Chapter 0595 - A World of Food Scarcity!!

The number of times Whitebeard visits Maple Leaf Pavilion is not comparable to Shanks.

Many dish names, the latter are heard by Whitebeard, and I am also curious about it.

Having seen Chu Feng's level of cooking, Shanks had no doubt about the other party's craftsmanship.

Although the names of these dishes are relatively unfamiliar, it doesn't matter, eat it and you're done.

Shanks and Mihawk found a seat to sit down, chatting idly and waiting for the dishes to be served.

Shredded green pepper meat and magic mapo tofu are both dishes that have been cooked a long time ago, and they are not difficult to make now.

But when he saw the glowing mapo tofu, Shanks Mihawk couldn't help but wonder.

Native to the pirate world, they have never seen this kind of wonder.

The cuisine glows, and it seems like a trick no matter how you think about it.

But there are no energy fluctuations on the plate, as if it naturally glows, which is really puzzling.

But it didn't take long for the two to attract all their attention by the aroma of the dishes.

"So fragrant!"

Shanks' eyes lit up.

The heat mixed with a spicy scent.

It was as if he had eyes that went hard into his nose.

Take a deep breath~

Shanks didn't have time to sigh.

Even picked up chopsticks before the wine came up for the first meal.

There are also chopsticks in the pirate world, and many people use them.

Tofu dipped in spicy sauce vibrates gently twice between chopsticks, blowing the pink tenderness, and it feels like it can be cracked with a little force.

Shanks' movements were very careful, as if treating a peerless beauty, for fear that the other party would slowly stuff a piece of tofu into his mouth in pain.


A charming scent swept in instantly.

Although the spicy and fragrant scalding shanks are expensive as the four emperors, after all, they are not from a chef's background, and naturally they cannot fully distinguish the wonders of magic mapo tofu.

But the taste that he could say nakedly surprised him.

The scalding tofu cubes resemble a ballet girl wrapped in a dance costume, gently shaking on the tip of her tongue to watch the moving dance.

The various distinct flavors alternate repeatedly, forming a more distinct sense of layering.

Having tasted garlic birds, Shanks knew that Chu Feng's cooking skills were very high.

But compared to a simple barbecue, this magic mapo tofu contains significantly more technical content.

At least Shanks couldn't figure out how to make such an ultimate delicacy.

So much so that this dignified fourth emperor could no longer care about the upper son, and even ignored the friend next to him, and ate vigorously.

Mihawk was stunned.

Is it really so delicious!?

Watch your friend gobble up.

It was as if Mihawk had met Shanks for the first time.

Where did that calm and sophisticated guy run?

Now Shanks is like a different person.

"Wait, you said to invite me to dinner, so you can leave me some."

Mihawk reacted immediately.

In just the blink of an eye, a plate of magic mapo tofu has already been eaten by the other party in half.

Especially the other party's eating appearance made Mihawk itchy.

At this time, he didn't care about arguing with Shanks, he immediately joined the ranks of the food grab, even after feeling the unprecedented delicacy, Mihawk's movements did not stop the world's number one swordsman, and his willpower was absolutely top-notch, even if he was deeply shocked, his shot was still as fast as lightning.


There was a very strange scene in the restaurant.

The two pairs of chopsticks seemed to turn into afterimages.

It was as if two peerless masters were competing in martial arts within a narrow range.

You come and go. Staggered, no one wants to let it.

In a moment, when Chu Feng came out with two jugs of wine, the two dishes on the table had already been robbed.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

I can only sigh that I am worthy of being a guy who has never seen the world.

Living in the world of pirates with a lack of food, it is really difficult for them not to laugh at Shanks and Mihawk.

Boss Chu was very intimate and kept silent, just silently put down two jugs of wine.

"Suffocating the donkey?"

Shanks put down his chopsticks.

Although he hadn't started drinking yet, he finished the appetizer.

But it doesn't matter, who rules that drinking must eat vegetables?

The informal Shanks was the first to open the jug.

The strong aroma of wine rushes straight to the nose, feeling that this strength is more than Baixian brew.

Mihawk, of course, was also shocked by the mellowness of the suffocating donkey.

The alcohol on their side is not high, and the aroma of wine is not worth mentioning, where has Mihawk seen this kind of wine that can make people intoxicated by alcohol alone.

The two looked at each other, clinked glasses with wine jugs, and then drank freely.

The amount of wine in Maple Leaf Pavilion is not large, and a pot only holds one pound.

For sea men who are accustomed to drinking in large barrels and cups, this amount is too small.

But Shanks knew Chu Feng's rules and did not raise any questions.

It's good to have good wine to drink, it's not good to ask too much.

The real reason was that he didn't want to be pulled into the blacklist by Chu Feng.

If he could no longer eat the dishes of the Maple Leaf Pavilion in this life, and drink less than 1.6 of the wine of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, he estimated that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

Now, at this moment, he is very satisfied.

Mihawk didn't know much about Maple Leaf Pavilion.

But he knew Shanks well.

Seeing that the other party was uncharacteristically drinking slowly.

Naturally guess the other person's thoughts.


The two drunkards drank the jug of wine slowly.

There is a posture of drinking to the end of the world.

Chu Feng didn't bother to care about them.

Quietly listened as the two talked about the recent situation at sea.

Although I just read the original book not long ago.

But the original book tells the story from the perspective of Luffy and others.

A lot of things in the pirate world are not elaborated...

Liên hệ Zalo Dr—Xẻng thêm chương: 0939571749.

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