The Chambord Islands are located near the headquarters of the Navy.

There is one of the largest mangrove trees in the world, "Yarchiman Mangrove".

Since the roots of the trees are always exposed on the surface of the water, the Chambord Islands are formed.

The biggest feature of the Chambord Islands is that the roots of the alchiman mangrove secrete a special natural resin due to respiration.

The resin expands into bubbles because of the air, which then flies into the sky.

Since the bubble is only suitable in the climatic range of the Alchiman mangrove, it will explode once it leaves the climatic field of the Chambord Islands.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles...

Bubble culture has permeated every part of Chambordi Island.

The whole island consists of 79 trees, each with towns and facilities on it.

The regional division of the Chambord Islands is also very clear, based on the numbers on the tree.

No. 1 to 29: Mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal zones.

No. 30 to 39: There is mainly a soap bubble park.

No. 40 to No. 49: There are mainly sightseeing areas and souvenir shops.

No. 50 to No. 59: mainly shipyards, coating craftsmen.

No. 60 to 69: There are mainly naval garrisons, government entrances and exits.

70 to 79: Mainly Hotel Street.

Bar 21, which belongs to the lawless zone, a gathering place for pirates and nomads.

All kinds of men gathered in the bar to enjoy the rough drinks, noise, noise, endless stream.

After a long voyage, regardless of pirates or ship merchants, everyone is more or less depressed in their hearts.

Cluttered bar, obviously a great place to relax.

Drinking and dancing, fighting, everyone is indulgent.

But at the bar, it was obviously much quieter, at least not too loud music.

A few strong men with tiger backs and bears drank stuffy wine, and their faces were like frosted eggplants.

"Damn, what the hell is the Navy headquarters doing? Why did the General Yellow Ape appear near the Chambord Islands? "

"Even the yellow ape who usually can't see the shadow has been dispatched, and the other two are estimated to be..."

"Hmph, the navy definitely has a big move, even the saltiest yellow ape has been sent!"

"We are also unlucky, we actually ran into that pervert, and the captain was sent to receive the bounty."


The words of a few strong men fell into the ears of the bar lady without missing a word.

Then, this woman, who has been in the Chambord Islands for many years, has question marks written on her head.

Her name is Xia Qi, she is in her sixties, but she looks like a middle-aged woman in her thirties and forties.

There is a big move in the headquarters of the Navy?

The general Yellow Ape was dispatched?

The yellow ape actually twisted the captain of the pirate group to collect the bounty?

What is this!

Xia Qi was a little confused.

At this moment, she suddenly found that the experience she had accumulated over many years of walking in the rivers and lakes was a little insufficient.

She couldn't understand what was going on anyway.

As we all know, among the three major admirals of the navy, the yellow ape is the laziest, and he does not care about things at all on weekdays, let alone capture pirates.

And looking at the strength of these guys in front of him, the captain is not much stronger.

That's it, and the general is also worthy of personally taking action?

Xia Qi immediately suspected that several people were ghosting.

But look at the other party's frustrated expression, but it doesn't seem to be fake.

So, the yellow ape is already poor enough to catch pirates and receive bounties?

Or maybe it's just a smoke bomb dropped by the Navy, behind the scenes to make a big incident.

No wonder Xia Qi would think so.

What the most in the Chambord Islands.

Pirates, of course.

As a necessary way to the new world.

No matter which direction you come from the Great Passage, you must come to the Chambord Islands to coat.

So a large number of famous pirates have gathered here.

Could it be that the headquarters of the Navy intends to solve the pirates on the Chambord Islands in one fell swoop?

Should, it can't be!?

Xia Qi couldn't believe it.

Having spent years on the island, she knows what the Chambord Islands are all about.

The Navy, the Confederates, the world government, almost every organization on the sea that ranks high, has industry on this island.

Doing something to the Chambord Islands is equivalent to moving the cake of the big people, which is equivalent to offending the most powerful people in the world.

The headquarters of the Navy, Marshal Sengoku, simply did not have such boldness.

Xia Qi secretly shook her head.

Don't blame her for looking down on the Navy.

Who under the sky does not know that the navy is a lackey of the Draco. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the Chambord Islands, but the Draco's gold nest, how could the navy dare to move.

As for the unusual behavior of the yellow ape, it was probably a sudden nerve.

Xia Qi thought to himself, but decided to inform an old friend.

That guy's bounty is a bit ridiculously high.

Although the other party is not afraid of the yellow ape, it is also troublesome in case it is targeted by a naval admiral.


Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

The news of the yellow ape's capture of the pirates spread in the Chambordi Islands.

It is naturally impossible for the Warring States not to know.

It's just that he is just as confused as Xia Qi and doesn't understand the behavior of the yellow ape at all.

Although the salted fish in the past suddenly changed its normal and diligent, it was very wrong no matter how it looked.

Therefore, the Warring States once again convened a meeting of the top officials of the Navy.

Everyone has seen the report.

It was Karp who was the first to break the silence.

"Sengoku, are you sure that the person on the report is Borusalino?"

Karp obviously asked the crowd.

Borusalino, who can usually sit and never stand up, you tell me that he will take the initiative to capture pirates?

Tease me, what a joke!

Anyway, Karp was the first to not believe it.

But in black and white, even the first batch of pirates was already on the way to advance the city, and Karp was a little unsure.

The most important point is that Borusalino guy actually has the face to ask for a bounty?

Sakaski was a little angry.

Capturing pirates is originally the duty of the Navy, why do you even need money?

After all these years, you have neglected your duty and still received your salary, how about doing a little business now?

Caught a few little pirates and see what you could.

Sakaski's face was full of displeasure, but he didn't say much.

None of this matters now.

The focus is on the causes of Borusalino's abnormal behavior.

What caused his sudden change.

As a think tank, Tsuru quickly discovered the reason.

"Before heading to the Chambord Islands, Borusalino spent the night on an uninhabited island." He said in a deep voice, "I think he must have encountered something on the island to be so... Lack of money. "

In the last sentence, Tsuru paused slightly, because he really couldn't find a better word.

The dignified admiral, actually chasing pirates for money, is too much... Absurd.

But, this is the only explanation Tsuru can think of.

If there is no shortage of money, with Borusalino's character, when he catches the pirate in Area 69 of the Chambord Islands, he will not specifically mention the bounty.

Oh, no, with that kid's virtue, he wouldn't go to the sea specifically to run this trip.


Sengoku is silent.

With his IQ, it is impossible not to think of this.

It's just that Borusalino's behavior is so at odds with his character that he needs to listen to others.

But since Tsuru also said so, it should be infinitely close to the truth.

The Warring States still have great trust in Tsuru.


Borusalino ah~

I'll let you spy on the Whitebeard Pirates.

You only spent the night on the periphery.

Then I ran to the Chambord Islands.

What the hell are you doing?.

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