Aunt Charlotte Lingling was also a big beauty when she was young.

The Hundred Beast Kaido and Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, fought each other, and the latter's crew was completely destroyed.

Doflamingo provoked war arms trafficking everywhere, and it seemed that he had the momentum to become the world's number one arms trafficker.

However, with that said, the chat topic of Shanks and Mihawk moved to the recently rising Straw Hat Pirates.

"I heard that the kid you fancy defeated Klockdar in Alabastan?"

Hawkeye also seems to be eyeing the Straw Hat Pirates, precisely because of Luffy.

Shaklokdar, one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, known as the king of the desert, was actually defeated by a newcomer in a desert environment like Alabastan, which really surprised Mihawk a little.

Hearing his friend mention Luffy, a smile appeared on Shanks' face, and he took another sip of wine and said with a sigh: "Luffy is developing well now, and he has found a trustworthy partner, and I believe that he will be able to come to the new world soon." "

"Is it really worth losing an arm for him?"

Mihawk glanced at Shanks' broken arm, his tone a little regretful.

That was Shanks' dominant hand, and the 10 sword skills were mainly in this hand.

Shanks, who lost his left hand, has since greatly reduced his swordsmanship.

Hawkeye hasn't fought with him since.

Because he knows that whether he wins or loses, it is unfair and invincible.

The Maple Leaf Pavilion branch pavilion has just opened, there are few guests, and Chu Feng is also chatting with Mihawk by Shanks.

After listening for a while, I felt a little bored, but fortunately I found a table to support myself and take a nap, and I didn't pay attention until the two left.

As night falls, the stars dot the night sky, and the island is depressed, and if it weren't for the occasional call of some unknown insect, no one would think there were still living people on the island.

Standing in the attic, Chu Feng looked at the sea level shrouded in darkness in the distance, knowing that there was a high probability that no one would come tonight, but fortunately he returned to the food world.

Maple Leaf Pavilion!

Alice, dressed in a pure white chef's suit, is pulling Erinah to keep her from leaving.

The latter looked helpless, seemed a little impatient by Alice, sighed and said: "It's not that I don't want to stay here to help, but Yuanyue still has a lot of things, I can't come here to cook." "

That's right, not long after Chu Feng left, the Maple Leaf Pavilion opened for business, and Alice tried to deal with all the guests for the first time.

She thought that the maximum would be an additional workload of fifty dishes, but she was confident that she could do it.

But after I really started it myself, I found that it was not so easy.

After standing on the kitchen counter for hours, Alice was so tired that her back ached and her head was spinning, and she felt that this was really not a human job.

It wasn't until she took the characteristics of the Ghost Fruit to the extreme that she dealt with all the guests.

But the ability to use the ghost fruit has an extremely high demand for spiritual power, and the consequence of consuming it is dizziness, and it feels like the whole head is going to split.

No, Erinai happened to come over to eat, and just after eating, she was stopped by Alice, who asked her to stay and help.

No, I'm just busy sneaking out for a meal, why do you want me to change jobs?

From the chief marshal of Yuanyue to the sous chef of Maple Leaf Pavilion, the demotion is a bit powerful!

Erina's hundred reluctance, if she changed to a chef, maybe she could still think about it.

Lovely Liz doesn't care about this, who calls Erina is the sister, the sister is in trouble, the sister always has to help, right?

Alice, that's a righteous one.


When Chu Feng returned, he saw two girls with completely different dresses, hairstyles, and hair colors chasing in the restaurant, staging a big drama of sisters tearing each other.

"So, you two are too idle?"

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth twitched twice.

Seeing him, Alice's eyes lit up: "You're back?" "

How long has Chu Feng been in the other world?

It's only a few hours.

Coming back so soon?

But no matter what, she suddenly felt a sense of relief.

"There is no business over there, come back for the time being."

The two worlds have different time flow rates.

Chu Feng is also not good to stay here for a long time, just come back to take a look.

After all, if you come back to sleep, it may be three or four days over there.

"What are you two doing?"

Chu Feng was a little curious.

Erina glared at Alice angrily: "It's not this guy yet, I have to stay and help." "


Chu Feng instantly understood that this guy Alice couldn't stand the high-intensity cooking work. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After all, she is a scholar of molecular cooking, and Alice is better at fine cooking, and if she wants to be meticulous, she will inevitably slow down.

Over time, she also developed the habit of cooking slower, which she could not completely correct for a while.

It was his negligence and he hadn't thought about it before.

Subconsciously glanced at Erina, who was suddenly taken aback, "You won't think the same as Alice, right?" "

Erinai was really afraid, not that she didn't want to come to Maple Leaf Pavilion to help.

Chu Feng was kind to her, and he could also learn a lot in the Maple Leaf Pavilion and enrich his knowledge...

Reasonably, Erinai would be happy to stay in Maple Leaf Pavilion, but...

Yuanyue Academy has just experienced a storm of changing coaches, and everything is in ruins, and she really can't get rid of herself.

"I'm sorry..."

Erinai was a little embarrassed, after all, Chu Feng had helped her too much before, but now she couldn't help.

"I understand."

Chu Feng shook his head with a smile.

He just thought about it just now.

However, it is really unrealistic to let General Marshal Yuanyue come to Maple Leaf Pavilion as a cook.

"But well, I'm really going to ask you for a few people."

After a moment of silence, Chu Feng spoke again.

"Who do you want?"

Erina's eyes lit up, and then dimmed again.

She had already learned in advance about Chu Feng's 220 going to the other world to open a branch.

Although he is full of interest in the other world, he still can't get away from that sentence.

She was a little envious when she thought that someone in Yuanyue would accept Chu Feng's cultivation and then go to another world.

"Megumi Tasho, Sojin Kohei, Teruki Kume."

Among the current ten masters, these three have the best relationship with Chu Feng, and they naturally become the first choice.

As for the other candidates, Chu Feng decided to contact Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo.

Among the graduates of this class, the two of them are Chu Feng's regular customers.

Anyway, we have to cultivate a group of people, so we will count them in.

As for whether the two were willing or not, Chu Feng felt that there was not much problem.


Erinae was speechless for a while.

It felt that Chu Feng was going to pack up half of the ten masters and take them away.

Together with Alice, the current Ten Jay has gone nearly halfway.

However, who called Chu Feng to have great favors for Yuanyue.

Erina's silver teeth bit and took it down very quickly.

As for Megumi Tasho, Kohei Sojin, and Teruki Kuga will not agree?

No way?

Wouldn't anyone really refuse Boss Chu's offer, right?

Anyway, Erinai didn't think anyone would turn down this kind of opportunity.

If there is, that person is her!

Thinking of this, Erinai couldn't help but feel sad from it, if only she wasn't the first heir of the Ushikiri family.

Without bondage, she will be freer.

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