"Hello, welcome."

This is not the first time that Megumi Tasho has seen someone from another world.

But the woman in front of her is obviously different from most people in the pirate world.

Most of the people here look and height are exaggerated, and the height of the body moves by a few meters, and even reaches a height of tens of meters~.

And the woman in front of her - looks normal.

Pink straight long hair, denim strap shorts, white half-sleeved shirt, brown long-heeled boots, and heart-shaped lipstick.

The young woman is beautiful and sexy, and her body reveals a wild temperament.


Bonnie was a little unsure.

Although I saw the signboard when I entered the door just now.

But open a restaurant where this bird does not?

It's a little abnormal to think about it?

She came from the South China Sea.

So the direction of the boat is completely different from coming from the East China Sea.

And because of his careless personality, he didn't know that he had to go to the Chambord Islands to plate the bubble film through Fishman Island.

Maybe I heard my subordinates say it, but Bonnie's personality is like this, and she can't have too many things in her head.

So, with only a slight confusion, these questions were left behind by her.

Is there anything more important in the world than eating?


Joe Ellie Bonnie was sure.

"Little girl, go through all the dishes in them."

Bonnie waved her hand, then found a table and sat down with a big red color.

The sitting posture is a little bold, and the hanging child looks like a street walker.


Tashoe was a little confused.

Would love to remind guests that the current image is not good.

But she just watched the anime, although she can't remember Boni's name, she knows that the other party is also a pirate.

Rudeness and arrogance are common to most pirates.

"I'm sorry, but we can only order one dish per person."

Tashoe said with a smile.

"Huh? What is this breaking the rules? How can a dish be enough to eat? "

Bonnie frowned, a little upset.

She Bonnie Pirate Captain, where to eat can't be enjoyable?

Don't let her eat it, does this store still want it?

Placed on the long legs on the chair, Bonnie stood up directly, looked at Tasshoe condescendingly, licked her red lips and grinned: "Are you sure, I can only order one dish?" "

The voice is not cold, with the kind smile of the big sister next door, but there is a loss of threat.

Tian Suohui subconsciously wanted to shrink his head, but suddenly thought that this was Boss Chu's shop, and as a clerk, he couldn't lose face.

Who is Boss Chu?

That's a man who connects to another world.

Tashoe felt that he could be tough.

"That's the rule of this restaurant, you can leave if you don't want to eat." She said.

Bonnie was silent.

Not because of Tasho's tough attitude.

Instead, it felt like a terrible will locked her.

That will was like a ferocious beast, feeling that it would devour her in the next second.

Although Bonnie is sometimes called a gluttonous girl because of her image of eating and drinking.

But she is just a human being, not a legendary gluttony.

But now facing the eyes behind him, it is like encountering a real fierce beast.

"Click, click..."

Bonnie twisted her stiff neck with the fear in her heart, and made a mechanical sound.

Then ~ (read violent novels, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

She finally saw the presence behind her.

A very handsome young man.

Accustomed to seeing five big and three thick men on the boat, suddenly seeing Chu Feng, Bonnie couldn't help but sigh in her heart: It turns out that men can still be so handsome.

Then, she quickly shook her head, now is not the time to think about men.

This guy in front of him is definitely an extremely powerful existence.

Just staring at her back made her feel like pins and needles, and even felt suffocated.

What if the other party just shot at himself?

Bonnie was 100% sure she was now dead.

Although the nerves are thick and streaked.

0 ask for flowers

But Bonnie is not a fool.

Fools simply do not live long on this sea.

"Uh-uh~~ I'm sorry, I was a little excited just now, mainly your cuisine here is too fragrant."

Bonnie sat down slowly, this time sitting up straight, and still having time to organize her language.

In the face of an invincible presence, it is always good to be cautious.

But after the embarrassing submission, Bonnie couldn't help but think: This man's strength should be much stronger than the three generals, right? When did such a strong man emerge on the sea?

She had never seen the three major generals, and she did not know how strong the three would be.

But as one of the eleven supernovas of the worst generation, she asked herself that even if she was not as good as the three major generals, she should only be a little worse.

Even in the face of the pursuit of one of the three generals, Bonnie asked herself if she had the courage to take a positive look.

But in the face of the man in front of her, she didn't even have the courage to move.

That's right, not to mention the hands, she didn't even dare to move.

"What do you want to eat?"

Just as Bonnie was stunned, the one spoke again.

"Roast." Bonnie replied subconsciously.

The greatest interest, temporarily suppressed the greatest fear.


Chu Feng nodded slightly.

There was no asking the other person what meat was roasting.

In the face of slightly rude guests, there is no need to give a good face.

Of course, Boni can't be thrown out because of this little problem.

Most pirates are of this virtue.

Arrogant, domineering, arrogant, impudent...

Incidents such as eating overlord meals and buying and selling are everywhere on the sea.

Except for rare silly white sweets like Luffy, there are few good people in the pirates.

If every pirate was driven out, Chu Feng would simply close the door.

Just knock a little, there is no need to fight and kill, and gas generates wealth.

And with Boni's mouth, it can also spread the reputation of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Without paying any more attention to Boni, Chu Feng turned around and walked into the kitchen.

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