Polestar Liao.

At the same time, Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin, who received Erina's notice, couldn't believe their ears.

Boss Chu chose them as cultivators?

Are you sure you're not kidding us?

Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin walked out of their room at almost the same time.

When the two met in the living room on the first floor, they could see each other's shock and doubts.

That time was after Chu Feng's development.

Both are confident in their potential, though.

But in the face of the choice of Dragon Chef, it still makes people's hearts beat faster.

Megumi Tasho and Sojin Kohei called Erina.

When it was completely confirmed that the matter was true, the two were completely excited.

Kohei Sojin exclaimed even more, and he couldn't wait to tell his roommates right away.

Of course~

No need for him to knock on the door one by one.

Because the shouting just now has led everyone out.

"Kohei, what's the name of the ghost on the big night?"

Yoshino Yuhime glared at Kohei Sojin dissatisfied.

Just now she was watching a learning video.

Don't get me wrong~

It's a food video of Zheng'er Bajing.

Who knew that Kohei Sojin suddenly roared.

Almost scared her out of bed and rolled out.

Isshiki was still wearing the iconic apron, and seeing that Megumi Tasho and Kohei Sojin were full of excitement, he wondered: "What good thing happened to you two?" "

Tashoe glanced at Isshiki and immediately looked away.

After living in Polestar Liao for so long, she still couldn't accept this senior's proclivities.

"Whew~ Finally, I don't have to look at Senior Isshiki's strange dress~~"

Tian Sohui, who was very excited, subconsciously said what he thought.

“... `..."

Eh, senior sister, I'm hurt when you say that.

Isshiki secretly complained, feeling a little helpless.

How come the juniors just can't understand his taste.

Ryoko Sakaki, who has always been calm, keenly noticed that there was something wrong with Tian Soe's words, and said in amazement: "Xiaohui is leaving the Polestar Liao?" What the hell is going on? "

Ryoko Sakaki was a little confused.

It was fine when I had dinner just now.

Why are you leaving all of a sudden?

No, it won't~

Megumi won't be expelled from school, right?

Ryoko Sakaki was stunned again.

I suddenly realized that Megumi Tasho is no longer what it used to be.

Today's Xiaohui is no longer the crane tail who may be expelled from school at any time.

It's the chief of the Ten Masters of the Far Moon!

Their most promising chefs of the year!

Isshiki also reacted and muttered, "Could it be that you graduated early?" But what about me as a second grader? How did I not receive news about this? If you can graduate early, should you go home and build a vegetable garden, or stay in Polestar Liao as a dormitory manager? I always feel that I can't bear the vegetable garden here. "

"Eh, Senior Isshiki, how reluctant are you to have your own vegetable garden?"

Kohei Sojin couldn't help but complain, and Isshiki's strange argument also made the excitement in his heart diminish a lot.

Although being selected by Boss Chu to cultivate is a great joy, it is enough to be compared with the four great joys of life. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But the thought of separating from his friends soon, Kohei Sojin still felt very reluctant.

"No, Senior Isshiki, General Marshal Erinai just sent a notice to let us go to Maple Leaf Pavilion to report."

Tashoe quickly explained.



"Maple Leaf Pavilion? Go to Boss Chu to report? What's going on? "

Isshiki, Ryoko Sakaki, and Yuhime Yoshino all looked shocked, always feeling that things happened too suddenly, catching people off guard.

After the explanation of Tasho Megumi and Kohei Sogen, several people finally understood, and they all cast envious eyes.

Maple Leaf Pavilion, the restaurant of the Dragon Kitchen.

Being able to intern there is simply an opportunity that all chefs dream of.

Isshiki had spent a few days in the Maple Leaf Pavilion and felt this the most.

I think that at the beginning, Chu Feng only mentioned a few words, which greatly improved his level.

Now, Maple Leaf Court is recruiting employees, and as long as the training is qualified, they can stay there forever.

Regardless of the treatment, just the long-term face-to-face teaching of the dragon chef, Isshiki Hui feels worthwhile.

But the candidate was determined by Chu Feng, and although Isshiki Hui was envious, he was not jealous, and he would only be happy for Tashoe Megumi and Kohei Sojin.

The same is true of Ryoko Sakaki and Yuhime Yoshino, who quipped: "Megumi, after becoming a special chef in the future, don't forget our good sisters!" "

Tasho Megumi blushed a little, smiled implicitly, and then went all the way to the Maple Leaf Pavilion with Kohei Sojin.

Boss Chu summoned, and the two did not dare to hesitate.

Isshiki looked at the back of the two departing, and couldn't help but think of what Yoshino Yuhime had just said.

Special Chef?

Boss Chu personally trained, the special chef is not the limit of Tian Suohui, and he can also cultivate a Lin chef at the very least!?


On the other side, the Chinese Cuisine Research Society.

Teruki Kuga received the notification at almost the same time.

Then, the entire Chinese Cuisine Research Society heard a ghost cry and wolf howl.

"Brother Feng really still has me in his heart..."

In a state of extreme excitement, Teruki Kume didn't know what he was yelling at.

But the members of the restaurant showed a very strange smile.

I always feel that this president is a little crazy, and even his orientation has changed.

As for the mysterious Chu boss in Maple Leaf Pavilion?

It's impossible to think about.

People have more than one girlfriend.

But soon~

The news that Teruki Kuga had joined the Maple Leaf Pavilion spread throughout the research society.

After all, there were other people around him when he received the notice, and it quickly spread out as soon as he came and went.

So under the shocked gazes of everyone in the research society, Kuga Teruki rushed out of the gate and rode away on a motorcycle.


Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo, who are in Songjing, are also rushing to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

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