Chapter 0586 - A Lively and Extraordinary Festival!!

According to neon tradition, kimono or bath clothes are generally worn for festivals.

Therefore, Chu Feng, who was dressed in casual clothes, seemed a little out of place with the atmosphere of the scene.

Fortunately, he is not a neon person, so he does not have to follow the rules here.

Seeing that Chu Feng and Nakano Erno were talking and laughing, Mai Sakurajima felt a little uncomfortable.

Although it was not an invitation issued by herself, it was also she who met Chu Feng first, and Mai Sakurajima couldn't help but think of a sentence that was popular on the Internet recently: "Obviously, I came first!" "

However, seeing that the two were just exchanging things about cooking, Mai Sakurajima was slightly relieved.

Along the way, the trees on both sides of the street are covered with bamboo sticks, beard-like paper sticks and streamers, and the atmosphere of the Tsukimi Festival is instantly set against the backdrop of the trees that fill the street with 27 Buddha.

The signatures are full of words, and I don't know how many of them are genuine wishes, and how many are written indiscriminately to make up a good look.

Neon people pay great attention to the sense of ritual, because the two festivals of Mid-Autumn Festival and Qixi are relatively close, with Chu Feng's eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the paper sticks are mixed with sentences such as liking XXX and hoping to confess success.

But more often than not, it is 'I wish my family good health and well', 'I hope my family is safe'.

The Tsukimi Festival has begun.

The stalls outside the various shops have long been opened.

Everywhere you can see the common stalls during neon festivals.

There are a lot of people on the streets.

Fortunately, the motorway has already been emptied.

But it still can't hold back the torrent that is gradually taking shape.

The crowd of people was so crowded that it seemed that it was impossible to get in anymore.

Chu Feng followed Mai Sakurajima and the others to the most lively area.

I really can't understand where these people come from so much enthusiasm.

It seems that the grander the scene, the more people like to lean in.

"It's so lively."

Nakano Yotsuba looked at the crowd in fascination, his cheeks suddenly bulging with a bun face, as if he was worried about how to squeeze in.

"I didn't know so many people today."

Oda Miha said a little apologetically.

Participating in the Moon Seeing Festival was proposed by her, and Chu Feng was also invited by her.

But looking at the situation on the scene, I really can't squeeze in.

Oda Minami has been working in the family business since graduation.

In addition, he is usually busy, and rarely participates in celebrations.

Who knows that after a few years, people's enthusiasm has not decreased but increased, and people have seen a few more girls with regret than in previous years, Chu Feng shook his head and smiled: "Follow me, there are still places in front of you." "

The five Nakano sisters were slightly stunned, not understanding the meaning of his words.

For large-scale celebrations like this, the events are divided into regions.

After all, everyone has their own preferences, and there are always some projects that have empty seats.

But the road ahead is blocked, how to get in?

Mai Sakurajima and Oda Miha quickly understood what Chu Feng meant.

They knew very well that the man in front of them was not an ordinary person.

Chef Long, not only has a high level of cooking, but also has a terrifying strength.

Since he said it was no problem, there must be a way to bring himself in.


After really following Chu Feng.

Mai Sakurajima and Oda Mitami discovered that their imagination was a bit narrow.

I saw where Chu Feng passed, and the crowd automatically separated a road.

It was as if some inexplicable force was driving them to get out of the way, and they were not yet aware of it.

"It's amazing!"

Nakano Yihua stared at Chu Feng's back in shock, always feeling that this scene was a little incredible.

Sanjiu, who was originally silent, opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and muttered 'Taro Takeda' in his mouth.

The expressions of the other few people were no better, and the global temperature almost warmed up.

Although Sanjiu spoke very quietly, it was still heard by Chu Feng.

Only then did he remember that the other party seemed to be a 'calendar girl' with great interest in historical celebrities.

And Takeda Taro is Takeda Shingen, known as the first neon master of war.

Shaking his head and smiling, he was not interested in neon history, and he didn't know any historical figures.

Easily passing through the crowd, Chu 960 Feng looked at the performances along the way with a little curiosity.

There were anti-sedan crews wearing sleeveless shirts and dark shorts, with white ropes tied around their heads, performing dramas.

There are also women in kimonos wearing uniform styles and tones, performing dances from ancient times.

Dance music is very old, and now the pop girl group that shows off long legs at every turn is simply two extremes.

Chu Feng looked at it and withdrew his gaze, always feeling that the makeup of the performance seemed familiar, often seen in neon horror movies.

Mai Sakurajima and the Nakano sisters also seem to be less interested in these ancient things, and they are more interested in small projects such as catching small goldfish and air guns.

It's just that the frizzy Oda Miha and Nakano Yotsuba broke several fishing nets and did not catch a single fish.

On the contrary, Mai Sakurajima and Sanjiu Nakano, who have stable personalities, have made a slight achievement, which stunned the eyes of their friends.

Chu Feng was not interested in these things, if he played, it was estimated that the vendors would cry to death...

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