"The navy is finally finished, and now you can finally eat the magical cuisine that the captain said..."

"I, Jack, am not afraid of the silver-haired navy, but Captain Bonnie told us that we must not cause trouble in Maple Leaf Pavilion."

"Give me a whisper, be polite, don't disturb Boss Chu to cook, and don't scare the waiter girl..."

"Sure enough, as Captain Bonnie said, the food here is so delicious. ~"

"My strength has actually become a little stronger, it's really incredible!"

"Hambarton! What a lucky guy, the very low probability of being touched by you-......"


The backbone of the Bonnie Pirates gathered in the restaurant.

Well, it was all brought by Bonnie.

After knowing the gift of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Of course, the way to improve the strength of subordinates cannot be missed.

She is a person who has her sights set on the new world.

There is also an urgent need to improve the strength of his subordinates.

One serving of 500,000 Baileys.

Although the price is a bit expensive.

But only a handful of elite backbones.

Bonnie can hold out for the time being.


This group of guys has been fooling around at sea with themselves for so long, which one doesn't have a small vault?

Of course, Bonnie also waited for the navy to leave before she came, and now she doesn't want to conflict with the navy.

Chu Feng was busy in the kitchen, his movements were not slow or slow, anyway, it was just a few dishes.

The people of the Bonnie Pirates enjoyed a delicacy that they had never tasted before, and everyone had an intoxicated expression on their faces.

The level of cuisine in the pirate world and the world of gastronomy are not a dimension at all.

In the case of spices, their use of spices is still in its infancy.

After thousands of years of development, the use of ingredients and spices in the world of gastronomy has reached the point of meticulousness.

Coupled with Chu Feng's craftsmanship, the dishes made with ordinary ingredients were also shocked by this group of unseen pirates.

After the meal, Bonnie paid the bill very happily.

The first big business after coming to the pirate world, Chu Feng gave the other party a rare discount and erased a fraction.

"Huh? Are there any discounts for a large number of people? "

Boni's eyes lit up, as if she had caught something.

If there are many people, there will be discounts, or the next team building, and everyone will share the meal money equally?

The family is big, and the dishes in Maple Leaf Pavilion are expensive, and she can't last a few times.

Who knows, Chu Feng shook his head: "Only this once, I hope you do me a small favor." "

"What's busy?"

Bonnie narrowed her eyes, and she knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch.

However, the guy whose strength is far above himself actually asked her to help, which is definitely not a small favor.

"Don't worry, it's just a small favor, spread the reputation of the store as much as possible." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"That's it?" Boni was stunned.

If it's just this little thing, just send someone to the Chambord Islands.

Bars, nightclubs, population auctions...

The Chambord Islands have a quick way to spread the word.

If you are willing to spend money, you can also let the World Economic News Agency help report.

Bonnie certainly wouldn't choose the last one.

Morgans, the owner of the World Economic News Agency, is a bastard who asks for sky-high prices.

Taking the initiative to find it will only give him a reason for the lion to open his mouth.

Bonnie is a pirate, she has her own way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although I have never been to the Chambord Islands, there must be people who sell information on that island.

It seems that she will go to the Chambord Islands in advance, anyway, sooner or later she will have to go to the coating, originally she wanted to stay in Forgetful Island for a few more days.

But the request of the big guy in front of her, Boni did not dare to refuse.

Although Chu Feng looked kind, who knew what the consequences would be if he annoyed the other party?

So, Bonnie took on this task very happily.


The Bonnie Pirates left.

Take the task given by Chu Feng to the Chambord Islands.

It is estimated that it is unlikely that there will be guests in the next short time.

Chu Feng continued to teach Tian Suohui.

0 for flowers 0

Seven days passed in a flash.

As he expected, there were very few people during this time.

Even if occasionally someone accidentally comes to Forget Worries Island, it is deterred because of the price of food.

Borusalino did come back, but after eating the food, he didn't get any benefits.

He was also in no hurry, and after enjoying the perfect taste, he rested for a night, and then went to sea again.

Closed and closed, Chu Feng returned to the food world with Tian Suohui.

Over there, the sun was just rising the next day.

At this time, all the members of the Maple Leaf Pavilion gathered in the dining room.

Seeing the back door open, everyone rushed up to greet them.

"Chu Feng, Xiaohui, welcome back..."

Kobayashi Gentian, Akane Kubo Momo, Miyano Akemi, Alice, Thor...

Familiar faces came into view, and Tian Suohui was like a world away.

Although she was only away for a short day, she had been in the pirate world for a full seven days.

After a long period of study without sleep and food, she felt that a long time had passed.

"Thor, Alice, there's nothing wrong here, right?" Chu Feng asked.

"No problem, everything is fine!" Alice smiled sweetly.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, with us, there will be no problem."

Teruki Kume was stopped behind by several girls, and it was a little difficult to say hello.

Originally short, he could only wave his hand at this time, trying to let Chu Feng see him.


Chu Feng glanced at Jiu I Zhaoji strangely.

I always feel that the cheap little brother who automatically comes close to the body is a little difficult to make.

It's because of you that I don't feel at ease.

After a period of pleasantries, the next candidate needs to be finalized as soon as possible.

After seven days of training, Megumi Tasho has developed her own food and successfully promoted to special chef.

Now, Chu Feng needs to take another person to the pirate world.

In line with the principle of ladies first.

The candidate will produce one between Kobayashi Gentian and Akane Kubo Momo.

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