Since meeting Whitebeard, Chu Feng carefully read the original book.

It's a pity that the progress of the One Piece comic in the food world is touching, and it has only come out of the All Nations chapter, and many pits have not yet been filled.

For example, Joe Ellie Bonnie's Seasonal Fruit, the original only mentions that the person she touches will grow old or young, and can also turn herself into an old man and a child at will, but the specific name of the fruit is not mentioned.

If it weren't for the system's display, Chu Feng wouldn't know what kind of devil fruit Bonnie had.

The fruit of time is already regarded as the ability to contact the rule class, and if used properly, the power cannot be underestimated.

However, after obtaining the Law of Time, Chu Feng also understood that this ability required extremely high spiritual power.

This also causes Bonnie to have a strict time limit after getting old or young, and cannot maintain the effect permanently.

Everything in the world must follow the laws of nature, and if you want to change birth, old age, illness and death, and reverse the past and future, you need to pay an extremely large amount of spiritual power.

Joe Ellie Bonnie clearly doesn't have that.

Now 10, she can only control the time of a single target for a short time.

If she wants to do more, the strength of mental power has become her shortcoming.

Chu Feng smiled dumbly, feeling that he had thought a little too much.

What is Joe Ellie Boni's strength and what does it have to do with him, as long as he gets benefits.

But Bonnie apparently doesn't think so.

After being stunned, she quickly reacted when she fell into ecstasy.

This person in front of her is a mysterious existence that can easily help her improve her strength.

Isn't it good to sit here and eat calmly now?

In fact, Bonnie has never been a polite person, wild and informal, and in her opinion, she is a real pirate.


In the face of a god-like existence, no matter how arrogant she is, she can't help but be a little restrained.

"Old, boss, what's going on?"

For the first time in her life, Bonnie used the word please.

If it was said that he was only afraid of Chu Feng's strength before.

So now ~

Bonnie is in awe of the man in front of her, as if seeing a god.

"Nothing, it's just your luck."

Chu Feng replied lightly, without explaining much.

On the contrary, Tian Suohui on the side smiled and said: "The guests who are fortunate enough to come to the Maple Leaf Pavilion have a certain chance to get gifts from Boss Chu, and you are obviously one of the very lucky ones." "

Xiaohui is a kind girl, although the other party has murdered her before, but did not pay attention to it, but now she is enthusiastic to explain.

After all, when Chu Feng had just set up a stall before, this was how his reputation spread.

Xiaohui, who is concerned about the business of Maple Leaf Pavilion, also hopes that this cannon can make the reputation of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Boni was stunned.

I didn't expect that I was not a special case, but just luck.

Listening to the meaning of the little girl in front of him, there were also people who had received gifts from the shop owner before.

Is the boss's surname Chu?

Boni remembered Chu Feng's surname in her heart and did not rashly ask the other party's name.

The name of the god-like existence, she did not have the courage to ask.

"Hurry up and eat, the food will be cold and the taste will deteriorate."

Seeing that Boni was still dumbfounded in place, Chu Feng reminded him that he couldn't see guests wasting food.

"Oh oh~~"

Bonnie nodded stupidly and continued to eat the rest of the beef shank.

Chu Feng shook his head and smiled, but he didn't expect that Boni, who had just come in and looked very arrogant, also had a silly and cute side.

Of course, you have to pay the bill after eating, and when she learned the price of the dish, Bonnie was shocked again.

Actually only half a million Baileys?

Bonnie could hardly believe her ears.

Five hundred thousand Baileys can awaken the overlord color domineering, and then incidentally improve the fruit ability. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This price...

Bonnie felt like it was too good a deal.

If you can get a gift every time, it is definitely the best deal under the sun.

But she also knew that there weren't many such opportunities.

I didn't hear the waiters in the store say that only a very few people can meet it.

Although Bonnie felt that her luck was better, she did not reach the level of going against the sky.

After paying the bill honestly.

Bonnie left with mixed feelings.

She decided to stay on the island for a while before going to the Chambord Islands to coat the boat.

Even if you never encounter the gift of food again.

But the food in Maple Leaf Pavilion alone is enough to stop a foodie from sailing.

Of course~

Bonnie couldn't have stayed for long.

She also has to go to the new world to find someone very important.

However, it is still okay to come all the way to the dust servants, and it is okay to relax occasionally.

Chu Feng naturally didn't know Boni's thoughts.

Even if you know, you won't care.

Time was nothing to him.

Now he has obtained the law of time and completely jumped out of the cycle of life and death.

Now he has time to slowly spread food culture in the pirate world.


Tasho 230 Megumi enters learning mode again.

After awakening the cycle of all things.

Her cuisine is always full of life.

With his talent and love for cooking.

Megumi Tasho is now a veritable nine-star chef.

But to advance, she must comprehend her own food righteousness.

Because this is the simplest and most straightforward criterion for identifying a special chef.

Although Megumi Tasho has long awakened the gourmet cell.

But the understanding of this substance is not deep.

Not to mention combining gourmet cells and culinary hearts to create your own food meaning.

This is bound to be a time-consuming and laborious process.

Chu Feng couldn't provide much help.

You can only pass on what you know about fantasy creatures.

Tian Suoe studied very seriously, and did not dare to be distracted for a moment, for fear of missing a little.

Without a system, it is impossible to view the information of each dream ingredient at any time.

In addition to taking notes, she memorized by rote.

At the end of the day, poor Xiaohui's face became extremely ugly.

It's a sign of over-energy, but she's enjoying it.

Megumi Tasho loves the feeling of absorbing knowledge like a sponge, fulfilling and interesting....

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