Ordinary roasted beef shank,

The sea king class was not selected,

I didn't use fantasy ingredients either.

When Chu Feng made this dish,

He didn't even use his cooking heart, and he did it completely freely.

In the face of slightly rude diners, Boss Chu has always been very willful.


The aroma of roasted beef shank still fascinates Bonnie.

She swore that she had never smelled so fragrant when she was so big.

The roasted beef shank has a unique sweet aroma.

The thick gravy flows on the surface, like droplets of crystalline water.

I can't care about the piping hot ingredients.

Bonnie directly grabbed the exposed beef leg bone and violently tore off a piece of beef.

The taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The thick gravy "one, three, three" is like a wayward elf splashing in the mouth.

It was as if the naughty little girl was dancing briskly on the tip of her tongue.

Bonnie had never felt like this.

Although she eats and drinks most of the time.

But never has there ever been such a moment of real enjoyment of delicious food.

Elastic beef carries spices.

It was as if a stream of brains had been forcibly stuffed into his mouth.

Sudden taste shocks and incomparably wonderful enjoyment.

Immediately let Bo Nilen, who asked himself to eat quite accomplished, stay in place.

God, who is this man? Can you make such a delicious dish?

Bonnie was tempted to ask.

But the taste in her mouth made it difficult for her to speak.

It's as if with just one mouth, the delicacy will be lost.

Experience the beauty that has never been experienced before.

Bonnie froze for a few seconds.

The shock on his face slowly dissipated.

It's just that there is still a little rosy on the beautiful face.

And then~

The gluttonous woman began to go into gluttony mode, frantically nibbling on the leg of the ox in her hand.

This is very indecent to be honest.

Tian Suohui was even worried that the other party's cow-chewing peony-like eating method would not be able to taste the delicacy made by Boss Chu at all.

Chu Feng smiled and did not speak.

That's how Bonnie eats.

Eating and drinking are her most iconic characteristics.

Just after reading the unfinished original, he wondered how to hold countless ingredients with the slender waist of the other party?

Critical Strike Return quickly gave him the answer.

[Congratulations on getting a skill draw opportunity.] 】

[You draw the Seasonal Fruit and trigger a 10,000-fold critical return..."

[Stop when you already have the mysteries, congratulations on obtaining the law of time.] 】

[The law of time: the three characteristics of time stasis, time counterflow, and time acceleration are integrated into one, one of the ten laws against the sky, you deserve to have. 】

Ignoring the system's final mischievous conclusion.

Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Chu Feng was also slightly stunned.

This is the complete law of time, including the characteristics of time stationary, countercurrent, and acceleration.

In layman's terms, now he can play with time freely.

Although he would have stopped for a while, he could only stop time for a minute.

However, after the combination of the time fruit ten thousand times the crit and the time stop mysteries, the law of time was born that was rare in the heavens and all worlds.

This luck... It's really against the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chu Feng was glad that he didn't kick Boni out just now.

Otherwise, how can you take advantage of such a big advantage.

A serving of ordinary roast beef bursts out the law of time.

I didn't dare to think about it before.

No wonder there have been few skill crits recently, dare to be in the big move! Chu Feng thought so.

And the other side.

Golden text also appeared on the top of Bonnie's head.

【Overlord color domineering +1】

【Seasonal Fruit +2】


Boni, who was nibbling on the roast beef leg, was shocked, and her face became strange.

As if she had choked on something, her whole face turned red, and a vague coercion emanated from her.

This is a sign of the overlord-colored domineering awakening.

As a supernova, Bonnie is not as ignorant as Luffy, at least knows the overlord color domineering and knows what it is like when she awakens.

The roasted beef shank in her hand fell back into the plate with a snort, and Boni's whole body froze in place.0

The overlord who claims to be one in a million is domineering, and he awakened so easily?

Could it be that she Bonnie also has the posture of a king?

Overlord color domineering is a kind of king qualification.

People with overlord-colored domineering can use their own courage to intimidate, deter and stun enemies without making a shot, and can also make opponents much weaker than themselves faint.

But if it is not well controlled, it will implicate the people around you; On the contrary, if the domineering reaches the realm of superiors, the coercive effect can be achieved.

Overlord color domineering is an invisible and substantive, and most of the people who awaken for the first time are unconsciously released.

Bonnie was just like that.

She obviously knows a lot about overlord domineering.

But after calming down.

Bonnie knew she didn't have the talent for it.

If there really is a king.

After all these years of desperately improving her strength, she should have awakened a long time ago.

Not to mention ~

Her use of the Seasonal Fruit ability has also suddenly improved a lot.

Suddenly turned his head...

Bonnie stared in amazement at the man not far away.

It's him!

It's all because of this man.

To be precise...

It should be the dish I just ate.

Bonnie is not a fool.

Excluding one's own 1.5 talent and sudden epiphany, that's the only explanation.

Oh, my God~

Is there a dish in the world that can awaken the overlord color domineering and improve the ability of the fruit?

Bonnie couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it.

What she encountered after entering the Maple Leaf Pavilion was obviously beyond her comprehension.

Mysterious restaurants, powerful owners, incomparably delicious dishes with mysterious powers...

Everything seemed to have been arranged for a long time, unfolding in front of his eyes like a beautiful picture.

In Boni's view, everything she experienced was so beautiful, like an exciting dream.

If it was really a dream, she would rather never wake up again.

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