Forget the island.

A warship appeared offshore.

Karp, dressed in military uniform, stood on the deck looking across and couldn't help frowning.

"Pirate ship?"

"Lieutenant General Karp, it's the Bonnie Pirates."

The adjutant beside him hurriedly said: "It is mentioned in the report that the captain of the Bonnie Pirates, Joe Ellie Boni, is also on this island. "

"Oh, the so-called supernova."

Karp nodded slightly, and his tone was quite indifferent.

Apparently not taking supernovae that have not yet entered the new world into the eye.

"Just find a suitable place to park the boat, let's go to the island and take a look."

Karp gave the order directly.

He had no interest in supernovae.

There was no leisure to catch pirates.

He is not a pirate-hating extremist like Sakaski.

It's not enough to think about hunting down and killing as soon as you see each other.


This time he came to the nameless island, but he had an important task.

Find out why Borusalino behaves abnormally.

As for Joe Ellie Bonnie, I don't think I saw it.

Warships docked offshore.

Karp took the adjutant on a small boat to the island.

I don't know when~

There is already an extra road up the hill on the island.

Karp and the adjutant looked left and right.

The questions in my heart are a little more.

It stands to reason that ~913, such a worthless island, no one will open a way on it at all.

It didn't take long.

An attic appeared in front of the two of them, and the plaque written in the red earth continent lingua franca naturally attracted the attention of the two.

"Maple Leaf Pavilion?"

Karp was stunned.

This, it seems, is the place to eat!?

Because he had seen cooking smoke before, and now he smelled a faint fragrance.

The adjutant was also confused, thinking about it along the way, who would have thought that there was actually an extra restaurant on an uninhabited island.

Who is idle and has nothing to do and set up shop in such a desolate place?

The adjutant complained inwardly, always feeling indescribably strange.

"Go inside and take a look."

Karp did not hesitate, muttered in a low voice, and walked directly in.

Perhaps, this is the boldness of the artist.

The adjutant stopped talking, eager to remind the naval hero to be careful.

But thinking of the other party's terrifying strength, he quickly closed his mouth.

Anyway, it is right to follow Lieutenant General Karp, and there is also the other party against the sky falling.

As soon as the two entered the door, a sweet-looking little girl (badf) welcomed them with a smile.

Looking at the neat dining room and the orderly tables and chairs, Karp froze in place again.

Dare to love that this is really a place to eat!?

Is it true that Borusalino went after pirates because he lacked money, as the crane said?

If that's the case, how expensive is the food in this place?

Between the electric flint, Karp had countless thoughts, and his intuition told him that this was the truth of the matter.

But because of this, he became a little more interested in the place and wanted to try the dishes that made Borusalino change the norm.

"Little girl, what do you have to eat here?"

Karp grinned, curiosity in his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This gentleman, whatever our boss does, it is delicious."

Tashoe said of course.

Karp laughed again: "It seems that you have a lot of confidence in your boss." "

After a moment's thought, he continued, "Then let's have two roasted hummingbird rice bowls." "

Hummingbird, a common bird on the sea, has fast flight, is difficult to catch, and has smooth and juicy meat, which is a favorite ingredient for sea boys.

Roasted hummingbird rice bowl was once popular in the entire pirate world.

In the kitchen, Chu Feng naturally heard Karp ordering, nodded slightly at the other party, and began to make dishes.

Like the neon-popular donburi, grilled hummingbird donburi is very simple to make.

It's just that in terms of ingredients, you have to use a little trick to bring out the deliciousness of hummingbirds 100%.

Chu Feng began to make dishes.

Karp beckoned the adjutant to sit down, don't stick in place like a log pestle.

The main adjutant has not yet recovered from his stunned.

Because of the furnishings of the restaurant and the skillful movements of the restaurant owner, it is impossible to arouse a trace of suspicion.

It's as if this restaurant that has popped up is really just serving delicious food.

Karp didn't have as much thought as the adjutant.

Why do you care so much.

Whatever the other party's purpose is to open a restaurant here?

Anyway, come here, eat it first, in case it's delicious.

Anyway, Karp never wastes too many brain cells on things he can't figure out.


Two steaming rice bowls were laid out in front of the two.

The wonderful fragrance wrapped in the heat immediately attracted all the adjutant's attention, and there was no other way to think about other problems, and only the exquisite rice bowl was left in his eyes.

"Hiss~Boss good craftsmanship~~"

Karp is also a well-informed person, and he has eaten a lot of food in his life, but he has never encountered a dish that can make his stomach tick just by the aroma.

Couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the man in the kitchen.

Chu Feng smiled slightly in response.

Karp and his adjutant began to taste the cuisine.

The skin of the bird meat is crisp and sweet, and when you bite into it, there is an indescribable wonder.

The tender and juicy bird meat is mixed with the sweetness and sourness of tomatoes, and a slight spiciness of onions, and there is an unknown medicinal aroma.

Although Karp didn't know much about cooking, his intuition told him that it was this medicinal aroma that perfectly combined the flavors of hummingbird meat, tomatoes and onions.

Not only that, but this donburi was completely different from the hummingbird meat he had eaten before.

More fuller, tastier, more flavorful...

"Boss, your roasted hummingbird rice bowl seems to be different from what I have eaten before, besides tomatoes and onions, what else did you add?"

Karp stopped the movement of his hand and asked a little curiously.


Chu Feng replied lightly.


Karp tilted his head, a term he had never heard before.

"A kind of herb, also called the nine-story tower, gold does not change, with a very peculiar medicinal aroma, and tomatoes are very compatible, whether cooking or soup, the flavor is very unique."

Chu Feng only roughly described this medicinal material, and he didn't know if there was such a thing in the pirate world.

"Oh oh~~"

Karp nodded with a confused look, and even if he didn't understand, he couldn't admit that he didn't know much.

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