Look at the word justice that appears on Smogg's big coat.

Dusty changed her thinking.

Maybe the other party went to sea to capture pirates.

It's still good from another point of view.

It was better than if he stayed in the Chambord Islands and provoked the powerful.

In case of hitting the arrogant Draco, it will not end well.

"Huh? Isn't that Vice Admiral Karp's ship? "

The large ship that suddenly appeared in view caught Dusty's attention.

Naval hero Karp, few in the entire Navy do not recognize his flag emblem.

"Lieutenant General Karp, what are you doing here?"

Smogg was also a little surprised, and a little embarrassed at the same time.

After all, some time ago, he still chased people's grandchildren.

Although he represents the righteous side, he is also in the same camp as Karp.

But Luffy, after all, is the grandson of the people.

If he could, Smogg really didn't want to meet each other.

Fortunately, Vice Admiral Karp's ship seemed to have some urgent mission, and he didn't pay attention to him, the colonel, and directly sailed away, disappearing from the sight of the two.

"It's strange, it looks like they should be returning, and they look very anxious, what happened ahead?"

Dusty muttered, but couldn't figure it out.

"Whew~Just look at it in the past~~"

Smogg spat out a smoke ring dashingly and looked straight ahead.

Anyway, they have no specific goals to go to sea, and it doesn't hurt to look in the past.

Dusty hesitated, thinking about what could make Lieutenant General Karp so anxious, it was definitely not trivial.

But she couldn't resist the curiosity in her heart, and in the end she didn't stop Smogg, although she couldn't stop it at all.


Smog and Dusty land on Forgetful Island.

They didn't know the name of the island.

I didn't see the Bonnie Pirates staying on the other side of the island.

The two were just curious that there was actually a road to the top of the mountain on this island.

The road surface is smooth and smooth, and it looks like it has just been repaired, and after a few steps, the attic at the top of the mountain comes into view.

The two walked into the attic, only to find that it was actually a restaurant.

Smogg spat out smoke rings and looked unabashedly at the furnishings, as well as the owner and waiter of the restaurant.

Handsome men and beautiful women are always eye-catching, and Dusty also paid more attention to each other's eyes.

Compared with each other, the combination of her and Smogg is simply a beauty and a beast.

Secretly glancing at Smogg, the roughness of the knife and axe was indeed not as handsome as the shop owner.

"Hello, what do you two want to eat?"

Megumi Tasho has gradually become accustomed to the role of waiter, and her attitude is natural when asked, and her smile gives people a very natural sense of intimacy.

"Whew~ What are your main dishes here?"

Smogg wondered.

At the same time, the brain began to spin.

Lieutenant General Karp, wouldn't you just go back after eating here?

Looking at the fiery sailing speed, that uncle will not be lost, right?

It has to be said that Smogg's brain circuitry is sometimes very strange.

And Dusty thought more.

A restaurant, what does it have to do with Lieutenant General Karp rushing back?

Could it be that he found some important intelligence here? Or is the owner of the restaurant special?

Is it a long-wanted criminal? Or people from the revolutionary army? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Dusty couldn't figure it out, because the faces of the two in front of her were very strange, and she had never seen any information about it.

Tian Suohui's social experience is still shallow, and he can't see the micro-expressions of the couple in front of him at all, but replied succinctly: "Both of you can order whatever you want, and our boss can do it, but I just hope that the two of them will pay first after ordering." "

In order to avoid the appearance of people like Rayleigh again, Chu Feng changed his business model slightly, paying first and then cooking.

Smog was slightly stunned, as if he had thought of something, and tentatively said: "Your food here is very expensive?" "

"500,000 meat dishes, 250,000 vegetarian dishes."

Megumi Tasho is very honest, and Maple Leaf Pavilion's philosophy is integrity-based.

Smogg was startled, and the cigar in his mouth almost fell to the ground, and after a long time, he said faintly: "It is indeed very expensive." "

After coming to the pirate world, Xiaohui also met someone who felt that Boss Chu's cooking was expensive for the first time.

Whoever came before ordered food quickly, except for Renly who had a little ink, everyone else gave money very happily.

So much so that Xiaohui has an illusion that the people here are quite rich.

Now, she finally met someone with a normal level of consumption.

"Rest assured, our cuisine in Maple Leaf Court is definitely worth the money."

Xiaohui smiled sweetly.

Whether the guests stay or not, she has to show absolute enthusiasm.

Praising your own shop and Boss Chu is also essential.

Smogg was intrigued.

It's not because of the little girl's sworn words.

Instead, Lieutenant General Karp is suspected to have just dined here.

Smog still admired and admired this naval hero who was contemporary with his teacher Zefa.

Since the other party has to come here to eat, it is estimated that the cuisine is not much worse.

Although the price (Zhao Wang Zhao) is a little more expensive, he is not unaffordable, it's a big deal to save a little next.

"Big bones, I want a big bones, Dusty, what do you want to eat?"

Smog glanced at Dusty.

Anyway, I have decided to try the cuisine here.

One serving is also a point, and it doesn't hurt to invite Dusty to eat it.

Usually, Smogg is still generous.

Dusty obviously didn't expect Smogg to entertain, and after thinking about it, she chose a dish that is more famous in the Chambord Islands.

Creamy roasted corn!

Well, a vegetarian dish, the price is slightly cheaper, you can't let the colonel spend too much.

The kind Dusty is still very considerate of Smogg sometimes.

As for why not refuse directly?

She is also curious about the cuisine here, Lu!.

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