"Gee~It's really delicious~~"

Reilly only ate a bite of roasted hummingbird meat, and before he could even taste Baixian Brew, he gave a thumbs up to Chu Feng.

He already understood why Borusalino, and even Boni, who was preparing to travel to the New World, was willing to stay near the island.

Being able to eat such delicious food at any time is simply the happiest thing under the sun.

Fortunately, the Chambord Islands are not far from here, and he can pass at any time... Come here?

Reilly's thoughts suddenly paused, and he seemed to suddenly think of something.

He thundered someone out and never had the habit of bringing money, so this meal ??

Reilly suddenly realized that the meal in front of him might be his last lunch here.

He wasn't worried that he wouldn't be able to leave, and the young man who could be favored by that white-bearded "nine seven zero" must have a few brushes.

But he is still confident in his strength.

If you want to go, it's easy.

It's a pity that most of them will never eat such good food in the future.


Eating and drinking all my life, I didn't expect to miss the best thing.

Once I lost my footing, I hated it for thousands of years, and I knew that I wouldn't gamble yesterday night.

Reilly is very addicted to gambling, and the money he has found over the years has basically been lost at the card table, so that he is penniless at any time, and only the sword accompanies him.

Fiercely tore off a piece of meat from the roasted hummingbird, poured a mouthful of the so-called Baixian Brew, the mist rising Baixian Brew, like a clear spring flowing above the snowy mountains, cold and piercing, the taste is comfortable, indescribably refreshing.

"Hiss~ good wine!"

Reilly let out a long breath, slowed down a little for a few seconds, and felt the stamina come up, really fierce.

Also a wine lover, Renly has never drunk such a good wine, and he was immediately shocked.

But when he thought of his own pocket, an old face suddenly pulled his crotch down.

Again, if you refuse to pay the bill, you will never be able to eat such good food or drink such good wine in the future.

I don't know, can I get credit here?

Reilly rolled his cloudy old eyes, revealing a hint of spirituality in the haze.

The first time I came to eat, I took credit on credit, and it is estimated that no boss would agree.

So, Reilly's gaze fell on Karp, who was not far away.

"What are you looking at?"

Karp gave Reilly a strange look, then took a drink.

When he learned that in addition to ordering food, he could add an extra jug of wine, he also ordered one happily.

"That, Brother Karp..." Renly sneered.

"Stop stop, stop... What the hell do you want to do? Karp quickly waved his hand.

Hearing Renly call himself, Capton felt bad.

Even the old brother came out, it may be okay.

Also, if you call me brother by a former pirate, won't you tarnish my reputation?

Although Karp also knows that his reputation is not as good as he imagined, he does not want to take advantage of Reilly.

This product is cheap, but it is not so easy to occupy.

"Don't, Brother Karp, let's count as an old friendship for many years, don't be so angry."

Renly nibbled on the meat again, looking like the two brothers were with whom, and Karp stared.

"Say, what the hell."

"Can you borrow some money?"

"No talk!"

"Just a little, just pay for the meal."


Karp flatly refused.

Are you kidding.

A dish half a million Bailey. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He spent a million on a meal for the adjutant.

Ordered two more jugs of wine, both of which have not yet asked the price, let alone another million gone, and Renly still borrowed money from him?

Is it true that his vice admiral's salary is very high?

Karp glared at Reilly again, simply bothered to pay attention to him, and drank the wine to himself.

While pouring wine for Karp, the adjutant poured himself another glass, and without saying a word, he accompanied the lieutenant general to drink.

It's just that he really didn't expect that the legendary Hades King Rayleigh was actually like this, going out to eat without bringing money, and only borrowed from the people at the next table when he was almost finished.

In other words, if you don't meet someone you know, this guy won't be ready to settle the bill at the beginning, right?

The adjutant was silent, and he was already ready to watch the play in his heart, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with him, maybe he can take this opportunity to explore the depth of the restaurant owner.0

Before going out, the Marshal of the Warring States privately told him to carefully investigate everything on this island.

He also knows that his family will not be reliable, and he must keep an eye on everything.

However, this hundred immortal brew is really good, Lieutenant General Karp invited himself to dinner, this wine money, or pay for it himself, right?

Thinking of his pitiful salary, the adjutant felt a faint pain in his heart.

Although Karp and Renly's conversation was very quiet, it reached Chu Feng's ears without missing a word, and then gave Xiaohui a look.

Of course, this kind of thing is also the responsibility of the waiter of Maple Leaf Pavilion, and by the way, you can also take a look at Xiaohui's other abilities.

Tian Suohui understood what Chu Feng meant, and there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes, obviously the first time to do this kind of thing, his heart was a little nervous.

However, thinking of Boss Chu's kindness to him, and yesterday he also poured out his words to himself, Xiaohui felt that he didn't do something for the other party, and he was a little unspeakable.

So after clenching her fists to cheer herself up, she still walked slowly towards Reilly.

After reading the original book, she knew the identity of the old man in front of her, and she also knew how strong the other party's strength was.

But so what?

This is Maple Leaf Pavilion, it is Chu Feng's shop, there is a boss, what is she afraid of.

Thinking of Chu Feng's 4.1 dependence, Xiaohui was full of courage.

"This guest, eating the overlord meal is a very bad behavior, and will be blacklisted by our store and will not be able to step into it again for life."

Tasshoe carefully worded, that is, did not explicitly say that the guest was penniless, but pointed out the consequences of the debt.


Renly looked confused.

Blacklisting is a consequence that he can never accept.

Having already tasted the wine and food here, he can't forget the delicacy, how can it be enough to eat it once?

In contrast, beating him up is acceptable.


Karp looked at Renly's embarrassed look and couldn't help but laugh.

The famous scene of Hades Rayleigh, if only the image could be preserved.

Anyway, Karp looks very happy now.

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