Karp, of course, can't take a videography.

But it doesn't stop him from having fun.

Renly's embarrassed expression was already very satisfying to him.

After all, with the cheekiness of this guy.

It's already rare to embarrass him.

Renly was indeed a little embarrassed.

I mainly want to come a second time.

If it is blacklisted by Maple Leaf Pavilion.

In the future, he will not have access to food and wine.

Fortunately, Renly didn't know about the gift.

Otherwise now it is even more chagrin.

Of course~

The strength has reached the point of his.

Some growth is already negligible.

The process of enjoying food is the most important thing.

Especially that hundred immortal brew...

It's simply delicious.

His gaze gradually fell on the long sword on the table.

It seems that this time you can only mortgage the old guy to the boss.

Renly was a little reluctant.

This is an old guy who has been with him for decades.

"So, how much do you think this sword is worth?"

Reilly looked at Megumi Tasho 10 and pointed to his sword and said.


This problem touches on Xiaohui's blind spot.

She can only cook, and she doesn't know anything about knives.

Therefore, Tian Suohui looked at Chu Feng helpfully.

The latter walked out of the kitchen, casually picked up Renly's sword, and pretended to be serious.

Pirate World's sword for several levels.

There are 12 works of the supreme fast knife, 21 works of the big fast knife, 50 work of the good fast knife, and the lowest fast knife.

There was no systematic judgment, and Chu Feng did not know what kind of sword Rayleigh belonged to.

[Good fast knife 50 workers, worth 1.5 million Bailey! ] 】

There was a systematic voice in his mind, and Chu Feng couldn't help but be stunned.

Not because the value is too high, but because it is too low.

Hades Renly's sword.

It's actually just a good fast knife 50 jobs.

It's actually worth only 1.5 million Baileys!

This thing does not match the identity of the other party at all?

So much so that Chu Feng almost thought that the system evaluation was wrong.

But after reconfirmation.

The system still gives the same price.

All right~

The sword that Renly this guy uses.

It's really an ordinary good knife.

Referring to the early days of the original book, the owner of Rogue Town gave Solon three generations of ghosts.

Both are good knives.

It's just that Solon's one is only worth 1 million Baileys.


Renly this guy followed Roger with a novice village weapon, and really made him famous.

Chu Feng was speechless for a while.

But convert it down~

This sword and value were about the same as this meal, and he put it away without politeness.

"Boss, little boss, let's say okay first, the sword is only temporarily mortgaged here, and I will redeem it when I get the money."

It can be seen that Renly still has a lot of feelings for his sword.

I think it's also true, in the original book, this guy can even sell himself, but he has never sold his sword.

Chu Feng nodded with a calm face, when he met a guest who had no money to pay the bill, any boss would not have a good face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, given that Renly took the initiative to take the sword to settle the account.

Chu Feng decided to give him a chance.

Didn't pull him into the blacklist.

Reilly walked away amid Karp's presumptuous mockery.

Came suddenly, walked in a hurry.

Without brushing the skill from the other party, Chu Feng was not surprised at all.

After all, the armed color domineering was just brushed from Karp, and there were very few even two buttons.

After paying for the drink, Karp and his adjutant also left.

In fact, Karp still wanted to talk more with Chu Feng.

However, the adjutant was not in such a leisurely mood.

He also had to return to the ship to report to the Marshal of the Warring States.

Chu Feng did not keep it, nor did he care that Forgetful Island was known by the Warring States, and he was not afraid that the naval headquarters would find trouble for himself.

Even if the ceiling of the combat power of the pirate world is not enough for him to fight.


On board a small warship departing from the Chambord Islands.

Smogg, wearing wide sunglasses and smoking a cigar, is standing on the deck looking into the distance.

Also wearing glasses was his adjutant Dusty, a slender woman.

"Colonel Smogg, who are we targeting this time at sea?"

Dusty raised her hand to hold the frame and asked seriously.

"Who knows, just catch a few pirates and practice their hands, if you don't do it for a long time, it will rust..."

Smogg spat out a smoke ring dashingly and said nonchalantly.

Because in Rogue Town, he ignored the orders of his superiors to hunt down Luffy and his group.

Smogg was transferred to the Chambord Islands to patrol the islands.

He now has a more leisurely job than he used to manage the affairs of a town.

The personnel on this small boat are his direct subordinates.

In fact, Dusty couldn't understand whether she and Smogg were promoted or distributed?

There has been a small improvement in the rank, and the work is easier than before.

But...... No matter how you look at it, it is a little outside the main forces of the Navy.

But Smogg didn't care at all, seeing Dusty frowning, he couldn't help laughing: "Why think so much, we are the navy, and the mission is to capture pirates." "

Smogg, who is jealous like a hatred and has a righteous heart 197, is such a pure good man.


Dusty sighed and didn't say anything more.

Having followed each other since Rogue Town, she knew exactly what kind of person her boss was.

I heard that the other party caused all kinds of trouble when he was a recruit because he did not obey the orders of his superior.

The reason is not only that he is a Devil Fruit power, but also because Smog is a fierce-looking, kind-hearted, and righteous person on the outside.

Such a person is indeed very easy to be harassed and difficult to get ahead in the navy where black and white are indistinguishable.


Although Smog still has the rank of colonel, his position is only the head of the Chambord Islands naval patrol, and there are only a few dozen recruits under him.

The Chambord Islands are mixed with fish and dragons, and they are a gold nest for all forces, and there is no need for naval patrols at all.

And the Navy arranges manpower here, which is just a show.

In the past, patrols, not going to sea for a year and a half were the norm, and no one would take their duties seriously.

But Smogg was a serious and responsible man, and after spending a few days getting to know the crew, he boarded the ship and hurried out to sea, without even a major objective.

With such a chief, Dusty was also helpless.

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