Chapter 0587 - Hoop Game!!

"Little girl, can you do it, you lost several and didn't put it in?"

"Or let this guest come first, and you can see how he casts on the side."

"No, I haven't lost ten laps yet, I will definitely be able to trap the frog doll this time!"

May Nakano did not stay with her sisters, but played a game of hoop on the side, but with her impatient personality, she lost it six times in a row, and she did not have a frog doll with a central instrument.

There was a yellow hair next to him who kept urging, which made Nakano May irritable for a while, and the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't get into it.

In a moment, when the ten laps were lost, Nakano May had already turned into a bun face.

"Look, I'll just say you can't shoot."

Huang Mao teased again.

The stall owner also laughed at this time: "Let this guest play, you can also learn how people play." "

It sounded like he was thinking about Nakano May, but Chu Feng, who was not far away, felt that something was wrong.


Nakano May could stand this agitation method, and directly took out a thousand old yuan: "Twenty more circles." "

Huang Mao raised his eyebrows, seemed a little surprised, and teased: "Why don't you die." "

As he spoke, he shook his head.

Chu Feng could see that the boss and Huang Mao were together, and the latter was a trust, and he had no intention of paying for playing games.

Hoop game is a game of placing a bunch of toys in an open space, and then letting people use designated circle props to throw traps outside the specified distance.

Five hundred yen and ten circles, about the price of two packs of instant noodles, not expensive, but the boss gives people a trick, it looks a little tricky.

Although the business is sluggish now, it can't pit people, and this kind of designated national circle props are not good at setting things, even if they hit the target by luck, they are likely to slip off.

Ernai, Sanjiu, and Yotsuba were still trying to catch the little goldfish, but they didn't notice that their sister was about to cry, but Ichika, who was not interested in these childish games, noticed this side.

With a glance at Chu Feng, Nakano Yihua walked over quickly.

Although it's interesting to watch a few beautiful girls squatting and fishing for goldfish, but you will get tired of watching it for a long time, God knows where this group of guys has such good patience.

Perhaps feeling that May was a little more interesting here, Chu Feng also followed.

"May don't play, this guy made it clear that he pit you L."

Yihua is a straight person, and immediately exposes the relationship between the boss and Huang Mao.

The stall owner immediately showed a displeased expression: "Little girl, why are you slandering my innocence out of thin air." "

Huang Mao quickly echoed: "Yes, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, I also want to play, but this little girl won't give up her position." "

The stall owner's innocent look directly dispelled the suspicions of the onlookers.

This acting skill, it's a pity not to enter the entertainment industry.

Chu Feng secretly shook his head and was noncommittal about Yihua's approach.

Looking for this kind of thing, as long as the other party beats to death and does not admit it, you can't be reasonable at all

"If you can't do it yourself, don't be stubborn"

The stall owner muttered in a low voice, and urged a little impatiently: "Hurry up and lose it, first say okay, I will not return the twenty circles you bought." "

Perhaps seeing the little girl's companion coming, he knew that he could no longer sit Nakano May, and the stall owner did not plan to spend money on the other party.

Nakano realized after May, and at this time he also realized that he might be pitted, and immediately glared angrily.

Although Nakanoya is not short of money, no one likes Ou to be wronged.

May was so angry that she lost five circles in a row, and none of them hit.

"Damn, it's impossible to get caught in it!"

May Nakano pouted angrily, so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

"Don't say that, if you can't really get it, I won't be able to open this stall."

The stall owner did not forget to mend the knife, and with a grinning look, Nakano May's face turned red with anger, like a bubble pot.

Even Yihua stared at the stall owner with unkind eyes, feeling that this guy was too much, and he was cheap and sold well.


Chu Feng chuckled, feeling that he should stand up, mainly because he couldn't see the stall owner bullying the little girl.

"I'll help you vote?"

Chu Feng directly spread out his hand.

"Boss Chu wants to play?"

Nakano May was amazed, then suspicious.

Will Boss Chu still play this?

May was also unclear, and subconsciously handed the colored circle into Chu Feng's hands.

The handsome Dragon chef made such a request, and she couldn't refuse.

The stall owner was not in a hurry when he saw the player change, and he still looked smiling.

The game was carefully improved by him, with a set ratio of around ten to one.

Sometimes with bad luck, the player can't even lose one.

The stall owner is very calm and does not worry about losing money at all.

But soon, he couldn't laugh.

"Middle, middle"

"Oh my God, another one!"

"Lose and lose, actually all hit, Boss Chu is too powerful."

Since Chu Feng began to lose the circle, Nakano May's shouting has not stopped.

She had just played the hoop game and knew the difficulty of it.

Just now, I lost it more than a dozen times, and I didn't hit it once, you can imagine how difficult it is.

But after the person who lost the circle was replaced by Chu Feng, those colored circles seemed to have eyes, and which set was lost, there was no slip at all.

Nakano May was really stunned, he had never seen such an accurate man, and he didn't hesitate when he hit it with one blow, and even lost the circle.

The stall owner was also shocked and opened his mouth exaggeratedly, knowing that he had provoked someone he shouldn't.

Those who can set up stalls in the celebration venue are human spirits, and they know who can move and who should not be messed with.

The young man in front of him is very freehanded, and his aim is extremely high, and he is definitely not an ordinary citizen.

So the stall owner quickly put away the fifteen toys in the set, packed them and handed them to Chu Feng, and said with a sad face: "This little brother, everything is for you, let's not play okay?" "

Let the other party continue to play, he is tired of working in vain today.

May Nakano got the frog boy that he wanted in his heart, held it in his arms and smiled like a ninety-pound child.

The others also received prizes separately, feeling that today's Moon Festival was not a loss to Chu Feng and did not continue to embarrass the stall owner of the trapping game.

If it weren't for the other party's squeeze on Nakano May, he wouldn't be lazy.

After accompanying everyone around for a while, Chu Feng took his leave and left.

Mai Sakurajima and the Nakano sisters have said that they will visit the business of Maple Leaf Pavilion when they have time.

Daily encounters are like cherry blossoms in April, blooming and withering quickly, but making people remember their beauty...

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