Big bone meat and creamy roasted corn are specialties of Pirate World.

The former is slightly more complicated and requires the freshest chicken drumsticks.

When handling, the meat is cut from the bottom up to expose the bone, but the top cannot be cut.

Chop the shaved chicken into a puree, add salt, light soy sauce and mix well.

After the chicken and egg whites are pureeed, wrap the front of the chicken thigh and secure it with a toothpick.

Finally, coat the surface with honey and bake until cooked through.

I have to say that the cuisine of Pirate World is quite rough in technique.

And creamy roasted corn ...

As the name suggests, it's roasted corn brushed with a layer of cream.

Chu Feng was actually not interested in this kind of cuisine, and he was usually too lazy to even try it.

However, since the customer ordered this dish, he can only try to make it as delicious as possible.

In fact, the cream will volatilize a strange taste at high temperatures, similar to unprocessed cheese, and the smell is a little sour.

To change this characteristic, honey is 100 best choices.

In fact, using BB corn, even if nothing is added to the cream, it can make a delicious taste.

But Dasiqi only ordered vegetarian dishes, and the two of them didn't look like rich people at first glance, and Chu Feng naturally wouldn't use level 30 dream ingredients.

Start cooking.

No tedious skills.

Some just fly at average speed.

Dusty was dumbfounded.

She thought that she had good swordsmanship, but she couldn't see the other party's movements clearly.


The restaurateur is definitely a master.

With the other party's hand speed, if she changed to a sword with her, she wouldn't even know how to die.

Smogg didn't think it was a big problem.

He is a natural Devil Fruit Smoke Fruit ability.

No matter how fast the opponent's hand is, he can't get on him.

Seeing the strength displayed by Chu Feng, Smog was stable.


Gently twitched his nose twice.

The scent that permeates the air.

Directly made Smog stunned.


What a fragrance!

The smell of roasted chicken thighs was like a blessing of power, and the air suddenly exploded, spreading into his nasal cavity everywhere.

Smogg never thought that a simple fried chicken leg could smell so good.

Swallowing his saliva quickly, he became more interested in the next dish.

The dishes are served quickly.

Grilled corn with large bones and cream.

Staring at the big flesh and bones that seemed to be sparkling, Dusty's eyes lit up, and even her favorite dishes were ignored by her.


Smogg stretched out his big hand and directly pulled the plate of flesh and bone in front of him, and then stared warily at his assistant.

"Meat, mine."

Smogg glared viciously at Dusty, who was almost drooling, and warned in a serious tone.

"Well, I know, the meat is yours."

Dusty stared at the fat chicken legs for a long time, and finally sighed helplessly under pressure, silently looking at her own dish.

Cream-roasted corn is equally delicate. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The color of the golden skin is not inferior to the flesh and bones at all.

But in terms of fragrance, it is far from the same.

The faint milky aroma mixed with the smell of corn is not at all comparable to the meaty aroma that permeates the entire restaurant.

Bafj picked up the roasted corn and suddenly found that such a small corn cost 250,000 Baileys, which was simply a money grab.

Fortunately, it was Smogg's unjust head who invited him, and Dusty felt a little more comfortable in his heart, and the regret of not having meat to eat also dissipated a lot.

Nibble a row of corn.

The milky corn kernels are unusually full.

It is obviously light and light when eaten in the mouth, but it is extremely rich.

Dusty's eyes lit up.

It turns out that grilled corn can also be so delicious!?

He stared at the corn in his hand.

There were only two words left in Dusty's mind.

- What a fragrance!

Chicken thighs or something, you can eat them next time, now taste what you have in your hand first.

At this time, Smogg looked similar to Dusty.

When a pulp-like sensation appears in the mouth.

He seemed to have an illusion that his mouth was full of fatty chicken.


Not an illusion!

He is indeed nibbling on chicken drumsticks now.

Firm chicken thigh meat with soft chicken breast.

Two diametrically opposed meat qualities combine but are just right.

With the right proportions, Smogg understands what real cuisine is.

"Delicious! It's definitely the most delicious dish I've ever had! "

Smogg, who is extremely critical of everything, also sincerely praised at this moment.

"Now I finally understand why Lieutenant General Karp came here specifically to eat, the taste of this corn is indescribable..."

Dusty nodded quickly, and after saying a word, continued to bury her head in nibbling on the corn.

Chu Feng pouted, feeling that these two goods were like they had never eaten something good.

Megumi Tasho smiled sweetly, and the satisfaction of the guests is the best compliment to the chef.

Although these two dishes were not made by her.

But Boss Chu's cooking can make customers like it, and Xiaohui is also very happy.

Smog and Dusty quickly settled the food in their hands.

Neither of them had the idea of another copy.

It's not that you don't want to, it's just that the wallet doesn't allow

Both have only graduated a few years ago, have not high ranks, do not have any gray income, and have always been financially strained.

If it weren't for the curiosity about the restaurants that popped up out of nowhere, Smogg wouldn't have ordered food knowing the price was high.

But now, he feels like it's all worth it!

This trip is worth it!.

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