely paid attention to the dates.

At this time, I realized that it was August before I knew it.

However, in previous years, he was also a person, and it didn't matter if he couldn't pass the festival, but there was no discomfort.

Just as he was stunned, the girl with a headband tied on her head asked Kazuka Nakano curiously: "Is he Boss Chu?" The legendary dragon chef? "

The shoulder-length girl is called Nakano Yotsuba, the fourth of the fifth ranks, and she is a lively and active girl.


Kazuka Nakano nodded heavily.

Although Chu Feng had nothing to do with her development path.

But people who reach the pinnacle of the culinary field deserve anyone's respect.

After all, in today's world, the status of chefs has always been very high.

Nakano Erno, who was tied with two butterfly headbands, looked at Chu Feng equally curiously, as if he had seen something strange.

Even Sanjiu, who wore headphones, and May, who had long hair, also had a hint of curiosity about the man in front of them.

Well, it's just simple curiosity, just like foreigners seeing giant pandas, they can't help but take a second look.

After all, don't talk about Chef Long, they hadn't even seen a special chef before.

As if intending to introduce his sisters to Chu Feng, Yihua smiled and said, "Is Boss Chu going to have anything next?" Would you like to join us at the Tsukimi Festival?" "

Although I don't understand why Chef Tang Dragon comes to the food court to eat snacks?

But this is not important, and it does not prevent Kazuka Nakano from solemnly issuing an invitation.

After all, the opportunity to meet Chef Dragon is not often available.

Has successfully entered the entertainment industry, and is very clear about the importance of socializing.

Although there is no special purpose, meeting a big person is not a bad thing.

Even Mai Sakurajima looked at Chu Feng with a look of expectation.

This period of time is relatively busy, and he is releasing albums and filming, and occasionally participating in variety shows.

Not to mention the business of patronizing Maple Leaf Pavilion, she rarely returns to Kyoto.

When she met Chu Feng by chance, she also wanted to stay with the other party for a while.

If it weren't for the man in front of him enlightening himself.

She is still in her mother's control and has no right to freedom today.

Joining Oda Performing Arts Company, the other party is also more reasonable.

I will also discuss with her before arranging work, and I have never forced Mai Sakurajima to know very clearly, all because of her relationship with Chu Feng.

Seeing that several girls were staring at him, Chu Feng nodded with a smile and couldn't bear to refuse.

Took out his phone and called Thor, saying that business would be closed tonight so that everyone could rest.

It wasn't that he had other thoughts about the girls, he just wanted to see the Tsukimi Festival.

Without changing the costumes of the festival, Chu Feng, who was dressed casually, stood in a group of bath-robed girls and walked generously towards the place where the festival was held, inexplicably attracting the angry eyes of a group of male creatures.

Beautiful girls with different temperaments were already eye-catching, and after seeing Chu Feng, the only man...

In their eyes, it is like a monkey mixed in with the seven fairies, how to see how to see.

Chu Feng ignored this group of male creatures with excessive hormone secretion and talked elegantly with several young girls.

Although you don't have to talk or laugh along the way, you can always find some topics.

For example, Erno is very interested in cooking, after all, she is the person in charge of cooking at home.

In addition, she herself also likes to cook, and humbly asks for precautions for cooking along the way.

Chu Feng didn't say anything too esoteric, and he didn't understand it.

It's just that he has 0.0 points to impress, this non-professional girl, the theoretical knowledge is actually no worse than that of the middle school students in the far middle school.

It may not be as good as the cooking skills, but the amount of knowledge in this area of cooking is very amazing.

Well, doesn't it mean that the fifths are all school scum, why can she remember so many recipes?

Sure enough, people with poor grades are not necessarily stupid, just interested in a certain subject.

Chu Feng wanted to persuade Nakano Nino to apply for the Yuanyue Academy, maybe he could shine in the chef industry.

However, the two have a shallow relationship, and he does not know the depth of the other party, and it is not good to interfere in the future of the other party.

The group chatted as they walked, and soon arrived at a market.

The Tsukimi Festival has already begun...

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