Forget the island.

Chu Feng also saw the newspaper.

That day when the red dog was killed.

In fact, he found the newspaper bird.

It's just that~

I didn't expect the Le Monde to move so fast.

I didn't expect Morgans to be so bold.

The truth about Sakaski's defeat.

The other party really dared to announce it directly.

Admiral Grande killed in seconds!

This kind of thing is announced.

Not only a serious blow to the Navy.

It will also have some impact on the prestige of world governments.


Draco has no prestige at all.

But well~

Eventual return has an impact.

Chu Feng, who was sitting in the restaurant, put down the newspaper in his hand.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned to form a distinct arc.


Big Boss Chu was in a good mood at the moment.


The reputation of the Maple Leaf Pavilion was struck.

Should be able to attract more than 10 guests!?

The method is simple and crude.

But as long as the effect is significant.

Looking at the back of Xiaolin Gentian busy in the kitchen.

Boss Chu nodded in satisfaction.

Kobayashi Gentian is no less savvy than Tasho Megumi.

As early as when she was a seven-star chef, she had already comprehended the culinary heart, and now as long as she combines the culinary heart with the gourmet cell and then comprehends the meaning of food, she can successfully advance to the special chef.


Around noon.

A tall silhouette walked into the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Quite eye-catching dress, Ji hairstyle hairstyle, dark blue eyes, with a pair of snake earrings, tall and plump body is very recognizable.

Boyahan Cook!

One Piece is recognized as the first beauty in the world and the only woman in the Nanabu Sea.

The current emperor, who rules the daughter kingdom of the Amazons, is the object of the longing of the entire female fighting nation.

Seeing the person coming, Chu Feng was slightly stunned.

Not because of Hancock's beauty.

It was just an accident that the other party was actually the first guest to visit after the Maple Leaf Pavilion became famous.

"You are Chu Feng?"

Hancock looked at the man in front of him who was about the same height as himself, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, but it didn't seem to smile, but an expression that wanted to maintain a cold personality without wanting to be too rude.

She is an arrogant and willful and extremely narcissistic person, and she looks extremely contemptuous no matter who she meets, even in the face of the admiral who recruited her to become Nanabukai.

But this time, Hancock came for cooking, to be precise, to strengthen himself.

In the face of Chu Feng, who can create magical dishes, even if Han Cook is stupid, he can't have a face.

It's just that she, who has never been unkind to men, really can't make a smile, so that the corners of her mouth look a little strange.

Chu Feng didn't care either, and after nodding slightly, he said straight to the point: "What to eat?" "

He has seen too many beautiful women in the food world, and he has extremely high immunity in this regard.

Hey? Interesting man, can he be indifferent when he sees a concubine?

Hancock was a little angry in his heart, but he didn't show it.

The purpose of her trip is not to show her beauty, but simply to become stronger. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Fight with Chu Feng, what if I can't eat food?

And with the experience of the red dog, Hancock does not want to plant here.

If she had changed to the usual times, for someone else, she would have already activated the sweet fruit and completely petrified those who were disrespectful to herself.

However, hearing Chu Feng's words, Hancock thought seriously.

According to the information I received, I can only order one dish at a time.

So, what exactly should I order?

I ate something while on the boat just now.

She's not particularly hungry right now.

After thinking for a moment~

Hancock chose dessert.

Let Xiaolin gentian greet the other party, Chu Feng's gaze did not stay on Han Cook for a long time, turned and walked into the kitchen.

Not often~

A white jade porcelain bowl containing pure yellow custard was placed in front of Hancock.

Creamy banana custard!

A simple and delicious nutritional supplement.

The rich milky aroma is mixed with another unique aroma.

It immediately attracted Hancock's attention.

It was a dish she had never seen before.

Chu Feng also didn't know if there was such a complementary food in the pirate world.

Han Cook never met anyway.

Smell the aroma that passes into the tip of your nose.

Hancock glanced at Chu Feng.

It seems that the mysterious chef mentioned in the newspaper does have some skills.

As the emperor of her daughter's country, she also ate a lot of good things.

But such a fragrant dessert, or the first 750 times.

Gently pick up a spoon and scoop up a piece and stuff it into your mouth.

Han Cook froze in place.

The fragrance is rich, tender and delicious.

The wonderful feeling froze her.

Oh, my God~

How can there be such a delicious thing in the world?

Hancock's eyes lit up.

Staring dead at the dessert in front of him.

The soft and sticky taste is simply wonderful...

At this moment, she even forgot the purpose of her trip, scooping the custard spoon by spoon and putting it in her mouth.

It's just that Hancock doesn't know that in Chu Feng's original world, the dessert of milky banana custard is for small babies.

That's right~

In the eyes of Big Boss Chu, Hancock is like a small child.

Don't look at her very big, but her personality is really no different from that of a child.

Watch the world's number one beauty gobbling up the baby's complementary food.

A smile couldn't help but appear on Chu Feng's face.

Although the other party does not know all this, when Hancock finishes eating, do you want to tell her the truth?

At this moment, Big Boss Chu's evil soul was about to move...

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